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His face twisted into a purplish contortion from the concentration and intensity of his orgasm.

Instantly the girl felt herself give way to torrents of bodily release. Her steaming vagina started to become saturated by bursts of sticky cum.

"Ooooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!" The sexual gratification she felt was so intense that she couldn't coherently verbalize the sensation.

The little room was filled with the sound of their moans-his deeper masculine growls merged with her higher-pitched feminine gasps.

Eventually they regained their wind, and after a parting drink Tami returned to her register… but not before she had replaced all of Hal's money, except for one bill, in his pocket, when he wasn't looking.

Chapter 12

Within the next several weeks business in the supermarket increased at a substantial pace. Perhaps it was due to Tami's ‘extra service' or mere coincidence, Leo wasn't quite sure. But likewise, nobody complained in the least-except maybe the checkers when they were suddenly deluged with customers all at once on Saturday morning. But all in all, the working environment improved with everyone in such a good mood.

Leo come up to Tami one day while she dusted cans of tuna fish. He looked nervous as he approached.

"Tami, guess what?"

"I haven't got the slightest idea… what?"

"After all the work we've been through the district manager just called about the store…"

"Don't tell me he thinks business still isn't good enough!"

"No, no, it's just the opposite."

"What d'ya mean?"

"Well, the store is doing so well that he wants to transfer me to another one in hopes that I can improve it with my magic touch."

"That's ridiculous."

"I know, but what can we do?"

Leo had worked quite hard to drum up business and run the store smoothly after the district manager had warned him that he would be transferred to another region if the store didn't shape up. Such a relocation threatened to tear him and Anna apart, which would be intolerable to them both. And now it still might happen, this time due to an entirely different reason than the one he had suspected.

"Oh, Leo, isn't there anything we can do?"

"Well," he paused, "Some of the big shots are coming to survey the store tomorrow evening. If there was only some way to win them over.. YOU know, to convince them that I'd he much happier here…"

Tami could think of a way.

An instant later Leo's mind leaped to the same idea.

"Tami! What about if… no, it's not fair to ask such a thing of you."

"Leo, are you considering throwing a party for them? The kind of party I have in the back room?"

"To be honest… that's about the size of it!"


Actually it sounded like fun to the girl. She wanted to have a little time to think it over, though. There were a lot of things to consider. What if, for instance, some of the bosses were fairly straight-laced and thought it disgusting for a girl to be so obviously loose in their presence? But how many men could resist a good time if it came over and tapped them right on the shoulder?

"Leo," she had already made a decision. She went on.

"If you think it's a good idea and they won't take it the wrong way-then I'm game!"

Leo face lit up in a smile.

"We've got nothing to lose."

"Except our jobs."

"That's right-but why not give it a try? And don't worry. I'll invite Anna along, too.

Tami felt much better knowing that her friend and female sex partner would also take part in the festivities. They could divide up the men between them to make sure everybody had an equal piece of the fun.

"How many people'll be there?"

"I don't really know, three or four, probably." She had never taken on that many lovers at once-but, she thought to herself, there's a first time for everything.

A haze of fantasies covered the rest of Tami's quiet work day. Visions of a wild scene, an orgy conducted with normally dignified gentlemen, put a smile on her lips and a twitch in her thighs.

That evening she and Joe went out for a ride. Cool weather made them both feel glad to be outdoors for a change. Driving in the direction of The Grove brought it up as a subject.

"I wonder how Louie's doing," Tami thought idly.

"Louie? Oh, the caretaker… I have no idea, haven't seen him in quite a while…"

He lit up a cigarette and fiddled with the radio dial.

"Ya know, Tami, we had some great times up there at The Grove. Our parties…"

"Oh, yeah, that's for sure," agreed Tami.

"We were a lot different then."

Tami laughed, remembering her fear at the prospect of being balled for the first time.

"That's right, weren't we, though."

"As a matter of fact, though, I'm glad that we all got loose enough to… well… swing with everybody else. Aren't you?"

She considered this question. There was no doubt that she had felt quite sexy and desirable lately-especially since she opened her secret ‘office' in the market. But she hadn't told Steve about it, because, well, there are just some things that are better left unexplained.

It flashed through her mind that perhaps he had somehow found out about her adventures. She glanced at him to see if he looked as though he were leading up to something. Nothing could be detected in his impassive expression. He concentrated on turning a corner.

"Yes," she continued, "I'm glad too, cause it's exciting to know that you're (she nodded toward him) sexy to other women… and it's so nice to watch your body move when you fuck."

Joe smiled through a cloud of cigarette smoke.

"That's pretty much how I feel, too! It's nice to see you turn oh men. It makes me feel hornier for you."

They stopped briefly for a red light.

"Ya know something strange?" He paused, then continued:

"Well, the thought struck me that you'd probably make a terrific hooker."

Tami held her breath. It seemed like he had found out about what she was doing.

Suddenly Joe slammed on the brakes to avoid a truck that stopped short just ahead of them. The subject was forgotten. Throughout the evening Tami thought about this comment. She was amused that Joe considered her fit for her new occupation. Maybe someday she would tell him all about it.

Chapter 13

Crowds of people swarmed throughout the store the following day. The supermarket was conducting one of its biggest sales ever, and shoppers by the score were taking advantage of the bargains. Tami, Roberta, and all of the other checkers were extremely busy.

All day they rang up and bagged groceries, and by afternoon their arms were tired and sore from lifting so many items.

Leo didn't get a chance to speak to Tami until it was time for her shift to end. He rushed up to her, out of breath and red in the face.

"Christ, what a day!!! I've never seen so many fuckin' people!"

"That'll sound good to the district manager!" Tami suggested.

"Oh, yeah… hut it might look too successful!"

She remembered what Leo had told her about tentative plans to transfer him to another store even if business improved, which it certainly had.

"Don't worry about it m sure tonight will be just fine."

"I hope so. Anyway, you deserve a break, so go home and rest awhile… Just be back here around 8:00."

"O.K., Leo."

"Oh, and wear your uniform, please?"

When Tami returned to the store, the district manager had already arrived. Through the plate-glass window she saw the figures of three men surveying a display near the office. She recognized Leo with the two people who would determine his future. One was middle-aged, with greying hair, of medium build. The other was slightly younger, small, with brown wavy hair.

She entered the store and noticed that several other employees were still at work filling the vacant spaces where customers had devoured the stock during their bargain hunting.