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"Those two are your new ones, aren't they?" asked a male who was seated at the console.

"Yes," she replied. "I bought them yesterday."

"I'd say you got a good bargain. They're both keepers in my book."

"They're definitely keepers," agreed Kate.

After the exhibition was over, the twelve girls were divided into three groups based on how long they had been in training. The French girl joined the five who had been sold the day before and were sent to one room. The other six were divided into two groups and sent to two other rooms. Tempest and the other five girls spent the rest of the morning learning slave etiquette and learned various ways of posing and kneeling to please their owners.

Chapter 8

The five college girls got to sit together during lunch. It was clear that they were all nervous and frightened but they tried to be supportive of one another. Much of the conversation dealt with concerns about Carrie and what had become of her. They also shared notes on their new owners, or at least as much as they knew about their owners.

"I'm going to be a fucking cow!" exclaimed Tammy indignantly. All of the rest of them were shocked. Tammy never cursed or even had a bad thing to say about anyone.

"What?" asked Alaine.

"I'm going to be a cow!" Tammy repeated. "That fucking lunatic who bought me plans to milk me every day as if I was a cow!"

"Well, that sounds pretty good," said Kim. "I'm supposed to be a toy for a couple of teenagers. Just being milked sounds a lot easier." They jabbered on about what they knew about their fates. They were all surprised that Tempest had been bought by someone she worked with and they were all envious of Tempest and Elke being able to stay together.

"By the way," said Alaine, "that was quite a show you two put on this morning. Is there something you two should have told us a long time ago?"

Tempest blushed and shook her head. "No, there isn't. We were going to have to do it one way or another. Kate told us that last night. I guess we just did it a little more publicly than I envisioned."

"Well there's something I should have told you long ago," offered Elke. "I'm bi. And I have wanted to do that with Pest for years. In fact, I've wanted to do that with all of you for years." There was a collective gasp around the table.

"And despite all of this being scary and despite the fact that we've lost our previous lives," Elke continued, "I'm loving this experience. And I think I'm going to love being a slave."

"Wow," was all that Tammy could think to say.

"Yeah, wow," echoed Kim. Tempest remained silent. She wondered how Elke could be so cheerful and optimistic about having all of her freedom removed and becoming a piece of property. What did her friend see in it that gave her such a bright outlook? She would have to think about it. She hoped that she could find a silver lining for herself. It would sure beat going around despondent for the rest of her life.

Then she thought about the rest of her life. She would age. Would Kate still want her when she turned thirty? What about forty? What would happen when Kate no longer found her attractive? Would she be sold again? She shuddered slightly at the thought of going through another auction.

She was brought back to the present by the slight tickling to her right breast. Elke had draped her arm over the back of Tempest's chair and was lightly caressing the outer swells of her right breast. "Whatcha thinkin bout, Pest?"

"Oh," replied Tempest. "I was just wondering what will become of us." She glanced around the table and saw that everyone was watching Elke fondle her breast. She blushed furiously but made no attempt to remove the offending hand.

"We can worry and fret," said Elke. "Or we can embrace the present and make the most of it. What's done is done. I was kidnapped and I was sold. It's not fair but what's done is done. I'm not going to spend time regretting it or worrying about the future. I'm going to live life to the fullest."

"Besides," she went on, "now I've got the two most beautiful toys in the world to play with." She emphasized her point by reaching across with her left hand to squeeze Tempest's left breast as her other hand squeezed the right one.

"El!" hissed Tempest. "How can you do that in front of our friends?"

Elke laughed and gave the breasts another squeeze. Then she leaned forward and ran her tongue along Tempest's ear. "Love, remember that I'm bi. And also remember that you had your nose buried in my snatch earlier today in front of them. A little bit of titty squeezing is nothing compared to that." This caused Tempest's blush to return in full force. Then Elke smiled at the other three.

"I'm going to ask my mistress to arrange for me to be with each of you also before we are taken away. I've been dying to eat each of you. And if slavery is what it takes to get my wish, then I'm all for slavery." This caused three more faces to blush.

Then Elke grinned and looked at Tammy. "I might want a few sessions with you. I've never had a pregnant girl before."

"Oh El," said Tempest. "You're just trying to shock us."

Elke laughed again. "No. I'm just trying to eat you. All of you." She lifted Tempest's left breast in her hand and leaned down, sucking the delectable nipple into her mouth. Tempest pushed her head away and Elke looked up at her. "Do I have to knock you down to the ground again or are you going to let me finish my lunch?"

Tempest sighed and stopped resisting. Elke immediately captured the nipple again and sucked hungrily on it. The other three looked on in awe. Eventually, Elke released the little morsel and grinned around the table.

"Slavery is my friend."

Kate was once again in the control room, watching the naked girls sitting around the lunch table. "Those five seem to be very close," said Julia who had bought Alaine and who was seated in a chair beside Kate.

"There were six of them but one has already been shipped," Kate replied. "And yes, I get the sense that they are very close."

"Your two seem to be adjusting nicely to their new lives," remarked Julia. "Especially the blonde."

"Yeah, it's remarkable," said Kate. "It's almost as if she's enjoying it."

"Well, any of the five of them would be perfect purchases, I'm sure. But I'm particularly pleased with the little redhead I bought. She's so beautiful and she blushes so easily. I hope you're pleased with your purchases as well."

"Oh, I'm very pleased," replied Kate. "It will be nice to have the pitter patter of naked feet running around the house again."

"You never told me," said Julia. "What happened with your last girl?"

"I released her," Kate responded. "Her mother became very ill and needed someone to care for her. Tina was her only child so it just made sense."

"Aren't you worried that she'll go to the police or the press?"

"No, not really," said Kate. "I always took good care of her. And I set her up with a trust fund that should take care of her for the rest of her life. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she returned to me someday. Then I'll really have my hands full."

"What do you plan to do with yours?" asked Julia.

"I'm not sure now," said Kate. "I had only planned on buying Tempest, the one with the black hair. But when Elke became so affordable, I couldn't pass her up. I had planned on keeping Tempest as a pleasure slave and maybe selling Elke in a few months. But now I'm not so sure. I'm loving watching them together. So I might keep them both. Maybe I'll show them this summer in Europe."

"They would be sure to win top prizes," observed Julia.

"What do you have planned for the redhead?" asked Kate.