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ДА — Древности Алтая: Известия лаборатории археологии. Горно-Алтайск

ЗВОРАО — Записки Восточного отделения Российского археологического общества. СПб

НС — Новая серия

СА — Советская археология. М

СЭ — Советская этнография. М.

ТИИАЭ АН КазССР — Труды института истории, археологии и этнографии Академии наук Казахской ССР. Алма-Ата

AArchASH — Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum

Hungaricae, Budapest BZ — Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Munchen

CSEL — Corpus scriptomm ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.

Vindobonae OOP — Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Washington

EAnt — Eurasia Antiqua. Berlin; Mainz

FAH — Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae. Lódź

FHG — Fragmenta historicorum Graecomm/ Collegit, disposuit, nous et prolegomenis illustravit

C. Mullerus. Parisiis GB — Grazer Beitrage. Graz; Horn

HGM — Historici Graeci minores/ Ed, L. Dindorfius. Lipsiae

JAS — Journal of Asian Studies. Ann Arbor

JHS — The Journal of Hellenic Studies. London

MGHAA — Monumenta Germaniae historica, Auctores antiquissimi. Berolini

MMJ — Metropolitan Museum Journal, New York

MS — Monumenta Serica. Peking

OrE — Oriens Extremus. Wiesbaden

PG — Patrologiae cursus completus: Patrologia Graeca / Accurante J.-P. Migne. Parisiis

PL — Patrologiae cursus completus; Patrologia Latina / Accurante J.-P. Migne. Parisiis

PPr — Past and Present. Oxford

RN — Revue Numismatique. Paris

SEAA — Silk Road Art and Archaeology. Kamakura

Stlr — Studia lranica. Paris

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by Valery P. Nikonorov and Julij S. Khudjakov

The present book has to do with the art of warfare and wars of the Hsiung-nu and the Huns — those nomadic peoples, which ranked among the most militant in the World history. The Hsiung-nu created in the late 3rd century B.C. within the vast steppe area of Central Asia a powerful state that became for several centuries the main enemy of Han China and subdued numerous nomadic tribes living in the vast expanses from the Great Chinese wall to the boundless Siberian taiga. This was due, first, to those peculiar achievements, which the Hsiung-nu contributed to the field of mounted warfare. Although many ancient eastern peoples employed battling on horseback with shooting arrows, the Hsiung-nu were the first who developed horse-archery into the best form. They invented fighting mainly at a long distance, when the outcome of battle was decided not in hand-to-hand-combat, but in methodical and very efficient shooting at the enemy from a distance, i. e. with the least losses for themselves. The appearance of these tactics became possible only because of the making of the big and powerful compound bow in the eastern part of the Central Asian steppe zone during the last centuries B.C. Such bows helped Hsiung-nu warriors to strike any enemies by their famous «whistling» arrows at a long distance, while they remained invulnerable themselves to a considerable extent. The Hsiung-nu warfare influenced very much their nomadic neighbours, as well as the Chinese.