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And now he had her. By Valentine’s night, her final lesson, her final erotic dream fulfilled, she would know who mastered her body and her heart.


Tess was sore. Her entire body throbbed, protesting her wakefulness. The muscles of her legs were stiff and burning, her arms and even her breasts were sore.

“Open your eyes, Tess. We have to remove the plug and you need a hot bath.” Cole’s voice was firm, brooking no refusal.

Her eyes snapped open, her head turning to him, her eyes focusing on the savage features of his face.

“You left that thing in me?” she bit out incredulously.

He arched a single brow.

“Your ass was tight, Tess. It needs to accustom itself to stretching before you’ll ever be able to take my cock there.”

Her heart slammed into her ribs.

“Go to the bathroom, then come back here. If you try to remove it yourself, I’ll tie you back down and leave you there the rest of the day.” He meant it. She saw his determination in the hard lines of his face.

“Take it out first,” she said instead.

He shook his head. “Do as I say, Tess. I have a reason for my demands, baby.” Tess frowned, but she knew she did not want to experience the torture of being tied down and frothing with need. And she knew he would make her froth. He would torture her, then leave her to suffer in her arousal. She wasn’t ready to take that chance yet, not after last night.

So she rose from the bed, walking gingerly to the bathroom. After relieving her most pressing need, she brushed her teeth and washed her face then returned to the bedroom. Her stomach rolled with nerves, wondering how Cole planned to continue the sensual torture he had started last night.

“On your knees.” He nodded to the bed, standing beside it, naked and sporting an erection that resembled a weapon.

His cock was the largest she had ever seen, nearly as thick as her wrist, with a bulging, flared head that made her mouth water at the sight.

Tess went to the bed, assuming the position she knew he wanted. She trembled as his hand caressed the cheeks of her rear. His fingers ran down the crease of her ass until he gripped the plug, pulling it slowly, gently, free of her bottom.

“Stay still,” he ordered her before she could move. “Under your cabinet are some personal supplies I bought for you. From now on you will use them whenever I tell you to do so. Understood?”

“Yes,” she whispered, feeling her cunt burn, moisten as he ran his hands over her ass.

“I’m not going to fuck you now because to be honest, I don’t think I can keep my cock out of your ass. But I need relief, baby.” He moved around the bed then, turning her as he faced her, his cock aiming at her mouth. Tess licked her lips. She opened them as the purpled head nudged against them.

She heard his hard groan as she closed her lips around his cock, taking him, opening her throat to take that last inch possible.

One of his hands gripped his cock, to assure he didn’t give her more than she could take, the other twisted in her hair. The sharp bite of pain had her mouth tightening around his cock, her throat working on the head as he cried out in pleasure. He wasn’t willing to prolong his own pleasure this morning though. His thrust in and out of her mouth with deep, hard strokes, holding her still as he groaned repeatedly at the pleasure she was bringing him. Then, she felt his cock jerk, throb, and the pulse of his sperm filling her mouth as he cried out his release.

Cole was breathing hard when he pulled back from her, his cock was still engorged, still ready for her, but he did nothing more.

“Go bathe, Tess, before I do something neither of us is ready for. Come down to breakfast when you’re finished.”

Tess stood up, watching him fight for control.

“Is Father home?” she asked

“Not yet.” He shook his head. “He’ll be back the night before the party. You’re mine until then, Tess. Can you handle it?”

Her eyes narrowed at his tone of voice, the suggestion that she couldn’t.

“I can handle you any day of the week.” Damn her mouth, she groaned as the words poured from her lips.

His lips quirked. They both knew better.

“We’ll see.” He nodded. “Go bathe. I’ll lay out what I want you to wear this morning. The servants have been given the rest of the week off as well, so there’s just you and me for a while.”

Tess bit her lip. She wasn’t certain if that was a good thing or not.

“Go.” He indicated the bathroom door. “Come downstairs when you’re ready.”

* * *

An hour later Tess walked down the spiraling stairs, barefoot and wearing more clothes than she thought he would lay out for her but decidedly less than she wanted to wear. The long, silk negligee made her feel sexy, feminine. It covered her breasts but was cut low enough that if he wanted them out, he would have no problems. There were no panties included, but the black silk shielded that fact. She would have been uncomfortable in something he could have seen right through.

His note had stated that he would await her in the kitchen, and there he was.

Dressed in sweat pants and nothing else, his thick black hair still damp, looking sexier than any man had a right to look. And he was smiling at her. Even his eyes were filled with a lazy, comfortable expression as he set two plates of eggs, bacon and toast beside full coffee cups.

“Breakfast is ready, you’re right on time.” He pulled her chair out, indicating that she should sit.

Tess took her seat gingerly, the soreness of her muscles was much better, but her thighs and rear were still tender.

“Sore?” He brushed a kiss over her bare shoulder, causing her to jerk in startled reaction.

She turned her head, looking up at him as he straightened and moved to his own chair.

“A little.” She cleared her throat.

“It will get easier,” he promised. “Now eat. We’ll talk later, after you’ve been fed.” Breakfast, despite her initial misgivings, was filled with laughter. Cole was comfortable and his easy humor began to show. His dry wit kept her chuckling and the wicked sparkle in his eyes kept her body sizzling, kept her anticipating later, praying he would fuck her. The longer he waited, the hotter she got. She didn’t know if she would survive it much longer.

Finally, after the dishes were finished, he drew her through the house into the comfortable living room. A fire crackled in the corner of the room where a large, thick pillow mattress had been laid.

“Sit down, we need to talk.” He drew her down on the mattress, then onto her back as he lay beside her.

“Look, I don’t much feel like talking,” she finally said in frustration. “Let’s just cut to the chase here, Cole. There are things I evidently like, that you enjoy doing. I don’t want to talk about them. Just do them.”

She stared up at him, narrowing her eyes, warning him that she too had her limits.

He propped his head on his hand, regarding her with a curious expression.

“I expected more of a fight,” he said, a vague question in his voice.

Tess sighed, sitting up staring into the fire as she ran the fingers of one hand through her hair.

“How extreme do you intend to get?” she finally asked him, glancing at him as he still reclined beside her.

He reached over, his fingers trailing down her hair. “How extreme do you want me to get, Tess?” he asked instead. “I can give you whatever you want, anything you want.