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My chest heaved against him and I stared up into his eyes, almost mesmerized by their intensity, their glowing desire.  Every breath I took, his scent filled my world.  Expensive cologne, money, and a faint undertone of masculine musk blended with the smell of some cinnamon on the shelf next to us.  It was a heady mixture.

I felt a pang of fear when his hand on my hip curled around to cup my rear end though my skirt.  Flirt with him, my boss said, but this was quickly going beyond that, if it hadn’t already.

“You are sexy as fuck, Kendall,” he said, giving my ass a hard squeeze.

His intensity was almost enough to wash away a lifetime of self-consciousness, a lifetime of sexual invisibility, but how was I supposed to respond to that?

All my life, I’d dreamed of being wooed with flowers, maybe a nice poem and a compliment about my eyes.  This was nothing like that, this was raw lust, it was hot like standing in front of a furnace and I was completely out of my element.

“Uh… thanks?”

My uncertainty was blatant in my voice, and I hated the inexperience that put it there.  My sisters would know what to do in this situation, and my friends would too.

Jace bent down to kiss me again, and I had no choice but to let him take the lead.  My jaw worked in time with his, my head tilted and moved in rhythm with him.  I felt the tip of his tongue touch mine and moaned softly in the midst of the kiss, surprised at the gentle touch in the middle of that wanton passion.

It was like a drug, feeling all that attention focused on me from a man like Jace.  I was supposed to be here getting the kind of interview that would make or break my career, but the mysterious multi-millionaire seemed to have a one-track mind, and he was intent on taking me along for the ride.  Where was that professionalism I’d been so worried about earlier?

His hand left my ass, sliding around to my side again and heading up towards the small swell of my breast.  This was going so fast, an edge of panic made my heart beat even faster, and I put my hand on his wrist, holding his arm down before he could make it all the way.

He didn’t even pause, he grabbed my wrist and pushed it down, down, down, and I realized only a fraction of a second before it happened what he was doing.  Before I could react, he held my hand against a huge bulge at the front of his pants.

I broke the kiss and looked down with a quiet yelp of surprise.  I couldn’t see anything, our bodies were still pressed too close, but I was jolted by another spark of that electric excitement between my legs, stronger than any of the others.

I’d never seen what was under my hand in real life, let alone felt one.  I supposed I still hadn’t seen one, but the very shape of it, the hardness, spoke to my body without words, and my body spoke back.

This is IT! This is what you’ve been missing your whole life!

I could feel my hand shaking, trapped between Jace’s palm and his manhood as he held me there, moving my arm up and down almost imperceptibly to stroke his hard shaft through his pants, using me for his own needs.  An ancient, animalistic, part of my brain was screaming with desire, shouting down my inhibitions and better judgements.

Let him do what he wants, it said.

The tall, dark, and tattooed man let go of my wrist.  As I looked back up at him I saw the corner of his mouth raise in a self-assured smile as I left my hand on that hard bulge of his, and even kept on stroking it a little.

“Good girl,” he whispered.

He was so close to me, every breath he took puffed out warmly on my face, as mine did to him, and he resumed that upward exploration across my stomach, heading towards my breasts.

As he got closer and closer, my brows knitted in apprehension.  Would he be disappointed if, when he touched them, he found that, yes, they really were as small as they looked?

I felt his fingertips tracing the underside of my left breast, and then his palm was over the entire thing, giving it a squeeze almost as hard as when he had grabbed my ass.  I watched his face for signs of being let down, but he didn’t seem to be.

When he let out a deep sigh of appreciation, I could have almost cried with relief.  I pushed my chest against his hand as he continued to squeeze me, and my nipples were so hard they almost hurt every time he did it.

What was this feeling? Was this what it was like to feel… sexy? Wanted? Desired? I could have swam in this euphoria forever.

His other hand moved from behind my head and without warning, he ripped my shirt apart, sending buttons flying in every direction.

“Hey…” I protested, weakly.

With a snap of his fingers behind my back, like a magician’s trick, I felt my strapless bra go loose and the cool air on my skin where it had hugged so tightly.  He pulled away for a second, letting it drop to the floor, exposing my breasts to him for the first time.  To anyone for the first time.

“Oh fuck yeah…” he breathed, dispelling my next wave of insecurity before it could even crest.

Leaning down even lower, he took one of my pink tips into his mouth and sucked it in, flicking his tongue across it and making me squeal quietly.  I ran the fingers of my spare hand through the hair on the back of his head, cradling him against me and pushing myself against him as hard as I could.

Every flick of his tongue, of which there were countless, sent a spark of pleasure into my body and elicited a similar sensation from between my legs, both seeming to feed a ball of ecstasy that was growing in my belly.  When he moved his head back, pulling my nipple a little before it popped out of his mouth, I offered the other, eager to repeat the experience.

His stubble was rough against the soft skin of my breast, contrasting with the wetness of his tongue in a way I could never have anticipated.  As he sent surge after surge of intoxicating pleasure into me, my other nipple, hard and wet, cooled in the air.

Over the years, without anybody else to do it for me, I’d… taken things into my own hands before, to say the least.  Nothing that I’d done alone in my room in the dark could compare to what I felt growing inside me at this moment.

Without having even been touched between the legs, Jace was making me more excited than a million lonely fantasies ever had.  The only thing holding me back from climaxing was the thought of how embarrassing it might be.

If I did that, he would know I’d never been with anybody.  He would know I wasn’t a sexual conquest to be prized.  That was what guys liked, wasn’t it? The girls everybody wanted?

Almost as if he read my mind, Jace stopped sucking my nipple and stood almost to his full height again, drawing me upwards in another deep kiss as my bare nipples rubbed against the front of his shirt.

I felt his hands moving between us as he unbuttoned that shirt and shrugged it off while our lips were locked together, and then my hard nipples were pressed against his bare skin.  Tentatively, I let my hands roam all over his torso, feeling the power in those rock hard muscles.

When our lips parted, I let myself look at that body.  Up close and personal, I could clearly see those same tattoos I’d spotted during my afternoon of research on the internet and those muscles that looked like he’d been sculpted from stone.  I could also see various scars that hadn’t shown up in the long-distance photos.  He had more than I could imagine any other businessman having.

I looked up and felt a flush rising on my cheeks when I saw he was watching me explore him.  It was like he knew he had me hook, line and sinker.

Jace lowered his lips to my neck and sucked hard enough that I imagined there was no escaping a love bite I’d have to explain at work the next day.  Work! This could cost me my internship! Oh my gosh, this whole night was dangerous… but he was so damn hot!