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“The Craddock brothers don’t seem too friendly.” The men kept to themselves, but Sam had found their wife, Roxanne, much friendlier.

“They have not had an easy life. Suffice to say their elder brothers were not good men. They are not like their brothers, but many have a hard time accepting that. Roxanne’s life was not an easy one before she arrived here.”

Sam had heard bits and pieces about Roxanne running from an abusive ex-husband. But she seemed happy enough with her two men and her one-year-old baby boy.

Darian strode over to stand beside them. He leaned down and kissed Sam and she eagerly returned the caress. “What are you two talking about? You both look so serious.”

“Sam wanted to know more about our guests.”

“What about Audrey?” she asked. “Your mother told me that she’s only been here a year.”

“Audrey appeared in the middle of a storm and almost died before Heroc and Abrah found her.” Jace’s arms tightened around her. “In fact it was Carn that found her.”

Sam had seen Carn and wasn’t quite sure the creature was really a dog. The enormous wolfhound was always alert and always by Audrey’s side.

“We have something for you.” Darian’s eyes twinkled with delight.

“What? I don’t need presents.” She knew the fact that they weren’t as well off as some of their friends and neighbors rankled her men’s pride. But according to Edwina, Hunter Keep had been on the verge of total collapse when her sons had taken over. In a few short years they were well on their way to being prosperous once again.

Sam knew the feeling well and understood Jace and Darian. And she was determined to help them rebuild Hunter Keep into the vision they had. It would be something to pass on to their children.

She placed a hand on her stomach and swallowed hard. Kids. She’d almost given up hope of ever having any, but that dream was now a reality. She’d missed her period since she’d been here. Maybe it was the excitement of planning a wedding. Maybe not. Her breasts were tender and, though she couldn’t really explain it, she felt pregnant. She hoped to have good news to share with her men soon.

“What troubles you, Sam?” Jace tilted her head back until she was looking up at him.

“I don’t need presents.” The concern in his face eased.

“I know you do not, but you will like this one.”

“It’s not just for you,” Darian piped up. “It’s really for all of us.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Not what, but who.” After making his pronouncement, Darian disappeared through a doorway and reappeared moments later with a rather large puppy.

“Oh, he’s adorable.” Sam immediately reached for him. She missed Arrow, but knew Tim would take care of the irascible cat.

The puppy wiggled and threw his paws around her shoulders, licking her face until she laughed. His head and paws were huge and she knew he would be an enormous animal. His gray coloring looked very familiar.

Sam stared over at Carn who was watching her intently. “He’s going to be the size of a small horse, isn’t he?”

Darian laughed. “The Dannon brothers rarely part with any of their pups, but they made an exception this time when we told them we wanted it as a wedding gift for you. When he’s grown, we hope the pup with sire offspring with our strongest dogs so we can build our own line of hunting and guard dogs.”

“But mostly, he is your companion, your protector.” Jace rubbed the dog’s head and the pup whined in ecstasy.

“Thank you.” Tears pricked her eyes as emotion filled her. Only two months ago she was alone on her farm with little hope and not much of a future. Today she’d officially married to Jace—unofficially to both men—and the future looked bright.

“No, it is we who thank you.” Jace kissed her, claiming her mouth. Heat and love surrounded her and she accidentally squeezed the pup too tight. They broke apart when the pup gave a little whine.

“I’m sorry, puppy,” she crooned. The dog immediately forgave her and started licking her chin again.

“What will you call him?” Darian asked.

Sam thought about it for a moment. “Texas, Tex for short.” It was a reminder of her old home blended with her new one.

Darian plucked Tex from her arms. Before she could object, Jace scooped her into his arms. All eyes in the room turned toward them. “Thank you all for coming to Hunter Keep to join in our happiness. Enjoy the feast and the music. It is time for us to retire. Sam is tired from the festivities.”

The women laughed at Jace’s obvious lie, while the men called out encouragement and bedroom advice. Sam buried her face against Jace’s chest and groaned. “I’ll never live down the humiliation.”

He laughed, the vibration flowing into her body. “You’ll survive, Sam. You’re strong.”

She sensed the seriousness underlying his words and raised her head as they left the great hall behind and started up the stairs. “I’ll do more than simply survive now that I have you two.”

Darian had handed off the pup to his mother on his way out of the hall and followed them up the stairs. They’d agreed to all spend their wedding night together. And most nights in the future if she had anything to say about it.

Darian opened the door to Jace’s room and Jace carried her over the threshold. Darian stepped in behind them and closed the door with a heavy thunk.

Sam had a sense of the door to her past closing behind her. But the future ahead of her was a bright one and she was ready to face any challenge as long as her two men were beside her.

“I love you, Jace. I love you, Darian.” She wanted them to know how much they meant to her.

“You are my heart.” Jace set her on her feet and began to unlace her dress.

“You are my home.” Darian helped his brother remove her clothing.

Sam smiled at them, knowing this would be a night to remember.