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Melinda had no trouble figuring out what her baby sister wanted, and she couldn't have been happier about that.

Melinda could tell that her sister had the same anal cravings she had known in herself for years.

Of course, for Marlene, this was all brand new. She wasn't even thinking about boys, or getting fucked in the ass. All the virgin was thinking about was what a wonderful lover her sister was, arid how she hoped they could continue their new incestuous relationship long after this night was through.

Melinda placed the tip of her tongue at the top of the crack of her ass, which was down near the bedspread, and drew her tongue upward until she could feel the hot mucous membrane at Marlene's spasming sphincter.

The black haired girl traced a wet circle in spit around the puckered muscle and then licked across the hole with the flat part of her tongue.

Marlene's cunt juices had soaked the crack of her ass, which Melinda thought only enhanced the anal flavor.

The older sister could tell that she was going to love eating pussy almost as much as she loved sucking cock.

Naturally Melinda wasn't about to give up boys just because she had discovered a physical rapport with Marlene. She wanted to broaden her sexual scope, not narrow down to being exclusively incestuous and lesbian.

Marlene's thought on her new relationship with Melinda was grossly different from her older sister's.

Marlene was starting to think that men were not necessary.

If she could get all of the sexual joy she could handle from Melinda's fingers and tongue, then she figured she wouldn't ever have to fuck a guy — a thought which filled the virgin with a sigh of relief.

Marlene wondered if she had been meant to be a lesbian all along — and just never knew about it before.

She knew that this was hardly the time or place to be plotting out her life's sexual career, but she kept the thought in the back of her head, telling herself that she would have to ponder the matter some other time.

She didn't want any heavy thoughts in the front of her mind that might interfere with the intensity of her incestuous physical pleasure.

Melinda made her tongue and stiff, and concentrated on keeping it pointy at the tip as she licked.

"Stick it inside!" Marlene said, in a voice that was a little too loud as far as Melinda was concerned.

"Shhhhh!" Melinda said. "You are going to get us both screwed if you don't hush yourself. You don't have to say anything. I know what to do!"

Marlene sealed her lips and clenched her back teeth together firmly as Melinda began to force the tip of her tongue inside the diminutive virgin's tight pink asshole.

Melinda was thrilled as she felt the sphincter squeeze at her tongue as she pushed inside as deep as she could.

"I need to come," Marlene whispered. "I swear I'm right at the edge. You won't have to eat me for long, I promise."

Melinda smiled at Marlene's naive apologetic tone.

She realized that her little sister didn't know that she wanted to eat her pussy just as much as Marlene wanted it eaten.

Melinda pulled her tongue out of the thoroughly cleansed asshole and drew her tongue tip the single inch upward necessary to lick at the base of Marlene's engorged, dribbling pussy slash.

The black haired girl could feel her taste buds tingling.

She loved the flavor.

It was just as good as man come.

She wanted to quaff deeply from the virgin honey pot.

She wanted to suck that cunt dry with her pouting lips.

She wanted to make the little virgin's insides explode!

Melinda prayed that Marlene wouldn't scream. Melinda wondered if she would be able to stay silent if Marlene's tongue was on her clit!

Marlene was starting to wonder how intense the pleasure in her pussy could get before her ultimate climax was inevitable.

The pressure the virgin felt in her loins was already far greater than anything she had felt while jacking off.

She could feel tears welling in her eyes as her older sister moved her fingertips to her outer labia.

Melinda was careful not to scratch at Marlene's delicate tissues with her fingernails, not wanting to cause Marlene the least bit of pain.

Melinda had no idea how skitterish her little sister would be, and was determined to do nothing that might break the fragile mood.

She pulled the outer cunt lips apart very slowly, listening to Marlene's gasps getting louder and louder.

Melinda knew that there was little Marlene could do about the noise she was making .in her passion.

After all, the little girl did have to breathe.

Melinda figured that she had better make Marlene come quickly — before the little girl began to wail at the top of her lungs.

Marlene licked quickly up and down the insides of the outer lips and the outsides of the inner lips.

She flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth across the outer edges of the inner lips, and then worked her tongue between the smaller labia so she could get her tongue inside the hole — forgetting for a moment that her baby sister's maidenhead was quite intact and the passageway to her womb was blocked.

Melinda felt the cherry on her tongue as she went for complete penetration, and quickly pulled out of the hole, almost startled by her discovery.

She got right down to business to finish Marlene.

Melinda pulled the clit's foreskin upward. She then began to lick ever-so-lightly at the love button, using the butterfly flick she had normally reserved for the underside of a guy's prick.

She gradually increased the pressure she used.

She would have increased the speed also except she was already flicking as fast as she could.

It was indeed unfortunate for the sisters that at that moment Bernard woke up with a full bladder.

He turned to his side and saw Michele's butt, which had been pressed up against his loins as they slept - like spoons.

She was breathing evenly and did not stir as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and threw on his bathrobe.

He walked into the hall and padded barefoot o the bathroom.

The man thought he heard a funny noise coming out of the girls' room.

He shrugged and did not investigate. It was not uncommon for the girls to stay up late talking with one another.

As long as they didn't make enough noise to disturb him the man didn't give a shit if they ever slept.

He closed the bathroom door so quietly that neither Marlene nor Melinda heard him. Melinda wouldn't have been able to hear anyway because her sister was gripping tightly at her shell-like ears with the insides of her slim light thighs.

Marlene was so caught up in the massive explosions that were starting in her cunt that a hurricane could have blown through the room and she would have only been vaguely aware of it.

Bernard drained his leak into the toilet and didn't bother to flush as he left, leaving the water yellow and filled with bubbles.

Just as he opened the bathroom door, directly across the hall from Marlene and Melinda's bedroom Marlene could feel the savage pleasure of her orgasm tearing into her already reeling brain.

"OH!" she said loudly, limiting what could have been a long scream to a single outburst of physical pleasure.

Bernard could feel his face turning red with anger.

He recognized the wanton tone in that feminine voice.

He could tell the sound of a girl coming when he heard it.

After all, the sadistic man had heard it often enough.

He was really steamed because he thought one of the girls — probably Melinda — had a guy in the house.

Without his knowledge.

Strictly against the rules.