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I gave his tool a brief washing, then dried him off and sent him packing to his room.

"Hey, can we do things like this together again?" he asked at the door before leaving. "Can I come see you a lot? You really make me feel good when we get naked and do things."

"What do you think, you little rascal?" I said. "Sure you can. I'll tell you when. There are a few more boys I like to have fuck me too, you know. And there are apparently plenty of other girls who like you to do it to them, too. Don't worry, sweetie, we'll get together again before long."

The next day at lunch Carrie fell into step with me on the way back to our classes. "Got a minute?" she asked.

When I said I did she suggested we stop by one of the little patio tables in the courtyard, where we wouldn't "be disturbed." Unusual talk for a girl like Carrie.

She got right to the point. in a burst of confidence, she said there was a reason for her rejection of sex with any of the kids around school. Her boyfriend up north, she admitted, was a masochist, and loved for her to beat him in fact that was the only he could get off, and he insisted that she do it. At first she had only done it to please him, but had eventually begun to enjoy administering the beatings. His special thing was being bound hand and foot and then having her tease him to orgasm in the most tantalizing manner she could dream up. The more she played the part of sadist, the more she became one, she said. And after four years of such a relationship, she considered herself a permanent devotee of such doings.

I listened without a word to her tale. No wonder she had no time for acquiring a taste for younger boys. She had had her hands full with her own special form of debauchery. And seeing me with the whip, she then explained, had naturally made her curious to know more. She was not aware that any S/M sex ever went on at Brightwater.

Why did she want to know about it there, if she had her boy friend to get it on with, I wanted to know? That was just the problem, she lamented. He had been transferred to Europe by his company the previous week, and their affair was ended.

"But you've said you don't dig on kids," I reminded her. "How could. you get any kick out of screwing around with them even if there happened to be one who was turned on to being a masochist?"

She leaned close and said, "To tell you the truth, Mime, I'm so excited by the bondage scene that I'd gladly accept any guy I could get. I'm so horny for it I'd even consider a guy of any age-I wouldn't even balk at taking on one of the kids here at school."

She dropped her eyes with the last statement. She was ashamed to admit the truth about how intense her desire was, and only did so out of the sheerest need, it seemed.

I told her I'd do what I could for her. That night I went to Percy's place and told him the whole story. Would Roger be interested, I wanted to know?

"Well well," he chuckled, "so our little Carrie wasn't nearly as straight-laced as she let on, huh? How do you like that? She was hiding her own secret all along."

When he finished gloating over the news of Carrie's decadence, he said he was almost positive that Roger would go for her scene.

"If he doesn't happen to like it, we'll make him do it anyway," Percy said, using his own brand of logic. "Who ever heard of a masochist getting what he wants? Their whole trip is getting what they don't want, right Millie."

The very next night he arranged for Carrie and me to come to the basement biology lab and "have a little fun." He promised that Roger would be there. His own room, Percy said, might not be soundproof enough for our purposes.

That afternoon I got a pleasant surprise. Carrie told me a little boy in her care-group had been talking about me. He had a crush on me, and would really love to "do naughty things," he had admitted to her. The boy turned out to be Kenny, the young ten-year-old who had arrived at school the same night as Caroline. When I found out who it was, I was eager to get with him. He was the kid, after all, with whom Kate had had sex the night she let me watch through the one-way mirror in the entrance hail.

Carrie brought him along with her that night. Percy showed up with Roger… right on time, and blind folded, of all things. "It'll add to the fun," he told Carrie and me before leading the boy in. When Kenny saw me he said to Carrie, "Hey, you really did bring me to see Millie, didn't you? I thought you might be just fooling me."

The five of us entered the biology lab and were led by Percy to a rear room. It was dank and rather dark even with all available lights on, something like a dungeon. Kenny thought it was all pretty weird about Roger being blindfolded, but when he saw the same fate wasn't about to befall him he calmed down about it.

At the rear of the room there were various devices that had been used to restrain animals for lab experiments. Tonight they were to be put to a very different use, however. Percy placed Carrie's hand on Roger's arm and told him. "I'm turning you over to someone else now. Needless to say, my boy, you'd better do exactly as I say or she may punish you severely. Do you understand?"

Roger nodded and gave a tremulous, "Yes."

When Kenny took all this in, he became scared again and asked me what was going to happen. He pressed against me, his head even with my breasts, and watched with concern. I told him not to worry, that nothing would happen to him, that it was all a little game. I welcomed the closeness of him to my tits, and put my arm around him like a mother. But my thoughts were very unmaternal. I was thinking how the kid had looked the night Kate induced him to display his little cock to Caroline as a part of her little self-styled "sex education" program. How hot he had become after Kate let him feel her up. And how he had responded after she got his pants off.

I began to pat his ass as we watched the proceedings, and he rubbed his head against my tits with more and more fervor. Although I wasn't wearing a bra I did have a blouse on. I wondered how he would like feeling them with nothing in between our skin.

Carrie went right to work. She told Roger to sit down and do what she said. She tied his hands behind him and leaned over toward his face, putting her tits right under his nose. She asked him what he smelled and he said he smelled something "real nice."

Carrie told him that although he couldn't take the blindfold off and look, he could touch her with his face. But first he had to unbutton the front of her blouse with his tee.

"What you smell is the perfume on my tits, Roger," she said. "I took a long, hot bath just before I came here, and I put a few drops of my favorite perfume between my fits and on my nipples. If you can get my buttons undone you can smell it-and me-a lot better."

Carrie's method of mistreating a boy was different from mine. She never yelled or tried to scare him. She just teased him after he was tied up and talked dirty to him. It gave her a charge to tease and tantalize without delivering the goods, ‘till the boy was nearly desperate for release.

She had to get on her knees in front of him as he was sitting down. He worked and worked trying to get her buttons loose, but it was very hard to do. And to make matters worse, she wouldn't let him put his nose against her skin ‘till he had them all unbuttoned. So he had to work on and on, with her naked tits right in front of his nose. He could smell them, but he couldn't touch. Once he accidentally grazed one, and she promptly slapped him across the front of his pants with a thin piece of wood.

When she did that I saw a big lump in his pants that wasn't there before. Percy stepped near me and, whispering, asked me if I'd told her what a big cock Roger had. I told him I hadn't mentioned it, and he said she had a big surprise in store.

He finally got all the buttons off and at last he got to touch her tit with his face. But she only let him touch the very tip of one nipple for a couple of seconds. His cock took another jump in his pants, and the sight of it made my mouth water. I moved my hand from Kenny's ass to the front of his pants and began toying, with his fly. I was rewarded with a solid stiffness inside.