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"Come, Tami, I want you to come," spoke Anna. Her words helped to draw the young woman into an even loftier level of physical frenzy. Anna poked her finger up Tami's alley until she could no longer reach higher, then she placed two more alongside of' it to facilitate widening of the cunt.

Such ecstasy! Tami understood that within moments she would be squirting thick showers of sticky cum. She knew by the hot pulsing in her brain and her labored breathing that she was ready. She rocked her thighs wildly as Anna helped her along by rapidly stretching and Frenching her fervent rosy lips.

Almost instantly Tami's muscles were consumed in a paroxysm of excitement.

"Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she screeched, knifing her fingernails into Anna's back as pungent cum seeped slowly down her twat. Leo lowered the camera and bent forward to join the action. Noisily licking out her cunt, he savored every pearly drop of vaginal fluid.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm… tastes mighty good!" said Leo happily.

Tami settled back into a tepid warmth of afterglow from the intensity of her orgasm.

Leo returned to his photographs. By that time he had a pile often or twelve shots of the women in several alluring positions. As they rested, he presented the pictures to the girls to get their opinions of them.

"Hey, this looks pretty good!!!!!"

Tami studied a pose illustrating her busily at work on Anna's nipples.

She glanced at the most recent picture-of her face contorted into the enchanted grimace of characteristic carnal delight. Everyone agreed that it was superb-somehow it managed to capture both the beauty and the beastliness of pure sex. Leo promised to get an enlargement made as soon as possible.

Chapter 10

Two days later Tami opened a package that Anna had left for her at the supermarket. She had forgotten Leo's vow, and she was therefore momentarily surprised to remove the wrappings covering a provocative photograph of her in the deep reaches of sexuality.

She quickly covered the photo so that no one else would see it-how could she explain herself looking like an absolute sexpot if some unsuspecting person should come along and glance at what she had in her hand? It certainly couldn't pass for a graduation picture…

She decided that the safest and best place to hang the relic would be on the wall of her little room in the back of the store. So, as soon as coffee-break time rolled around Tami hurried to the hideaway.

Her private ‘business' had been rather slow lately. Apparently, store sales had improved sufficiently to require additional stock, so that most of the employees were engaged in shelving many jars of pickles, packages of frozen bagels and salamis, among other items.

Reaching her sequestered parlor, she unlatched the door and entered, glad to have a few moments to herself. Within seconds, though, she sensed another presence, and turned to see a tall muscular black dude at the portable bar. Upon hearing the door close, he spun around. His eyes sparkled from drink and hominess.

"Hi Babe!!!!" he greeted smoothly.

"Uhh, Hi… " stammered Tami, surprised to find someone in the room.

"Hey, I've been waiting a long time."

Tami didn't know if he meant he'd wanted to get laid for quite a while, or if he'd been sitting in her ‘office' for many minutes.

"Didn't Leo tell you about it?"

She decided he meant the latter.

"No, he's been pretty busy all day. I guess he forgot… "

"Oh, never mind, it's O.K., now that you're here."

"Well, sit down, anyway… have a drink."

Tami mixed a hefty cocktail for herself, she was actually glad to be working, as long as her labor wasn't druggery. And, from the looks of this stud, it would be anything but…

She felt her mouth gradually moisten from the mixture of alcohol and anticipation. Already he had a nice rise outlined in his beige pants.

In order to make up for the time ho wasted while waiting for her, she immediately instigated some action. Rubbing her hands through his curly hair, she massaged his scalp and neck.

Tami looked down to check on the size of the growing protuberance. Yes, his pants had stretched even further to make way for that swaying fleshy tool.

"Mmmmmmmrnmm, Mama, stroke it for me…" he sighed.

She rubbed his cock through the material until it felt as solid as a metal spring.

"Keep going… I feel really hot!!!"

Tami unzipped the buck's pants and released his immense dark prick. She started to stroke it evenly… Suddenly he rolled around, towering over her, and proceeded to give her the most brutal kisses she had ever imagined. Moving like a hammer, his tongue pounded into her mouth, at times almost choking her in it's delirium. It ground her lips, making them burn from the friction.

"Ooooohhhhhhhhhh," she moaned, getting extremely aroused by such manly love-making. She turned on like wild from this customer's fantastic technique.

He stretched out her arms to both sides of her body so that she was immobile. His strength was definitely greater than Tami's, so she let him do with hem as he chose.

"Baby… " he breathed, "I want a little bit of your excitement, now, O.K.?"

This was such a vague thing to say. She wasn't sure how to respond.

"Uhhhhh, well, of course, it's fine…"

He locked her in his grip, so she didn't have much choice in the matter.

"Good." He reached into his pants pocket and drew out two strips of heavy material.

"Now, sweetie, you won't mind if I just tie you up for a little while?"

Tami swallowed hard. She hoped she wouldn't have to do anything too weird. Remembrances of what Sheryl had told her came to mind.

Before she could say anything he had already tied her arms to the decorative arms at one end of the sofa.

Instantly she sensed her nipples burning. She felt extremely horny being kept in one place, unable to move. He removed his long meaty dagger from its sheath and dangled it in front of her mouth.

Since she could barely move, only her head and legs, and had no way of touching it with her fingers, she felt incredibly frustrated and at the same time turned on to his cock.

She licked at it whenever she was able to reach the throbbing nut. The stud expertly rocked it in and out of her reach, panting like a slim animal in heat. His enormously developed muscles wrippled with each thrust of his dark thighs.

"Do you like it?" he asked, banging his penis harder into her famished mouth.

"Yes, yes, but I want to suck on it…"

He smiled.

"You do??? Alright, then, baby…"

Taking his cock in his hands, he directed it into her mouth and held it in place there so Tami could lick it thoroughly.

The sight of him holding his cock for her made the girl's.pussy soaking wet. She wanted him to eat her out, to relieve this tremendous pressure that had built up inside of her from being held in bondage. Tami began to squirm and roll as her temperature shot higher.

After spending several minutes tonguing his knob, cock, and balls, Tami was as hot as a bitch in heat.

"Please, please!!!!" she begged. Body tension was building up to the point where it would be impossible for her to remain rational. Already she had to close her eyes in order to try to keep from exploding from her frenzied need to fuck.

As her moaning increased, she suddenly felt the restraints loosened. He had untied her. She started to bend her arms and sit up, but he prevented any such movement.