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The Cadillac pulled into a side road and drove down the driveway of Congressman Barth's enormous Mexican estate. Doris was quite impressed by the luxurious grounds, and the huge white mansion left her awestruck. She wondered how a Congressman could afford such an expensive mansion. A servant quickly stepped forward and opened the doors of the automobile. They stepped out and walked up the marble steps and through the huge oak door.

Doris was stunned by the expensive furnishings in the huge living-room. Huge paintings hung on the walls. A beautiful grand piano stood in one corner. All of the furniture was covered in purple velvet.

Samuel and Suzanne sat down. Doris stood nearby, uncertain what to do. She looked embarrassed and awkward.

"You sit on the floor," Samuel said, chuckling. "That's where you belong, bitch!"

Doris felt terribly humiliated. But she obeyed, sitting crosslegged on the floor.

Before long, a servant entered and served wine to Samuel and Suzanne, totally ignoring Doris. Her throat was parched, but she knew that it would be unwise to complain.

A handsome, red-haired man entered the living room. He was smiling broadly. "Well, hello there," he said, greeting Suzanne and Samuel.

"God, I didn't know you were here, Senator Hamilton!" Samuel exclaimed. He rushed forward and shook the man's hand.

The Senator walked forward and kissed Suzanne on the cheek. "Nice to see you again, lovely lady," he said. Then, turning to look down at Doris, he said, "Who is this? Another new servant?"

"Yep!" Samuel replied. "You want to show her around the place?"

"Definitely!" Senator Hamilton said. "It'll be my pleasure." He be held out his hand, and Doris took it. He pulled her to her feet. "I'll make sure to show her the room downstairs," he said, winking at Samuel.

"You do that, Senator," Samuel replied.

Together, Doris and Senator Hamilton left the room. He led her down a hallway.

"Senator Hamilton!" Doris exclaimed. "I know you! I saw you on television the other day, on the David Winter Show. You're a famous man. You said that you were planning to run for President!"

"Yep, that's me. The one and only Senator Teddy Hamilton," the man replied proudly. He strode forward confidently.

"I have to tell you what's going on with Samuel and Suzanne," Doris blurted. "And Congressman Barth! They're evil people, perverted and mean!"

Senator Hamilton smiled and gestured for the girl to step through a door at the end of the long corridor. "Let's go downstairs and you can tell me all about it," he said.

Doris went down the steps and entered a large dark room. The room, was so dark that she could barely see her hands in front of her face. Her mind was racing with excitement. Senator Hamilton was her savior! she thought anxiously. She planned to tell him all about how she had been abused and raped by Congressman Barth, his nephew, and his niece. She was certain that the Senator would save her!

Suddenly, Doris felt a steel-studded leather collar being slipped around her neck. She gasped with fear and confusion. What was happening? she wondered. Then, Senator Hamilton flicked a light on, and the room was bathed in a harsh glow. Floodlights beamed down at her from all four corners of the room. As she stood in the middle of the brightly-lit room, she reached for her throat, her fingers running across the thick, steel-studded dog collar which dug into her tender neck. She glanced at the renowned Senator, who attached a leash to the collar. His eyes were glazed. He reached out and ripped off her halter top, pushing the palm of his hand into her tits and shoving her roughly to the floor. He held the end of the leash in his hand, and yanked on it hard, causing her neck to jerk forward. She was pulled to her knees. He stared at her coldly.

"I suppose you were planning on telling me all about my good friends. Is that right?"

"Y-yes!" she stammered. Doris couldn't understand what was happening. Here was the revered Senator Hamilton, standing over her menacingly, holding the end of a leash in his hand, the other end attached to a leather dog collar which was clasped tightly around her neck. "I… I don't understand! What's going on here, anyway?"

"It's really very simple," he said calmly. "You see, Congressman Barth and I own this Mexican estate together. We use it periodically, to escape the rat-race of Washington. We come down here to relax, and work out our frustrations. Even Congressmen and Senators need time off now and then." He gripped her by the chin and pulled her face upward to the level of his crotch. "Pull down icy zipper, bitch! Pull down the zipper of my pants!"

Doris' fingers were trembling, but she managed to grab hold of his zipper and pull it down. She didn't know what Senator Hamilton wanted, but she knew better than to refuse his command. He looked angry and mean!

"That's very good," he said, scrutinizing her carefully, admiring her ripe young body. Her tits were fully exposed to his gaze, and he inspected her lush, upthrust tits approvingly. The Senator was obviously impressed with the well-endowed young girl. There was a lascivious glint in his eyes. "Now, little girl, incidentally, what is your name, anyway?"

"D-Doris Merryweather," she answered meekly, shrugging her bare shoulders.

"Thank you, dear. I always like to know the names of people I'm talking to. Well, now, Doris Merryweather. You are doing very well thus far. Be sure to keep up the good work. Now, slip your little hand into my fly and pull out my prick. You'll do that for me, won't you?"

Doris was taken aback by the gentle, patronizing manner in which the famous Senator Hamilton spoke. Her hand moved automatically, dipping into his fly and taking hold of his flaccid prick. She gently tugged his cock out of his trousers. His cock dangled at his crotch, limp and soft. She was amazed that Senator Hamilton's prick wasn't stiff and hard. All of the other cocks that Doris had seen were as hard and straight as steel pipes. She didn't know how to respond. She held on to the base of his cock with her thumb and forefinger, and his prick drooped like a piece of soft rubber.

"That's real good, Doris," Senator Hamilton said. "Now, cup your hand and rub it across the bottom of my prick. Do that for me, okay?"

Doris did as she was told, cupping her palm and stroking the length of his prick. It didn't take long for the man to respond to her manual caress. His cock came to life, getting a little bit stiffer with every stroke. Doris could tell, that there was an especially sensitive spot on his cock, located just beneath his cock-knob. Whenever she ran her hands across that area of his prick, the skin puffed out and became a little bit redder. She could feel heat emanating from that special place on his cock. He was starting to get turned on!

"Yeah, that's… that's real good, Doris. That feels… feels real… real nice. I like what you're doing. Now, do as I tell you. Take your other hand and grip the base of my prick."

She followed his instructions carefully, gripping the base of his long cock with her free hand. When she touched his prick, the man jerked his hips backward and sighed deeply, taking in a deep breath of air.

"Now, squeeze the base of my cock," he ordered. "Yeah, this is just the way I like to get turned on!"

Doris squeezed the thick base of the man's prick, and he sighed. His prick responded instantly, springing upright, quickly becoming hard. She watched in fascination as his thick, rope-like prick veins pulsed with red-hot blood.

Doris was stunned and amazed as she observed the response of his prick to her deft manual movements. Before long, Senator Hamilton had a stiff, rock-hard cock. It was really exciting to witch the man's cock-stalk respond to her manipulation!