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The little girl knew that she wouldn't like it at all if she had to live in one of those cubicles called stalls.

They seemed more like prison cells than anything else to the blue-eyed virgin, and she thought it was a shame.

Tamara figured that horses should be treated at least as well as human beings in this shitty society. Maybe even better.

Tamara's father always told her that the horses didn't mind living the way they did. He said they were happy.

But Tamara wasn't so sure. All she knew was that horses just loved to be let out of the stables.

And she didn't know a single horse that seemed to look forward to returning to his tiny stall.

She could once again feel her orgasmic ecstasy being replaced by the warm contentment of her post-climax afterglow.

She wasn't all surprised to find that the come she had had while Golden Flash was licking her was a lot better than the one she had given herself during the daylight hours – even though her initial orgasm had left her panting and sighing in a pool of steamy perspiration.

Her legs felt very weak after her come was through.

Her knees felt shaky and her toes ached from the stress she had put on them while perched on the fence.

The muscles throughout her body felt like they were made of jelly, and she noticed an odd tingling in her scalp.

She hopped off the fence and realized that standing was out of the question.

Golden Flash dropped to his knees and then rolled on his side.

The little girl sat in the cool grass beneath the tree so that she could scratch the steed's neck.

As Golden Flash rolled, the little girl could not help but notice the way his huge red cock was throbbing.

She looked into the horse's large black eyes and smiled knowingly. She understood that the beast needed to come just as much as she had.

She walked on her hands and knees so she could scratch and rub herself against the soft blonde fur across his slim belly.

She allowed her caresses to come very close to his red pole, but never actually touched his phallus.

She had to admit that she was a little apprehensive about touching the steed's tender private parts.

She had a nagging feeling in the back of her head that she was about to bite off more than she could chew.

Golden Flash must have sensed the little girl's nervousness, as he rolled entirely onto his back, sticking his hind legs in the air.

Tamara crawled so that she had her face near his haunches. She could see how huge his balls were as they rested at the base of his scrotal sack.

The scrotum too was very large, and she could see that she would never be able to grip the whole thing in the palm of her hand.

Below the scrotum and above the base of his tail – while he was on his back, rested the horse's anus.

Tamara moved so that she could reach out and gently roll her fingertips over his balls. She did this very slowly and gently.

She wanted to neither frighten nor hurt the steed as she touched him.

But the horse let out a sound that told the tiny blonde she could be bolder with the massage of his genitals.

As she turned her palm upward she began to tickle at the base of the sack with the tips of her long unpolished fingernails, which made the horse's huge cock grow even thicker and longer.

She lowered her head, using her free hand to pull her blonde hair out of her face, pushing it back over her smooth tanned shoulders and her shell-like ears.

She began to kiss lightly at the insides of Golden Flash's hind legs, just as she knew his mate would if she were a mare. The horse loved it.

She kissed her way slowly downward toward both the steed's asshole and his balls, thrilled at the way he was getting into it.

Golden Flash had his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

His chest was heaving up and down. He panted as she had.

The little girl parted her lips and made the tip of her tongue pointy as she gave the animal a rim job.

She loved the smell and the taste of the horse's anus, and could feel her own cunt start to ache once again.

She licked at the horse's asshole with the flat part of her tongue until all of the flavor was gone.

She made her tongue stiff and pointy at the tip so she could actually stick it up the bung hole a bit.

She could feel the ring of muscle at Golden Flash's rectum squeezing at her tongue as she pushed into his bowels.

Tamara of course had no idea whether or not the horse would enjoy being rimmed by her hot tongue.

She really didn't know that much about sex after all, and she knew even less about having sex with animals.

But the little blonde had decided that she would treat the horse's private parts just as she would want her own treated.

Tamara figured that as long as she stayed with the golden rule when it came to her sexual behavior, she wouldn't do anything too improper.

The pretty virgin worked her tongue in and out of the relaxed asshole for a while before pulling it out so she could lick his balls.

She opened her fingers as far as she could and tried to clasp the entire scrotal sack in her right palm.

But she couldn't do it. No matter how large she tried to make her hand some of the sack still spilled over the sides.

She pulled her hand away and began to lick lightly at his balls, using a flicking motion with just the tip of her tongue.


Tamara moved onto her belly, propping her upper body up with her elbows so that her nipples grazed the ground.

The horse's long yellow tail was flat on the floor of the forest, at that moment between Tamara's tits.

She could feel the soft fur of Golden Flash's tail rubbing against her cleavage, making her feel womanly.

She had the palms of her hands flat on the horse's loins, rubbing his lower belly on either side of his cock shaft.

Every time she looked at the horse's humongous dong she wondered if it would fit inside her tight pussy.

She felt fear and desire together, and she was starting to think that she would have to content herself with having oral sex with the steed for the time being. She could tell that she was still too scared to let the horse fuck her – that is if the horse decided to give her a choice in the matter.

She knew that animals acted just like animals when they were horny.

She knew that there was no such thing as consenting adults in the wild.

When the male wanted to get laid, he just went out and found hot pussy.

Golden Flash had never been denied by a mare before. He would not understand the little girl's rejection if it came to that.

Tamara found herself hoping that the come she would give him with her hands and her mouth would appease him – at least for the time being.

She knew that she had a lot of soul-searching to do before she could allow the twelve inch pole to be rammed through her cherry.

She could be seriously hurt, and she did not want to be found bleeding to death from the wound that prick might open deep inside her cunt past the mouth of her womb!

Tamara switched to the flat part of her tongue and licked at the horse's scrotum until the whole sack was wet and shiny in the moonlight from the hot spittle she spilled.

There was something about the taste of the horse that made her taste buds tingle with sexual arousal.

Golden Flash's flavor made the tiny blonde virgin's salivary gland go berserk so that her mouth seemed always to be filled with fluid.

Instead of swallowing more frequently to compensate for the excess spit, she allowed it to drool over her protruding lower lip onto Golden Flash's balls.

She knew that she could wait no longer to touch the horse's prick. The steed needed to be stroked.

She touched the very tip of his cock, which was resting far up on his belly, a foot from the base.

There was a fur sheath at the base of the horse's prick that had been stretched open by his erection.

Tamara could sense the horse's muscles tensing, and Golden Flash began to move his hips up and down.