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"How often is that?" Doris inquired, trying to open up a warm conversation. She wanted to have Senator Hamilton on her side. At this point, she would nurture any possible ally. She needed friends badly. Besides, Senator Hamilton seemed to appreciate her, if only sexually.

"Oh, I usually come down here to relax every month. I always enjoy myself. As a Senator, I'm under a lot of pressure in Washington. And," he added, scowling, "the fucking press keeps a close watch on what I do. I can't take a fucking shit without some reporter standing outside the bathroom. Sons of bitches really piss me off." He shook his head disdainfully.

Doris knew that this was the right time to pump the Senator for information. Her face brightened perceptively as she continued the conversation, speaking in animated tones. "That must, be terrible, Senator Hamilton," she said.

"Yeah, it is terrible. It's like I'm always under surveillance. I hate it. But," he said, smiling, "I always enjoy my trips down here. The problem is, Samuel is in charge here, and he seldom keeps a new girl for very long."

Now, Doris was really interested. "What happens to them?" she asked, innocently.

"I'm not really sure," Senator Hamilton answered. "Congressman Barth and his nephew Samuel both have told me not to worry about it. They claim that I would be better off not knowing what happens to girls like yourself who are brought down here. I've heard a few little tidbits, but I can't put it all together. Actually, I think they're right. I am better off not knowing. I do wonder, though." The lawmaker looked perplexed. He was obviously thinking long and hard about the few clues that he had stored away in his brain. "I guess," he continued, "I just never really cared too much before. But, now that you're involved, maybe I ought to take a greater interest. You're a swell kid. How old are you, anyway?"

"I'm still a teenager."

"Damn! You are young!" he exclaimed. "Christ, I really do want them to keep you around. I love young girls!"

Doris was flabbergasted that the man felt no remorse at fucking her and sticking the ass-plug up her asshole so cruelly. But, no matter. She wanted to know what Samuel was up to, and where all of the girls had disappeared. She was really frightened, not knowing what might happen to her. "Well," she said, "maybe we can piece together the information that you know."

Senator Hamilton's eyes brightened as he dredged his brain for information, recalling the clues that he remembered only vaguely. "Well, I remember them talking about fuck shows. And some nightclub called Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe. But, that's all I can remember for now."

"Geez, that's not much help, is it?" Doris added. She tried to comprehend the clues, to piece them together and figure out the puzzle. Sex shows and Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe. What did it all mean?


Congressman Barth arrived at the Mexican mansion and Senator Hamilton rushed up to greet his fellow lawmaker. He winked at Doris and said that he would try to figure out what the clues meant. He reassured Doris that, if it were in his power, he wouldn't let anything happen to the girl. Then, he left, shutting the door after him.

Doris mulled the clues over in her befuddled brain, but could make no sense of them. She was totally exhausted. After the Senator had left, she pulled the butt-plug out of her asshole and rubbed her palm trough her raw and chafed ass-crack. Her asshole was burning with pain. But, more than anything else, she needed to rest. She planned to escape at the next possible opportunity. Whatever sex shows were in Mexico, Doris wanted no part of them. And, she didn't like the sound of Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe. She only wanted to flee this country and make her way back to New York, to rejoin her kind and loving Uncle Melvin. She promised herself that, never again would she disobey her uncle's instructions. She would never walk through Central Park when it was getting dark. If indeed she ever managed to get back to New York! Things looked bleak for the captive young girl. She dozed off thinking about these things, and slept soundly.

Only semi-conscious, Doris heard the door opening. She wasn't certain if it were not part of her dream. Then, she felt a pair of cold, steel handcuffs being clamped down on her slender wrists. "Wh-what's going on?" she asked.

"It's playtime, bitch!" came the familiar baritone voice of the wicked Congressman Barth.

"Yeah, we're gonna have a little fun with you," Samuel chimed in as he strolled to the corner of the room and picked out a long, nasty-looking horsewhip. He fondled the lengthy leather whip in his palm and looked at the handcuffed young blonde threateningly. "This ought to warm your ass up real good, and get your ripe asshole ready for my Uncle Barth's prick."

"Where is Senator Hamilton?" she asked nervously. Had the Senator deserted her? she wondered. He had promised that he would not let anything awful happen to her. Where in the hell was he now, when she needed him?

"Oh, yeah! The Senator said that he was very pleased with your performance," Congressman Barth said coldly. "He doesn't want us to sell you to the Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe. We promised him that we wouldn't do such a nasty thing." The wicked Congressman Barth dropped his trousers and moved forward, grasping Doris about the neck and pulling her head forward. He pushed her blonde hair away and rubbed his soft prick into her face.

"Still Senator Hamilton doesn't know anything about Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe, or sex shows," Samuel added. He raised the horsewhip and let Doris have it across her asscheeks.

"Owwwwwww!" she shrieked. She wanted to shield her asscheeks with her hands, but it was impossible. She was handcuffed! Finally, she could no longer stand the suspense of not knowing what they were talking about. She had to ask the evil men. "What is a sex show?" she screamed, her shout filling the dungeon-like basement.

"What the hell, why not tell her?" Samuel said, cracking the whip down on her ass again. The whip cut through the air and slashed across her ass, the tip of the leather horsewhip cutting into her tortured asshole. "If she thinks that the Senator is going to save her now, she's sorely mistaken. Shit, he's with Suzanne now, and she'll take his mind off of this little, snotty bitch. By the time she's finished with him, he won't be able to think straight. Besides, we'll hustle the little cunt off, soon."

"Hustle me off to where? What are you talking about?" she bellowed, racked with pain, shuddering with humiliation as Barth rubbed his stiffening prick into her face.

"Off to Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe," the crude Congressman said calmly, "where we expect to fetch a pretty penny for your worthless fucking ass. The Mogul loves young, feisty bitches. I'm sure he'll pay plenty for you, Doris."

"Fuck, yes!" Samuel exclaimed, rearing back and flicking the horsewhip hard across her ass. He grunted as he whipped her, putting all of his weight into the flogging. "I bet he'll even raise the cover charge at the cafe after he buys you!"

"For sure!" Barth said. "The younger the better."

Doris was shocked, stunned with disbelief. She realized at last that Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe was a horribly perverted nightclub where the main attraction was a young girl who got fucked every night by a guy with a twelve inch dick. She was to be sold to the owner, named Mogul, to be forced to engage in sex night after night for the gross pleasure of the perverted customers – who paid plenty to watch sex being performed on stage! She was horror stricken, frightened out of her wits at the grim reality of her situation. Doris couldn't believe that this was happening to her.

"Before we take you to the Mogul, I'm going to have some fun with you, bitch! Is she warmed up, yet?" Congressman Barth said to Samuel. Barth had the unmistakable look of lust in his eyes. His mouth watered as he looked down at the kneeling, handcuffed blonde girl, rubbing his hardening prick into her face.