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Darlene is an attractive bleached blonde with a long aquiline nose, blue-grey eyes and a remarkably attractive figure. Darlene is well past her mid-forties. Darlene is plump but her figure is altogether attractive. Her youthful vitality suggests that Darlene has done her best to maintain a cheerful and youthful outlook on life.

Carl is an attractive man in his early fifties. His hair is dark-brown. He is slightly bald. Carl has ruggedly red cheeks, evenly spaced white teeth, dark brown eyes and a middle-aged paunch that testifies to the fact that he is undoubtedly a faultless gourmet. Carl speaks fluently in several languages. Carl credits his linguistic ability with having involved him in many interesting affairs.

"Carl and I have been swinging all over the North American continent for a long long-time…," Darlene revealed. "There's very little going on in the sexual scene that Carl and I don't know about. I don't care how wealthy a person is, or how famous, his desires are just as passionate as the most bourgeoisie commoner. Wealth presents its own problems-you know! The well-to-do person's life has become so simplified that his main problem becomes boredom. When Carl received his inheritance we thought it was wonderful. But then we found even more time on our hands. Neither of us has to work so we are confronted with great wealth and idle hours… which together often compels one toward sexual adventure."

"Carl and I have always been broad-minded about sex…," Darlene frowned. "We don't belong to any particular church. We give to a variety of worthy causes and hope our donations help someone less fortunate. We aren't out and out cads! We realized we are fortunate in many ways. Carl has one weakness-gambling. I of course have my own personal failings-but they are more sensual and less costly. While in Hawaii, the Virgin Islands and other beach-side localities I hired numerous beach boys to come to my private suite. You'd be surprised at how easy it is for an older woman to find youthful lovers if she has money. In a pinch I've patronized male prostitutes for the brand of sex that I enjoy most!"

"Carl and I have always had a special itch to throw a real Roman Orgy…," Darlene stated. "But we've never had the time or place to throw one. We were fortunate enough to attend one international-orgy that involved nearly two hundred people from all over the world. We met on an unknown island. We were never told where we were being taken. I suspect I'll never live through the likes of such an event again."

"We were in Bermuda, around St. George's. Yes. I was occupying myself with young beach boys then. And a few of the talented male masseuse's which are easy to come by. For an additional fee these well-hung studs will provide the most sensual pleasures you can imagine. However if a rub-down is all you want they'll give that too!"

"Carl was on the town gambling…," Darlene smiled. "I find his hobby boring. The pure love of money has little hold on me. Carl has a fortune in stocks and his electrical manufacturing business. I don't really understand his love of gambling. I love sex. Carl does too. But he'd much rather gamble. Which means I get a lot of neglect."

"It was well after midnight and Antonio, my dark Basque masseuse was giving me the final touches of our regular session. He was applying some sweetly scented lotion to my body after having performed lengthy cunnilingus on me. I had no more than ushered him out the door when burst in."

"Pack up-baby!," Carl shouted. "We've got to catch a plane in forty-five minutes. This is the chance of a life-time!"

"I was most reluctant to leave Antonio…," Darlene testified. "But from the way Carl was packing the hotel was going to explode at any moment."

"Where are we going?"

"To an island-baby!," Carl huffed. "To what is called 'Orgy Island.' Our host is a wealthy Greek gambler who refuses to tell where we are going. He's involved in underworld operations in dope and illicit gambling. He has access to a private* island. We've been invited there."

"But-I hate gambling!"

"This is an island of Pleasure. Gambling. Drugs. Sex. You name it. If you've got money to burn this guy will give you your money's worth in whatever particular brand of vice you crave."

"I packed quickly…," Darlene noted. "I knew nothing of our destination. At the airport, gathering outside this privately owned jet, were odd persons of various nationalities. My husband got right in the middle and began speaking in different languages. Let me say right now the only tongue I understand is the one shoved between my hot thighs. I don't give a damned about the nationality of my lover. As long as he knows his business. The intimate sounds we make could be understood in any language!"

"I boarded the jet. Carl became engrossed in a challenging conversation with a young French wine merchant and his Portuguese wife. We were flying out over the ocean. I sensed we were into something BIG. It took us three hours or more to reach our destination. We all put our wrist watches, compasses and other items into a sac. The rule was that no devices which would indicate our direction or indicate the length of time from one point to the other were to be held by the passengers. It seemed that our host took no chances on anyone charting his direction."

"We landed on a sandy strip near the beach…! It was large enough to accommodate two planes. A large dark green bus met us. We were bussed to this massive stucco building with a tile roof. The furnishings were comfortably ornate. We were waited on by attendants, maids and servants of all nationalities."

"The only thing our servants had in common was their wide grins and their willingness to please everyone. Our porter was a young oriental boy who kept leering at me in a most sensual manner. Surprising as it may seem I've never had relations with an oriental male. With a female-yes. An attractive Japanese virgin! I've heard it rumored that oriental men have under-developed sex organs. It's also rumored that black Africans from Sudan have gargantuan sexual proportions. The oriental man did not please me with his long leering glances. Carl dismissed him with a tip!"

"Carl abandoned me…," Darlene laughed. "I never went into the casino. I know my husband lost over $9,500 during our six day spree. But sex-wise it was almost worth it. Women in bikinis lay fornicating on the beach. I put down my beach towel, my radio and my cigarettes. I had no more than pressed my belly into the hot sand than I was approached by a virile Hawaiian boy."

"Madame is alone…?" the curly-headed youth inquired, looking remarkably well-hung in those clinging briefs. "Perhaps you are a-widow…?"

"I informed him I was married. That my husband gambled. The brown haired youth squatted down next to me, surveying ray rising breasts.

"If I were he…," my beach boy smiled, "I would not leave you alone. Perhaps I may acquaint you with our island?"

"Perhaps…," Darlene smiled. "Your name?"

"Juan. I live here. I entertain many female guests all season."

"Where are we… Juan?"

"I do not know…," Juan frowned. "I come here at eighteen. I escaped from prison in my own country, was hiding in a port in France when "big Joe" brought me here and offered me this Garden of Eden. I will never leave. It is forbidden. I am twenty-seven, Madame. Discussing the Island is forbidden. We are allowed to do anything to please our guests. How may I please you?"

"I felt a warm hand pressing upward between the backs of my thighs…" Darlene noted. "I felt a hot fire flame throughout my body. I remained motionless as that hand began caressing. Our bodies were close and intimate. Juan moved to kiss me. Those soft sensual lips touched mine. Those thick fleshy fingers moved to my breasts. I felt my bikini top falling from me as if it were a veil. Juan pushed me down on the beach towel as his hungry mouth moved to my nipples."

"Oh… Juan. Oh… ummmmm!"