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He was talking into a dead phone but Paulette was listening now with both ears. When Nathan turned to her, he screwed up his face. "Empress, he called, to her. "This is terrible. I can't let the club down. You heard. He owes me for last week, and if I don't play tonight, he won't pay me a cent. Gee, honey, I'm sorry.." he said. She was watching him.

"It's the only way, honey. I got to show up," he added.

"Is it the responsibility or the money that worries you?"

"Honey, it's both. But the pinch is worse on me because Buck can get by without me for one night, but I can't get by without the money."

She walked to the couch and picked up her purse. "How much does this club owner owe you, my dear?" she asked.

It was working. He thought quick. "Twenty bucks a night… five nights a week and twenty for last night."

She opened her purse and took out a roll of bills and handed them to him. "Please count out $120 for your services and consider that you are paid," she paid.

It was his turn to be petrified. He knew he looked stupid with the roll in his hand, but he did as he was told. The roll must have come to at least $800. He handed her the balance of it.

"Paulette, I don't know what to say." He didn't really. This was far better than the eighty he was hoping for and the dinner was yet to come.

"Please don't talk about it any more then," she said. "It's just as well. Perhaps I have something that may interest you. I need a driver while I'm here in L.A."

So this was the angle. Nathan Warner didn't hesitate. He took hold of her hands. "I'm the man, sweetheart," he said. "I'll be your slave, Empress."

"But first, I must see if you're a good driver or


She looked at him curiously. He knew what she was getting at. He felt suddenly like a lamb going to slaughter. He'd have to figure her out later.

"Didn't I pass last night?" he asked.

"One cannot judge with only one test," she replied.

"Well then, when do we start?" he asked.'

She got on the phone again and asked for her car to be brought around front. She didn't wear a coat over her Japanese kimono but she did pull a velvet black shawl around her shoulders. They went down the elevator and out through the lobby. Jackie Kennedy couldn't have gotten. more attention. It embarrassed Nathan, but the widow was oblivious to the stares she received.

Out front, Nathan figured she had something rented like a Rambler or Ford. Not so. A big black Caddy was sitting there as big and formidable as a Roman chariot and looked as much to Nathan.

They got in, with proper doorman assistance. The desk clerk came running out with the papers for the car…all smiles for her, and looking down his nose at Nathan. The kimono, the Cadillac, the clerk, the stares; all irritated the hell out of Nathan. He cursed under his breath. "Fuckin' nut!"

Paulette reached over and turned the key for him. It was one of the little hidden things in the maze of dashboard decor. They got out into the street in one piece. He could feel Paulette laughing at him under her silence.

"You've used a Cadillac before, I see," he said sourly.

"Of course. My husband and I used a new one each year."

"Empress, I don't mean to be personal, but when did your husband die?"

"Of course not," she said, serious enough. "Two months ago."

"I'll be damned!"

"What you mean, Nathan dear, is that you're surprised that I went with you so quickly."

"If truth you want, truth you'll get. Yes."

"Do you want to know my story now or later?" "Split it, sweetheart."

"I don't understand."

"Tell me half now and half later."

She laughed and inched closer. "My husband died of a heart attack. Quite suddenly. He was in London. I went there for his body. I sent his body home to Houston, and traveled to the Orient. I'd just flown in when we met. I didn't go to his funeral. He would have wanted it like that."

"Sweetheart, since we're truthful, I'll ask something else. Did you love your husband?"

"Love? I respected him deeply, and isn't respect as valuable as love?"

"Relative, little girl, relative, in my opinion."

"He loved me deeply and that was more important."

"Do you have anything to do with. Ranchland Oil now?"

"I own Ranchland Oil. My husband left the

company to me. He was very independent and very successful. We owned all the stock." She laughed. She knew from his expression that it puzzled him.

She went on: "My husband was a very good businessman. He surrounded himself with good men. It, would not be good for me to actively participate in the owning of the business, so I take long vacations and live any place I choose.'?

Nathan found himself wondering suddenly what kind of man her husband had been.. He wanted to ask more, but he didn't.

"Do you have any children?" he asked.

He saw a cloud pass over her face, an tried a guessing game. She had children! She did not reply right away.

"Perhaps that's the half that I'll tell you about some other time." "Good girl." he said. "Well, boss lady, you re the financier, so where do you want this driver to drive?" He tried to brighten things.

"Little Tokyo," she said. "I have a reservation at the New Ginza!"

'They had a terrific time, bantering and joking through dinner, then wandering down Hollywood Boulevard before heading back to the hotel.

He was still happy though, and once inside the hotel room he asked Paulette for another drink. She ordered a bottle of Scotch and had it sent up while. he was in the bathroom before he had a chance to tell her that Scotch left him hung over like Herod the day after. He really drank only bourbon.

She mixed him a Scotch and soda, and fixed one for herself; then she disappeared into the bedroom half of the suite and started changing her kimono. He could hear her humming little snatches of tunes to herself. He reined on the sofa, kicked off his shoes, then remembered to stand up and get his coat and tie off.

Finally she came out in a little blue and white cotton thing shaped like a wrap-around beach towel. It had the same effect on Nathan because she didn't have anything else on. He knew because he reached around and found out. She pulled his hand back out from underneath the fold-over.

"Nathan is a naughty boy!"

"Then mix me another one, boss lady, please, ma'am!"

She leaned over and kissed him instead. It was then he noticed the little wrinkles again.

"Phew, Empress!" he said. "You're really something. Go on, mix that drink. Otherwise I'll lose steam at the top of the hill!"

She laughed. She was right, this old girl. She fixed his drink and nibbled at his ear while he sipped it.

"I like you, Nathan," she said.

He pulled her to him and felt her tits beneath the cotton smock. She kicked off her slippers and curled up in his arms and let him play with her. As different as she was from Nancy, there was something about her that excited him. She undid his belt and his hard prick sprang out. By now, he

wasn't thinking about much else.

And that that's where things started fading for Nathan. The saki, dinner, and now the Scotch all added up. Re remembered reaching for her and pulling tier down onto the deep pile carpet. He pulled the belt off her dressing towel and opened it. That small, creamy body, even if it was rough-hauled, turned him on in a big way. He kissed her tits and bit hard on one.

"Ouch! Nathan, please!"