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"I want to say right now that we don't dig way out perversions…," Brenda related, almost as an afterthought. "Our sex is almost always either oral or genital. Sometimes-but only rarely-anal. We aren't out to set any records for being drastically deviate. We think the basic sexual positions become even more thrilling when they are explored considerably in depth in mutual group sessions."

"None of us are out to steal each other's husbands…," Brenda affirmed. "We're surprisingly satisfied with our own. We think we can share each other's mates and perhaps enhance each other's sensual awareness of our own bodies. No one in our group is a sexual deviate. We're just normal people who like sex and sexual stimulation. Sure we swap. But the basic expression of our highly-charged sexual urge is normal!"

"Continue… "

"I enjoy swapping…," Brenda stated. "Just because of one bad incident with the law I'm not ready to quite a winner. I think if a group of adults who are emotionally mature want to indulge in a bit of swapping it's their own concern. I admit we were in fault by allowing Vicki and Charles to bring their daughter to our house to swap. I admit-we may have made one hell of a huge mistake. But then who could turn down such an arousing and sensual temptation when it's offered completely free of any strings? I bet even the Judge would have found it difficult to keep his staff from jumping up against his belly-button under his robe. Patty is a groovy sensual kid. She has this overwhelming almost magnetic effect on you. I never thought our neighbors would spot any hanky-panky in our basement and then call the police. No one was more surprised than I was when we were raided."


"Well…," Brenda concluded, "Vicki and Charles were criminally prosecuted for contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor. Patty was placed in a foster home with a Presbyterian minister and his wife who had remained childless for eleven years. Frankly I think they got their hands full when they took on Patty. But of course they were told about her very promiscuous background before they took charge of her. I think maybe the minister might lose some of his shining beliefs before it's over with. I mean-Patty could tarnish even the most shining angel! That minister is going to have his hands full if Patty gets her hot little paws oh him,"

"I realize now…," Brenda softened, "that kids have no place in the swapping world* I know now that Jerry and I both made a big mistake. But we had to learn the hard way. I admit my mistakes. So does Jerry. I just wish all of those beautiful reels of film hadn't been stolen. It seems they were left laying around the courthouse after our trial. They disappeared. Jerry and I are both sorry because we'd love to have some small remembrance of Patty. Even on film. Sometimes I wonder if the Judge didn't lift them to show in his own private chambers after hours!"


This case history reveals that most swappers indulge in some form of sexual behavior which could be termed 'abnormal'. Few swappers who consider themselves sexually 'free' make very elaborate efforts to keep their activities secret. Many swappers advertise openly in correspondence clubs and monthly bulletins that circulate freely among millions of advocates of the new sexual freedom.

Brenda openly admits she occasionally participates in homosexual acts while swinging. Brenda, however, is quick to affirm that she is not latently homoerotic. She states that although she finds such acts mildly stimulating she indulges more to please her husband and other men who find such lesbian maneuvers arousing. Brenda notes her greatest homoerotic thrill came when Patty performed cunnilingus upon her.

During swap sessions many heterosexual persons indulge in homoerotic activities. In WIFE SWAPPERS, Roger Blake notes…

"… a wife-swapper, or any sexual adventurer or adventuress, may delve into many forms of vicarious or actual homosexual practices during a group love session, and still not consider himself or herself to be homoerotic." (3)

As Brenda swiftly observes, many heterosexual wives act thusly to please their mates. Roger Blake in WIFE SWAPPERS comments…

"In some instances of orgiastic swapping, husbands often insist that their wives make moves to each other while they watch. And many authorities feel that this in itself is an indirect expression of latent homosexuality in the husbands, although it may be nothing more than submitting to the will of their spouses by the women involved." (3)

While many husbands like to watch their wives in lesbian acts and may be latently homoerotic others are merely voyeurs. Swappers may be polymorphous, perverse, and plurisexual-some may even be latently homosexual-but mostly they are bisexual and capable of diverse physical pleasures.

Many swappers note they have engaged in sexual contacts with minors. Many broad-minded swapping parents introduce their children to sex through the group swap scene. Most often such incidents never come to the attention of authorities. Any sexual violation of a minor by any adult is a criminally illegal offense. Vicki and Charles were apprehended allowing their daughter to participate in group sex. The child was taken from her parents and placed in a foster home. Brenda and Jerry admit that they realized that carnal relations with a minor were illegal. But they felt that since the youth enjoyed the activities so much and had her parents consent that it would be safe to admit the child into their swapping circle. Jerry and Brenda are no longer willing to consider minors as part of their intimate group. While Jerry and Brenda found the experience with Patty thrilling they do not desire a repeat performance.

No two swappers are alike. While most are out and out hedonists who seem remarkably free of sexual hang-ups, others may be neurotic compulsives who can do little to restrict the perverse expression of their own desires. Surprising as it may seem, however, most authorities note that the majority of swappers are mature and well-adjusted, with those seeking ‘group sex' as an escape in a small minority.

My opinion is that Brenda and Jerry are quite normally and sexually responsive persons. Swapping provides the change for 'variety' which they both desperately need. I find no indications of perverse motivations in their behavior. I believe Jerry and Brenda will continue swapping but in the future will be most reluctant to include minors within their select group.

Chapter 5

A modern day replica of an authentic Roman orgy is difficult to stage. Besides being costly and ridiculously noisy it is indeed difficult to get hundreds of swappers together in a sexual bacchanalia without creating a major disturbance. Such orgies are bound to attract the attention of police and conscientious citizens who may object to the morally outrageous behavior of the participants.

Orgies are most often thrown by famous and well-known persons who can afford to supply the food and drink necessary to keep a full-scale orgy in swing. Most often the 'authentic Orgy' is held in completely private and secluded surroundings. Often hotel resorts are rented during the off-season. Perhaps secluded mountain cabins and hunting lodges become the sight of many an authentic orgy. Sometimes a jet-set swinger who just happens to own or have access to an island brings his friends there to enjoy abandoned bliss far from prying eyes.

Generally the genuine orgy is rare. Few swappers have attended one. Quite likely few who have would care to repeat the experience. Still the authentic Orgy as it is historically defined does exist today in exotic corners of our hemisphere.

I have taped an interview with Carl and Darlene Taliaferro who quite willingly gave me an account of the one and only authentic orgy that they had attended during their lifetime of swapping. Carl and Darlene are wealthy and free to travel. Together they enjoy swapping and gambling activities at far corners of the earth.