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"I'm… well… I'm too old to play tennis, Terry," she said with a half-smile. "I'm afraid I couldn't keep up with you."

"Old?!" Terry laughed. "Old?! You?! You gotta be kiddin'!"

"Then you don't think I'm an old lady?"

"God no! An old lady, my ass!" Terry blurted.

"Oh… well… I suppose I've been holding together fairly well for a thirty-six-year-old mother," she giggled.

"I guess you are holdin' together pretty well! You're beautiful!" Terry said, his eyes glittering strangely.

Terry saw the playful smile on his mother's lovely face, but there was something about her expression that made him wonder if she might really doubt that she was still beautiful. He wanted to reassure her.

"Well, Terry, I wouldn't exactly say I was beautiful…" she smiled. "I wouldn't say it, but I certainly like hearing you say it!"

"Okay, Mom, I'll say it again then. You're beautiful!" Terry grinned, barely able to keep his eyes off his mother's huge tits.

"And you're the handsomest boy in the whole world!" Sheila said, throwing her arms around her son and hugging him in spite of her fears.

Terry was amazed at his mother's sudden flood of emotion. She had seemed cool toward him, almost too cool, ever since he had been reunited with her. Perhaps it would be easier to talk to her now, easier to express the love he felt for her. But just when he was about to throw his arms around her and hold her tight, she drew away, turning her back on him. He was hurt, but he knew that she had had a hard time in the past three years and he knew that her feelings for him would warm in time.

In reality, Sheila's feelings for her son were more than warm. When her handsome young son's nearness to her began to make her tits tingle, she had to pull away from him, had to pull away from him for fear that she might give away her inner feelings.

"Okay, Mom… uh… well… I guess we'll play tennis some other time."

"Yes, Terry, some other time," Sheila said, without turning to face her son.

"Uh… Mom…"

"Yes, Terry," Sheila said, ashamed of her cold behavior.

"Uh… do you mind if I bring Wendy over tonight? For dinner maybe?" Terry asked hesitantly.

"Wendy? I suppose you might as well. You spend the rest of your time with her. You might as well spend your evenings with her too," she answered sharply, wishing immediately that she had kept her true feelings to herself.

"Gosh, Mom… I didn't… uh… I didn't know you didn't like her…" Terry said. "We can go somewhere else if you want us to…"

"No, no, don't be silly, darling. Terry, I'm awful sorry! I shouldn't have snapped at you that way. I suppose I'm just a bit… jealous. Mothers get that way sometimes, darling. Of course you may invite Wendy! She's a lovely and very sweet girl. In fact I'll prepare something especially delicious for dinner tonight! I've been dabbling in French cookery. I suppose Wendy likes the French way of doing things."

Sheila smiled, strangely intrigued at the prospect of spending the evening with the girl whom her son had been fucking so often.

Sheila also felt wicked when she made her remark about the French way of doing things. She smiled slyly at her son and nearly giggled out loud when he looked down at his shoes nervously.

"Yes, Terry, I think you should invite Wendy over tonight. I think it's about time I got to know your girl friend. Don't you agree?"

"Sure, Mom! That's great! That's real great!" Terry said excitedly, turning to leave and almost running into the door.

Sheila loved the way her son had reacted to her invitation, loved the way his face suddenly lit up with excitement. He seemed like a child in his happiness, so unlike the hard-cocked young stud she had seen fucking the shit out of Wendy.

"Eight o'clock all right?" Sheila smiled. "That is if you can tear yourselves away from each other long enough to eat."

"Gosh, Mom, we'll just have to try!" Terry grinned bashfully.

"I'm planning to take in a late movie in town tonight, darling. I'll be leaving around ten and I won't be back until one in the morning. Do you think you and Wendy can find something to amuse yourselves with until I return?"

"Jesus Christ yeah!" Terry gasped, then turned to leave.

Terry knew what he and Wendy would be doing if his mother left them alone! And his mother didn't seem to mind at all! In fact she seemed to be encouraging it! She was some mother all right. Terry felt a strange stirring in his balls when he thought about fucking Wendy in his mother's house, something that would make the experience dangerous and wild.

"Eight o'clock now, Terry," Sheila called after her young son. She watched him run down the long stairs to the beach.

She almost collapsed when she realized what she had done. What had gotten into her? How had she allowed herself to invite Wendy over for an evening of fucking and sucking with her son? She knew perfectly well that Terry would be in Wendy's pants the minute she left the house. There was something about the spur-of-the-moment move that made her pussy tingle with sexual excitement.

She had actually invited her son and his pretty girl friend to fuck in her house, had actually given her blessing to their hot-fucking activities.


"Terry, I really enjoyed meeting your mother tonight," Wendy said warmly, curled up on Sheila's sofa with her head nestled against Terry's broad shoulder.

The evening had gone very well for everyone, much more smoothly than earlier encounters between Wendy and Sheila. Sheila had been gracious this evening, exhibiting not a bit of the jealousy she had exhibited on previous occasions. Terry felt more comfortable knowing that his two favorite women could be friends.

"Terry. I said I really enjoyed meeting your mother tonight," Wendy repeated. "Are you there, Terry?"

"Oh sure, Wendy. I'm here. Boy am I here!" he said, feeling something stirring between his legs.

"Thank God! I was beginning to wonder! Is anything the matter?" Wendy asked. "You've been awfully moody lately."

"Nah, I'm fine! But don't you think Mom was… well…"

"I think I know what you mean, Terry. She was different tonight. Warmer," Wendy said.

"Sure, she was warmer and friendlier… but don't you think she was… well… sort of…" Terry hesitated, unable to find the right words to describe his mother's unusual behavior.

"Sort of… seductive?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah. I guess," Terry said, almost to himself.

"In fact, Terry, your mother was just dripping with sexiness," Wendy said, resting her hand on Terry's knee.

"You think so?" Terry asked softly.

"At first I thought she was trying to impress me. But then I realized that she was just acting like any other woman would. After all, Terry, I am monopolizing all your time. She hasn't seen you in three years! I think your mother and I can become great friends now that we… understand each other," Wendy smiled.

"I guess you're right, Wendy. I do want you to be friends. She really is a beautiful woman," Terry said, almost to himself.

"Well, I must admit she filled out that dress rather well," Wendy said. "Do you think she's more beautiful than little me?"

"You jealous too?" Terry grinned.

"Maybe," Wendy replied, beginning to stroke his knee. "You seemed to be paying her a lot of attention tonight." Wendy pouted.

"Aw shit, Wendy, she's my mother!" Terry shrugged. "Why the hell would I pay that much attention to my own mother?"

"I certainly don't know, dear boy. But you might notice that your mother is all we have talked about this evening!" Wendy said teasingly. "One would think that you intend to fuck her tonight instead of me!"

Terry grimaced.

"What's the matter, Terry? I was only playing! I didn't mean to imply that you're a motherfucker, darling! Of course I might call you worse things if you don't snap out of it and start taking off my clothes! My cunt feels like it's full of butterflies! I want you to fuck the piss out of me, Terry! Fuck me while we have the house to ourselves! Isn't that why your mother left us alone? Now quit wasting time and fuck me with that nice hot cock of yours!"