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With a terrific push towards her depths, the father entered his thirteen year old daughter's virginal sex. He shot through her hymen as she bit back tears of pain. The warm blood trickled down her cunt until it leaked out, staining the sofa. Edwina felt her father's cock searching inside her, as if wanting to find a passage up all the way. He was almost ripping her apart, moving inside and out so fast she felt he was being stationary. A deep throbbing in her head warned that it wasn't just the lower body that was bearing the effects of the attack.

She felt a vague sense of a physical response; her body started to move in sync with her father's rhythm, pulling both of them towards the edge at the same time. Nicholas's eyes rolled up in his head as he shot his seed into her, filling her up with the same substance that had once knocked up her mother. On the other hand, Edwina, the unwilling participant in her father's fantasy, jerked as her body released liquids too hot for her to handle. Her orgasm wasn't as long as her father's though, and she silently bore his weight when he collapsed on her.

Nicholas placed his head on her shoulder, taking in the scent of her blonde hair. The effects of his frenzied intercourse had not yet worn off, and so, there was no guilt as he enjoyed the feel of his daughter's body under him, ignorant of the trauma that was raging inside her. He placed a kiss on her neck, feeling her shudder at his touch. For a couple of minutes, there was no other movement except the heaving of lungs hungry for air. Quietly, calmly, he stood up and walked over to where his shorts lay. He still had his shirt on, not having bothered to remove it because there had been no reason to. Without even a second glance at his daughter, he bent down and pulled the clothes up. He walked to the table, and sat down with a preoccupied air.

Edwina's eyes clouded over again. On top of everything, she felt unwanted; he had not even thought it necessary to offer an apology. He had not even deemed her worthy of a post-rape glance; he had merely used and discarded her. Sobbing, she ran from the room towards the security of hers. As soon as she was inside, she flung herself onto her bed and hugged her teddy, a childhood friend who had been her other constant companion. Abruptly, conscious of its light-hearted gaze, she flung it away; for she feared it might rape her too…


Her father was undergoing some serious damnation. Now that most of the alcohol had worn off, the enormity of what he had done hit him like a slug to the face. How could he face her again, he thought, after how he had brutally abused her trust. He knew that what he felt was barely an ounce of what she must be suffering.

With rubbery legs, he made his way towards his daughter's bedroom. Her door was open, and he almost turned away when he heard her sob. He had caused those sobs, an unforgiving conscience told him, and he would pay for them. Nicholas knew he would, but now was not the moment to break down.

Tentatively, he stepped into the room, half-expecting to be blown away by a shotgun. He was, however, totally unprepared for what faced him. Edwina lay spread-eagled on the bed, her red eyes testament of her sorrow. Upon seeing him, her face contorted with a mixture of anger and fear, and she quickly turned her face away. Silently, she flopped on to her back, spreading her legs again, as if mockingly inviting him to fuck her. Of all the things she could have done, this gesture alone wounded Nicholas more than anything else.

He just wanted to run away, away from her and her beautiful face, away from the wretched house, and throw himself upon the first vehicle that he came across. Not trusting himself to look at her again, he hurried out of the room. Edwina watched him leave, and she whispered, “Come back, take me again?”

Louder: “Come back here and rape some more!”

Nicholas thought he hadn't heard correctly. For a horrifying moment, Nicholas doubted if he had caused her to go mad.

Edwina seemed to read his mind perfectly. “No, Daddy, I am not stark raving mad! Am I really too precious for you to lose? Or has that now ended, now that I am a slut who fucks her daddy?”

Even though he had no idea what this was leading up to, Nicholas corrected her. “You still are. You will always be.”

“So don't lose me,” she said.

She smiled. Nicholas had convinced himself he would never see her smile again; it made him so happy to see his little girl smile. Her teeth radiated something wonderful that seemed to fill the void that he had been feeling.

“Keep me with you always. As your daughter. As your lover.”

“But I raped you…”

“You thought you raped me. What if I wasplay-acting? What if I wanted you as badly as you wanted me? Even more?”

He stammered, “You did?”

“No. But if it makes you feel any better, I am going to make sure you spend the rest of your life atoning for them. By my side. As my lover. Agreed?”

Nicholas could only nod.

She said, calmly and seriously, “I know rape isn't the same as making love, but I also know that you love me so much that you are willing to kill yourself.”


“Live,” she said, “and rape me all you want, and I will like it, and we will call it how you show me your love.”

He concurred.

Valerie Gray

Taboo Acts Vol. III: Loving Daddy

The Blood We Shared

Sandra Boise

I am eleven-years-old and in middle school. My father is more my friend than my father and he is my running partner on weekend mornings. My mother had me when she was seventeen and my father nineteen and when she turned twenty, she left us both for another life.

My father recently turned thirty and he is in excellent shape. He doesn't look thirty; he looks twenty-five. All my girl friends have crushes on him.

Every Saturday and Sunday morning, we run a 5 mile trail that is in a park near our home. We have done this every weekend since I can remember. As you can imagine, I'm on the track team at school. I have long legs. My father is a good running partner. After our run, we would sit on a blanket under a shady lemon tree; drink cold bottled water, and just chat.

This beautiful Saturday morning in question was no exception. After our run, we walked over to our car, pulled a blanket and our water out of the trunk, and then walked to our favorite quiet shady spot.

“Here's your water, Dad,” I said as I took a draw of my own bottle.

“When is your last track meet going to be?” he asked, drinking water.

“Next Saturday,” I replied. “You are going to be there, aren't you?”

I knew he would say yes as he never missed any track meet I was in.

I said, “My friend, Helen, wanted to thank you for helping her move the furniture into her room.”

“I'm glad to help any friend of yours. Besides, the kiss she gave me was thanks enough!” Dad smiled and said, “I would have liked to have had another.”

“Be careful, she is a big tease!” I laughed.

“I love to be teased to please,” said my Dad. “Put a ribbon around her and give her to me for my birthday!”

“Oh, that's right! Your birthday is a few weeks away. Tease or not, I don't think you should plan on her being gift wrapped in your bed on your birthday morning! I do have to start thinking about getting you something. You are going to 31?”

“Yes, 31, getting old. Outside of your friend, Helen, I can't think of anything I want,” he said, “but you always surprise me.”

“Dad!” I said. “Helen is twelve!”

“Yeah, I'm a dirty old man.”

“You not old!” I proclaimed, “All my friends think you're a hottie.”

“Even Helen?”

“Yes, even Helen” I said; “But don't get any ideas. You are all mine.”

I knew that Helen would lose her virginity to my Dad, she said so herself. Helen had experience with boys, kissing and handjobs and even blowjobs. I thought about her giving my Dad a handjob and it made me warm inside.