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"Good," Aurora said.

She stayed behind him, caressing his chest, watching Robin as he whipped the streaming Lulu. Finally Robin felt he had got enough revenge for the cane Lulu had beat across his wrists.

"Okay," he said, "pull that thing off his cock. Let him come."

Aurora leaned over Howard, her hand reaching down to his cock.

"Now," she whispered to Howard, "when I take it off, don't come, hold out until you get what you want from that bitch sucking you. Soon she'll offer anything to end her pain."

"Oh, fuck, Miss!" he gasped, his cock thrusting and jumping in Lulu's mouth. "I can't hold out!"

Aurora toyed with the leather restraints around his cock and balls. "Do you want to be a man?"

"Of course!" he gasped.

"Then do it," Aurora said. "It's up to you." She pulled the cord, the knot came open and the leather restraints foil away.

For ten seconds or so Aurora was sure Howard was going to fail. He yelled, his cock jumping free, throbbing with hours of pent-up lust. He pulled on the ropes, yelling as Lulu sucked his cock into her throat, desperate to stop the beating on her ass.

Then Howard roared in outright fury. He stopped heaving, his ass trembled, but stayed still and he looked down at Lulu's head as she sucked him, her groans and screams of pain ringing out around his cock.

Robin whipped Lulu, laying the cane into her ass, while she sucked with rising desperation. Howard's cock seemed to have grown at least three inches since the restraints had come oft and it was turning a deep, throbbing red. Still he stood there, letting Lulu work her throat over it.

"Uuurrghhh!" Lulu screamed. "Come, you fucking wimp, come!"

Her mouth sank deeper, her throat working his cock-head with all the skill she knew. And still he didn't shoot.

A smile of terrible satisfaction spread over Howard's face. He waited, standing there while Lulu took more punishment, her ass heaving in agony.

"Beg me!" Howard said suddenly, and the whole room looked at him.

"You bastard, come!" Lulu screamed, her mouth dropping back over his cock with frantic haste.

"Beg me!" he repeated, his hands gripping the bonds. "I'm not going to shoot until you beg me!"

"Aaahhhh!" Lulu screamed as she pulled her mouth back up his cock. "You fucker! You lousy little wimpy cock-sucker. Aaahhh, come you shit-licking sucker, come!"

"Beg me," Howard said, his cock vanishing to the root in Lulu's mouth while everybody stared at the scene in near disbelief.

Robin whipped Lulu harder, the cane bending under the impact. "I'd do as he says. Howard just grew up."

"Aaaagh!" Lulu screamed, her body tossing on the bar as the agony rolled over her. "You fucker! Please, let me suck you off!"

"Try again," Howard said.

"Please, please – aaahhh! Please, Howard, let me suck you off!"

"Maybe," he said. "But you come to my dorm room twice a week for the next six months and I have you any way I want as long as I want."

"All right, now please let me suck you off!" Lulu screamed, her ass beating against the bar in her pain.

"Okay," Howard said and he leaned back, his hips jerking suddenly, his mouth open as he gasped and roared and a stream of cum burst out of his cock, gushing into Lulu's mouth. "Yeahhh! Oohhh, yeahhh, suck it all down, whore! Suck it all down!"

As Lulu's soft little mouth ran over Howard's spurting cock-flesh, taking his cum and swallowing it with vast heaves of relief, Aurora found herself looking down at the depraved sight, her mouth watering again, her pussy getting wet. For some reason she couldn't understand, she wanted some more cum. She braced herself. If she walked out now, she would get away, home free from this disgusting place. She turned for the door.

"Just a moment," Brett said and he gripped her arm, sending thrills of excitement through the blonde teacher. "Where are you going?"

Aurora stared at the front of Brett's robe and there was his cock, still stiff and hard, still ready to fill her mouth and pussy and ass.

Brett grinned at her and pushed her to her knees. "I'm actually going to give you a choice. If you want, you can leave now and I won't stop you. Or you can stay and have my cock which ever way you want. Just for a start. Then you come to our staff party tonight and meet everybody. Any way you want. Any way they want."

Aurora trembled all over. Behind her Howard was still shooting the last of his cum into Lulu's mouth, yelling in total satisfaction. Aurora gazed at Brett's cock. Any way she wanted it. The big, thick hunk of meat. Her mouth watered and her knees got weak. And then the party, cocks all over the place and cunts and tits. And the whip whenever she was bad. And she could be so bad. She gasped, fighting with herself. She should get out, leave this den, of vice. Now.

The next morning the door to the classroom opened and Aurora walked in. Immediately the class began to giggle, the girls looking at her as if they were just waiting for her to burst into tears.

Aurora slammed the cane down on the first desk. "Silence!"

There was a shudder in the room, but some of the girls didn't stop giggling and the snitty little blonde that had broken Aurora the day before took out her nail file and started filing her nails.

Aurora walked to the next desk, her lovely blonde hair flowing over her shoulders, her tight black dress flicking up over her stocking tops. She slammed the cane onto the wooden desk top.

"This is the last time I will repeat myself!" she snapped. "On your feet, all of you!"

Half the class jumped up at once, shivering, glancing at each other. Aurora fixed the other girls with a steely glare and rapidly they stood, one by one, staring around, wondering what had happened.

"Oh good," Aurora said as the witty little blonde stayed in her seat, her feet up on the desk, sanding her nails. "So you think the discipline in this class isn't what it should be?"

"Who the fuck cares?" the little blonde said, her pert, cocky little face grinning wildly. "You suck a lot of cocks yesterday to get the black outfit? One fucking day and you think you're a big shot."

Smiling with total assurance, Aurora walked between the desks, taking her time, until she came to the little blonde's desk. "Tell me, what's your name?"

"What's it to you?" the girl said and went onto her next nail.

"I really think it would be nice if we knew each other's name," said Aurora sweetly. "Mine is Miss Instrom."

"Funny, I forgot already," the girl said.

"Now that's too bad," Aurora said. "Because you're going to take six strokes of the cane across your ass and thank me every time."

"The fuck I am," the girl said.

Aurora turned to the four girls closest to her. "Hold her over the desk, unless you want what she's going to get?"

Not one of them hesitated. There was real terror in their eyes as they jumped up and grabbed the little blonde.

"Hey, you bitches, let me go, let me go!" the blonde yelled. She screamed as she was hauled forward and aver her desk.

"I'm sorry, Toni," one of the girls said, "we have to."

Aurora handed leather straps to the girls. "Tie her down!"

Tern struggled the whole time, but there was nothing she could do. She was soon lashed to her desk, her ankles to the back legs, her wrists to the bottom of the front ones. Toni struggled, her little uniform skirt way up over her heaving ass.

"Nice," Aurora said and ran her hands over Toni's tight ass-cheeks. Toni indeed had a nice ass, tight curves that led down to a pair of long, shapely legs. Aurora flipped the skirt up, right over Toni's back, revealing her tight little white panties, and the lacy straps of her suspenders. She took the cane and whipped it into Toni's straining ass-cheeks.

It was a very satisfying moment for Aurora. She saw the cane bend a little, watched as the thin line of red appeared on Toni's ass, showing through her tiny, white panties. Even more satisfying was the scream that Toni gave, her body twisting as her ass beat at the desk top.