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“The truth is, I got upset that night I saw you with Gianna because I was hurt. But also because I was jealous.”


She nodded, holding the eye contact, watching the cautious hope dawn in his expression, letting it encourage her to go on. “Yes. Because it may have started off as a deal. But…I fell in love with you, Jake.”

His eyes closed and she faltered. She took a breath. Licked her lips. “And I think you care about me too,” she said, her voice wobbly. Her throat aching, her insides shaking, she waited. She studied his face, his beautiful face, dark eyes full of emotion, that dimple in his chin deep, showing his jaw was tight. Was she setting herself up for yet another rude awakening?

“I love you too, Shelby.”

Her body moved toward him, unable to stay away. Tears stung her eyes and then she was in his arms, his mouth on hers, tasting so damn delicious and warm. His arms wrapped around her so she could hardly breathe, but that was okay, she didn’t need to breathe, she just needed him. Wetness slipped between their faces as they continued to kiss, mouths fused.

“I love you too,” she murmured, kissing his jaw, his cheek, his closed eyelids. “I love you.”

“You’re the best thing in my life, Shelby,” Jake said, their faces still pressed together, nose to nose. She inhaled the familiar scent of him, let her fingers play through his silky hair. “I need you. But I gotta tell you—I’m terrified. I thought it was bad when Gianna dumped me, but you…” His eyes closed. “You might as well rip my heart out of my chest and jump up and down on it with your stiletto heels.”

“I’m not going to do that,” she said softly, stroking his hair. “I promise. I’m here.” She understood what an impact the past could have on him and how scary it was for him to admit his feelings. To take that risk, the risk of rejection, once again. “And I’m afraid too, you know. My whole life I doubted my self-worth. My parents ignored me and I got attention where I could—from boys.” She swallowed. “In high school, when boys started paying attention to me because of how I looked, I liked it. But I always ended up feeling…used. Even later, when I was an adult, it seemed like guys just wanted one thing. I liked the attention at first, but then I just felt empty. That’s why it hurt so much. I thought you were the one guy who wasn’t using me. I mean, other than what we agreed on. And then it turned out you were.”

He groaned and tightened his arms around her. “I’m sorry,” he choked out. “So sorry, Shelby.”

“But you made me feel good too,” she whispered, laying her palm on his whisker-roughened cheek. “You did. You made me feel like I could stand up for myself.”

“When I heard about your project being cancelled, I had to see you. I couldn’t believe you hadn’t told Andrew your idea. I was going to kick your butt and send you back there to talk to him. But you’d already gone.”

“Yeah.” She drew back a little and smoothed her palm down his cheek. “You made me believe I could get over the past, shake off that garbage and move forward. And you can too.”

“Yeah.” He closed his eyes briefly. “I might be broke. In two weeks I’ll be unemployed.”

“I don’t care.”

“And I might drive you crazy with my uh…messy tendencies.”

“I might drive you crazy trying to clean up after you.”

“We could make a deal,” he suggested with a gleam in his eye.

“What kind of deal?”

“Don’t worry.” He kissed her mouth. “It’ll be sweet.”