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And he had in his own way. She would be content with that. Actions spoke louder than words and Jake was indeed a man of action. He leaned over and she went tumbling forward, her back hitting the mattress. She bounced once before settling.

Jake ripped his sweater over his head, tossing it aside. Thick muscles bunched and rippled across his chest and arms. She wanted to touch him.

Sapphire came up on her knees and scooted to the end of the bed. She splayed her hands over his muscular torso, kneading it, stroking it. His breathing grew harsh and he placed his hands over hers, stopping her from teasing his nipples with her thumbs.

He took a step back, but tugged her with him. “Come.”

She scrambled off the bed to stand in front of him. He brushed back a few stray locks of her hair from her face before reaching behind and undoing the clip that was holding the bulk of it back. He tossed the clip onto her nightstand and threaded his fingers through the thick mass.

“I love your hair.” He fisted it in his hands and gently tugged her closer. “It’s so wild and alive, just like you.” He kissed her. Not a gentle kiss, but one of claiming, of ownership. He took her mouth and she opened to him, giving him whatever he needed. His mouth tasted of spices and wine from dinner. It was hot and masculine and wholly consuming. She rested her hands on his bare flesh, feeling the heavy thud of his heart against her palm and the rise and fall of his chest as his breathing grew more ragged.

She wasn’t in any better shape. Her lungs were starved for air by the time he released her. Her entire body was quivering with need, the surface of her skin tingling and alive.

Jake slid his hands over her throat, across her collarbone to the top button of her blouse. Slowly, he undid it, then the next button and the next, until the waistband of her skirt stopped him from releasing the last two. He tugged on her blouse, pulling it away from her skirt. He made quick work of the final closures and shoved the garment down her arms. It fluttered to the floor behind her.

“Beautiful,” he murmured. He cupped her heavy mounds of her breasts through the silky fabric of her bra, his thumb circling her engorged nipple. “Perfect.” He bent down, captured the nub and sucked hard. Sapphire cried out as she felt the tug of his mouth all the way to her womb. Heat flooded her pussy, followed by a rush of liquid arousal.

Jake found the closure in the back and released the hooks. He pulled the straps down her arms and the bra joined the other discarded pieces of clothing.

“Take off your skirt.” He bent down and yanked off his socks, leaving him clad in only his jeans. He opened the snap, but didn’t make any further move to remove them. His cock was hard, tenting the front of his jeans.

Sapphire reached behind and pulled down the zipper. The rasping sound was unusually loud, adding to the growing tension. She gave a shimmy and the material flowed over her hips, pooling at her feet. Her bikini panties were the only thing left covering her and there was barely enough material to cover her mound.

His eyes followed every curve of her body, from her breasts to her waist and hips, down her legs to her bare feet.

“Finish it.” His voice was rough and deep. Every muscle of his torso was sharply delineated and a fine sheen of sweat covered it.

Sapphire hooked her thumbs in the band and shoved them down, stepping out of them and kicking them away. “I want to see you.” It wasn’t fair that she was naked and he wasn’t.

One corner of his mouth kicked up. “Want to see me, do you?”

“Yes.” She eyed the tight fit of his jeans and licked her lips. “I definitely want to see you.”

He gave a bark of laughter and unzipped his jeans. “Never let it be said I disappointed a lady.” He shoved his pants down and kicked them away. He’d forgone underwear again tonight, so he was gloriously naked, his cock jutting toward her.

She reached out her hand but he shook his head. She lowered it, feeling slightly frustrated. “That’s not fair,” she pouted.

“You won’t be disappointed,” he promised. “Turn around, put your hands on the bed and lean forward.”

Sapphire faced the bed, glancing over her shoulder to give him what she hoped was a sexy look before putting both palms flat on the mattress. She felt him behind her, large and radiating heat and sexual energy.

His foot tapped the inside of hers. “Spread your legs wider.”

The position left her vulnerable and open. She didn’t hesitate. Her breasts ached to be touched and her pussy was practically begging him to fuck her it was so wet and ready.

Strong hands stroked down her back and cupped her ass. She’d done some reading online and knew that some dominants liked to spank women, but he never had. It was like he’d said. He liked control, but he wouldn’t ever do anything that might hurt her in the remotest way. Instead of feeling controlled, she felt cherished and protected.

His fingers kneaded her behind. “I love your ass. It’s so full and firm.” Lips grazed the mounds, followed by the scrape of teeth. Goose bumps raced down her legs and she gasped.

Jake stroked down her thighs to her knees before gliding upward. She sucked in a breath, silently pleading with him to touch her pussy. He didn’t disappoint.

A thick finger pushed into her slick channel. “You’re already hot and wet.” She didn’t answer and there really wasn’t anything to say. She was always horny around Jake. It would have been embarrassing except for the fact he was always aroused around her too. The feeling was obviously mutual.

He pulled his finger out and her inner muscles clamped around it, trying to keep it inside her, but he wouldn’t be stopped. She heard a sucking sound that was quickly followed by a hum of pleasure. “You taste sweet and spicy at the same time.” Her face flamed when she realized he’d tasted her arousal. “What should I do with you?”

She had plenty of suggestions, but kept them to herself for now, sensing Jake was enjoying prolonging the moment and building the tension for both of them. She went up on her toes and swung her ass from side to side to entice him.

Jake swore, his hands gripped her hips and she felt his hot breath on the slick folds of her pussy. He was on his knees behind her, looking at her. There was no hiding how much she wanted him and she didn’t want to. She glanced to the left and looked at her ring and the bracelet, both symbols of her love for him. There was no greater aphrodisiac in the world than love.

She wanted to give him whatever he needed. Not that it was all altruistic on her part. Oh no. She knew Jake would more than see to her satisfaction, and several times, before the night was done.

His tongue stroked over her sensitive folds, wringing a cry of pleasure from deep within her. “That’s it,” he crooned. “Give me everything.”

Jake was diabolical in his efforts to push her over the edge. His tongue circled her clit, teasing it from its hood before sucking on the sensitive nub. She fisted her hands in the comforter even as she rocked her hips back, silently begging him not to stop.

One finger filled her, then two, stretching her wide, preparing her for his penetration. He fucked her with his fingers, curling them on each retreat, finding the spot that drove her wild.

Her hips bucked as he used tongue and mouth and fingers on her. Her hair tumbled over her face and shoulders. She buried her face in the comforter and cried out. Her orgasm crashed over her, sweeping her away in a wave of pleasure. Jake’s strong fingers continued to plunge in and out until she all but collapsed on the bed.

Jake stood and wrapped his hands around her waist, keeping her upright. He positioned himself behind her, fitted the head of his cock against her opening and pushed, filling her completely.

“Too much,” she gasped. Aftershocks from her orgasm still shook her and her pussy spasmed around his cock, clutching at his hard length.