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"Oh, you girls look so settled already," she said. "I brought you some supper." She opened the bundle and revealed several tins and two cans of Coke.

"There's some beef jerky here and some surplus C-rations if you want candy," she told them. "Will you two be all right?"

"Yes, Mom," said Cathy.

"Good. Sleep tight. If you need anything just holler."

“Good night, Mom," said Cathy.

“Good night, Mrs. Lonsdale."

"Good night, Olive. Good night, Cathy."

And the two girls were left alone with their welcome treasure.

"I was hungry, weren't you?" asked Cathy.

"I'll say. Mmmmm. Let's see what goodies your mom brought us."

The two girls shared a dry supper of beef jerky, chocolate and Coke, chatting lightly about their adventurous predicament. Both agreed that it was more fun than they had had in a long time. Each of them avoided saying anything about what they had seen in the boat. But Cathy had barely been able to talk to her mother when she had brought the food and now she sat with Olive feeling sorry for her mother and wondering if her father were really bad or just a victim of Olive's mother.

Full and happy, although beset with unnamable apprehensions and half-formed erotic images, the two girls lay on their air mattresses and tried to go to sleep. Cathy stared up at the ceiling for a long time while Olive watched her in the candle's fading glow. Soon the candle sputtered out and the adobe was plunged into stygian darkness.

"Are you asleep, Cathy?" Olive whispered.

"No. Are you?"

"Not yet."

And the two girls were si1ent with their thoughts and with the storm-filled night.

In the dream she was riding a large white stallion over heathery grey hills in the twilight. She could feel his muscles working as they pounded over the earth, the two of them, Cathy and her white horse, as free as the wind. In the twilight of her dream world the land was all hers stretching out into faint cerulean horizons and she felt the hooves of her mount strike flint from the rocks as she galloped on and on into the peculiar darkness that was coming on. The throbbing of the horse under her was strangely exciting as she rode on and she felt a bubbling in her stomach that was like a nameless fear.

Suddenly the horse sailed over a deep gully and in her dream the horse turned black. When it landed she felt the shock of her body hitting the bare back of the horse and again that sexual excitement that had been building up as she rode. Her pubes were being rubbed by the rocking of the romping horse. The heat from her pussy spread through her loins and to her straddling legs and in the pit of her stomach the sexual excitement boiled like a demon's cauldron.

She could feel the corded tendons of the dark stallion as the two of them raced as one over the shifting landscape of the dream. She felt the ground change beneath the horse's hooves as they began to climb a steep slope. Above, she saw sheer agate cliffs, monolithic spires stretching out of sight in bulging dark clouds. She felt her breath come in short gasps as the horse raced headlong up the steep cliff toward the dizzy dream heights. And still the excitement in her loins increased, spreading past her stomach to her breasts which began to grow large like soft pulsing melons.

Cathy could feel herself floating upward atop the dark stallion, her body heated up with strange fires, her lungs gasping for breath, her stomach tight with fear and desire.

The dreamland changed, then, as she and the horse bounded over a sheer precipice. Ahead lay a green glade in a forest. She felt the black horse grow smaller between her legs until it disappeared just as she reached the grassy meadow in the midst of tall and stately trees. She tumbled head over heels and came to rest on her back looking up at blue sky marbled with strips of white cloud. The leaves danced patterns on her tanned face and nearby, shadows, shot with sun, played like shapeless animals in the benevolent underbrush. She felt at peace with the world of the dream.

And then she was naked and there was darkness. Her breasts were very large and pink like the noses of rabbits with a strange wax-like quality that made them seem almost translucent. Her pussy was large and bushy like a lion's mane – and when she spread her legs she felt a stab of desire just past the large thick lips. She lay there for a long time, her body pulsing and aching with desire and then she heard the hoof beats.

As she lay in the glade with her legs apart and her pussy open and throbbing for relief, the black stallion returned, his gigantic cock hanging between his legs and aimed for her open twat. She saw him rear up over her and fall back down over her and then she felt the searing thrust of his huge cock opening her pussy with one mighty thrust and the hot juices of her pussy poured out of her, covering her thick bushy hair, her legs, and the green ground of the dream.

She could feel her lips moving and hear the unfamiliar words coming out of her mouth.

"Fuck me, you big black-cocked horse, fuck me!" And she could almost see the words forming in the air as the stallion mounted her and fucked her with stab after stab of his enormous black cock.

She rolled in tormented ecstasy as the stallion reared and struck with his dark lance deep in her gushing pussy. The hot juices boiled out of her with every fierce prod of his angry cock.

"Oh, fuck me, horsy, fuck me!" she moaned in her dream and the stallion rose above her again and again, opening her pussy each time like a raw wound with his flaming prong.

And then, again, the dream changed.

As though a translucent veil had passed over her ravaged body on the sward. She moaned and gasped for breath. Her pussy diminished to a normal size and turned into a grey mewing kitten alive between her legs, hungry for milk. Her breasts shrank to normal size, their nipples taut and expectant as baby birds' beaks stretching upward out of a nest.

The horse, the black stallion, was gone.

In his place a man straddling her, naked and virile, his veins standing out like black cords in black granite. Between his legs a map of Africa and dangling down his dark cock, long and sinuous like a python dipped in tar. His chest was wide and strong and his neck thick as a Miura bull's. His teeth were white and smiling with a natural lust and his eyes were red and elusive as though banked fires glowed in his head. He stood over her and she knew who he was. She had seen him before in her dreams. She knew him and she. waited for him to take her body and ravage it as he had so many times before.

She spread her legs and opened her cunt like a flower to receive him.

The Negro of her dreams took his long limp cock in his hands and pointed it at her.

It became a lance of darkest granite with the tip of it like a budding rose.

"Fuck me, black man lover," she said in her dream and he dropped his bulk to her body.

She felt his hot black body all over her. She exulted in his black skin covering her like a blanket. She felt his cock open her pussy and plunge inside her with a blazing swelling motion that took her breath and her voice away.

She felt her body succumb to the Negro's cock delving deep inside her and his black body all over hers as though trying to merge forever into it. She felt his cock probe her innards like a molten sword and the gushing answer her pussy gave him spilled all over them both.

She pulled at him and tore at him. He rose above her and his cock grew longer and thicker. Each time he came down on her it almost split her in two with the ferocity of its thrust. She found her body moving against his, slapping against it with an audible swack! swack! of flesh.

"Fuck me, you black bastard, fuck me," her dream voice moaned as her hips ground on his cock and her body buckled like a tortured animal in its death throes.

She felt the wetness and the hotness.

She moaned and delighted in the black man's fucking her. She opened her pussy wider and wider as his cock got bigger and bigger.

The dream went on and the dream ended.

With a start, she awoke in the dark, frightened, her body soaked with sweat. Panic rose in her throat as she felt real flesh against hers.

Her eyes widened and her throat constricted with fear.

She felt a body against hers and dampness between her legs. She struggled to sit up and groped blindly to see who her attacker was. She felt soft flesh and withdrew in terror.

"Oh my God," she managed to croak.

"Shhhh! Cathy," she heard a voice say. "It's me. Olive. Shhh! I won't hurt you. Be quiet."

Cathy almost fainted with' relief. She let out a sigh and breathed deeply as she composed herself. So it was only a dream and this was Olive with her.

But then she felt the hand on her breast and a moment later another one groping between her legs.

Her mouth opened and her body began to shudder.