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Soon t was walking down the hail with Kate.

"We have two new students coming in today," she said. I agreed to join her in welcoming them. I knew that at Brightwater, a school located in' the lush green mountains of the California coast, was attended almost exclusively by kids from quite wealthy families-actors, company heads, and jetsetters of every kind, for the most part-and that their parents expected a great deal of personal attention for their children.

Just how personal that attention was, however, I was soon to learn, was something that truly shocked me. And if the kids parents had found out, I'm quite sure they would have been astonished and scandalized, to say the least.

We met the kids in the large, plush reception area and introduced ourselves. One was a ten-year-old boy and the other an eleven-year-old girl, the son of a well-known scientist and the daughter of a prominent painter. Their names were Kenny and Caroline: they were both very attractive and healthy children.

Kate explained that she would personally explain Brightwater to them, its rules, privileges and "special fun," as she called it. I was to see them again that night at dinner. We all went to another room.

Then she took me aside and ushered me to a hidden room above, where I was to observe (through a two-way mirror) and listen (through concealed microphones) how she handled the kids.

I was amazed at the procedure and said so.

"Why do I have to do this in secret?" I protested.

"Why can't I just stay with the three of you and-"

"You'll find out, Millie," Kate said in a helpful, but mysterious, tone of voice. "If you bad been here at Brightwater for a while, you could stay with us. But I'm sure you'll agree, after you see what goes on, that that's a lot you don't yet know about this school as well as things the children themselves don't yet know. By taking it all in from up here in this special observation room, you can see what happens without the kids knowing anyone is watching."

I didn't understand why it should be important for the kids to be so alone with her, but I did as she said and went to the chair she pointed out in the observation room. A few minutes later she went back down the stairs to the kids. She immediately put things on a first-name basis with them. The boy's name was Kenny and the girl's name was Caroline.

They both knew the school rules and regulations (which were very few!) from what their parents had told them before sending them there, since Brightwater provided all prospective parents with a full supply of booklets and brochures on all technical ‘details of the school's operation. So far I couldn't imagine why sate had insisted that I remain hidden from view.

Then my fellow teacher began talking to them about themselves. At first it was routine fare, such as how many pets they had back home, and what their names were, and things about their brothers 4'and sisters. It turned out they were each an "only child," having no one else in the family except ‘their mothers and fathers. Kate pointed out that although they would each have their own rooms at the school, there would nevertheless be many occasions when it would be necessary for them to be in very close touch with other kids.

"It won't be like the schools you've been going to," she reminded them. "You'll be living much' closer together with the other students here. Not just in class, but for meals and also at night. Even around where others are sleeping."

They both nodded, although with some hesitance.

It was clear to them that Kate's conversation was about to move in realms neither of them was prepared for. Then it was out. Kate suddenly got ‘to the point, in a way which made little Kenny blush.

"Since you'll be seeing older girls around their bedrooms from time to time, there's something I should ask you, Kenny," she posed to him. "Have you ever seen a girl without her clothes on? Do you know what a girl looks like underneath her underwear?"

Note: pages 47 and 48 are missing from this books. would have never Imagined myself doing even in my wildest imagination. The fact that I was twenty-five years old, and my two most recent lovers had been only fourteen and twelve, was still very much on my mind.

"You kids sure are quiet," she said to them in a rather chiding way. "Couldn't be that I'm embarrassing you, could it? They both shook their heads. Neither one wanted "to appear "chicken" in front of the other. Caroline even went a little farther and spoke up.

"Heck no," she said, with bravado in her slightly trembling voice, "you're not… you're not embarrassing me. I know about stuff like that. My parents aren't complete squares."

"Then you admit you like seeing what a boy has between his legs, Caroline?" asked Kate.

This was a much too directly personal question for the kid, but she handled it as deftly as possible.

"Well sure," she replied, "if you want to talk like that. I… I like to… you know-get a peek once in a while at some boy. Especially since I don't have any brothers."

"What do you call the thing between a boy's legs?" Kate pursued, obviously relishing the conversation.

Kenny looked at Caroline with a "betcha-won't-answer-that-one" expression on his face.

But she promptly responded. "Peter," she said. She giggled nervously, then repeated the word. "I just call it a ‘peter,' I guess; I don't know. I don't say it much."

"Why not?" asked Kate. "You mean you can't talk about ‘peter,' as you call it, in front of your parents?"

"Gosh no," the girl said. "I told you my parents aren't complete squares, but they're too square for me to talk about things like that in front of."

"Well, honey," Kate said, "now that you're at Brightwater things are going to change for you. And for the better, too. You're not only allowed to talk about things, you're going to be allowed to see them, too."

Both kids looked at her with new interest.

"Kenny, why don't you let Caroline see what's in your pants?" Kate said. "She's admitted she likes to take a peek whenever she gets the chance. Why don't you give her a look at yours?"

If the color of his face had been red before, it was now flaming. Before answering her, he licked his dry lips and moved restlessly in his chair.

"I'm not afraid to," he finally replied, "if she's not afraid to look."

"Stay where you are, Caroline," Kate instructed, "and watch. I'm going to give Kenny a little assistance. Stand up so I can-"

But Kenny interrupted her: "You mean right here," he asked. "And right now? Somebody'll come through here and see us."

"No, that's impossible," Kate explained. "This room is a very special place. You don't have to worry about anyone happening by. A few other teachers and I call this the indoctrination room… we set it aside for greeting new students and introducing them to the ways of the school. No one else will enter as long as we're using the room… unless I give permission."

I couldn't help but notice how Kate entirely avoided saying anything about me, and how I was at that moment seeing and hearing everything that went on and what she was telling the kids was really amazing me. Apparently, more than one teacher at Brightwater engaged in whatever went on there. It sounded like a secret society or something, from the way she told it.

Kenny stood up as she had directed, and Caroline was all eyes. The kid was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Kate sat down in front of him and turned him slightly sideways, so Caroline wouldn't miss anything from where she was sitting several feet away on the other aide of the room. Kate put her hands on his young shoulders and trailed her fingers down the front of his T-shirt. She rubbed his hard little stomach and, after a few circular passes around the area of his navel, let her fingertips drop past his belt buckle to his fly.

She patted him lightly and said, "I can feel it right now, Caroline, without even going inside. It appears that your schoolmate here has a bit of a hard-on. Know what that is?"