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"Ohhhhhhh, good God!" Hamilton exclaimed. "Such a lovely cunt! It's nice and tight! I love it! Unnnnnnn! Can't get enough of your pussy, you beautiful bitch!"

He slammed forward, filling her pussy with his meaty prick, fucking her frantically, reveling in the wonderful, sexy sensations that pulsed through his blue-veined prick. He was momentarily lost in the fucking. In fact, she had come on to him so quickly that he had been totally distracted from his mission. The reason he had gone to her bedroom to speak with her was to find out about what they were planning to do with Doris. Surely, he had thought, Suzanne would know all about sex shows and Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe. He had planned to question her and find out what was going on at Congressman Barth's Mexican estate. After all, he had helped pay for the place. There was no good reason why he shouldn't know what was going on with the young girls that Samuel and Suzanne brought down there on Barth's instructions.

But, all of that was forgotten for the moment, as he rammed his prick hard and fast into Suzanne's brown-thatched cunt. He was too excited to think about anything but sex! Later, he would question her about the things that were on his mind.

"Ohhhhhhh, Senator Hamilton," she cooed. "Your prick is so nice and hard. Unnnnnnn! I love fucking you! We should have gotten together earlier!"

"And you, my dear, fuck like a rabbit! Ummppphhhhh! Mmmmmppphhh! I love your pussy, you lovely vixen!" the Senator exclaimed, fucking her fast and hard, his cock ripping through her pussy, raking obscene sexual joy from her rippling, slick cunt-walls.

Doris knew that she wouldn't be able to stand much more of the vicious ass-fucking. She prayed that the wicked man would soon come, ending her pain. Her asshole felt like it was burning up. The pain was too much to be believed!

"This is it!" the Congressman yelped, not a moment too soon. He pounded his prick into her asshole, and shot his load deep into her body. His body stiffened and he luxuriated in the pleasure that tore through him.

As he rolled off of her tortured body, jism oozed obscenely out of her ravaged asshole. She felt awful. Her entire body was racked with pain. She lay there on the floor, trembling with fear, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Her mind raced with thoughts of Senator Hamilton. Where was he? she wondered. He had promised to save her, but he was nowhere in sight!

The Congressman pulled up his trousers and made himself presentable. "We've got to get moving. Suzanne is keeping your good friend, Congressman Hamilton, busy for the moment. We have an appointment with the Mogul."

"Yeah," Congressman Barth agreed. "Let's get her ass out of here before the good Senator starts sticking his nose in our business. This little lady is going to have to go to work at Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe!"


Congressman Barth and his nephew Samuel hustled Doris into the limousine. They drove quickly through the dark, city streets of Culiacan, Mexico, headed for the dreaded Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe.

"Please, don't do this to me," Doris whimpered weakly. "I didn't do anything to hurt you, did I?"

"Not a thing, darling," Barth answered. "You just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit, didn't anybody ever tell you never to walk through Central Park when it was dark out?"

Doris didn't answer, but she cursed herself for not listening to her Uncle Melvin. He had warned her, but she simply hadn't listened. She hated herself for being so foolish. Now, she was in really big trouble. In a few minutes, she would be sold to the evil man named Mogul, who would force her to perform lewd sexual acts with dozens of perverted men.

The limousine drove on, headed into the seamy section of town. Doris trembled with fear, feeling totally helpless and abandoned. Where was Senator Hamilton? she wondered.

Senator Hamilton was stuffing his limp, spent prick into his trousers, casting a baleful look at Suzanne who was stretched out on the bed, enjoying her afterglow.

The Senator moved forward, exasperated, and struck Suzanne in the face. "Where the hell do they take the young girls that you and your brother bring down here? I'm getting very impatient with you! Now, tell me! Tell me everything!"

Suzanne was too frightened to refuse. She told Senator Hamilton everything – all about the shows and Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe.

Senator Hamilton was horror-stricken. He grabbed Suzanne by the wrist and dragged her out of the house. She was stark naked, but Hamilton didn't seem to mind. They got into the Senator's expensive Rolls Royce and raced off in pursuit of Barth, Samuel and Doris. Suzanne reluctantly gave directions to Mogul's Late-Nite Cafe as Senator Hamilton negotiated sharp turns and twists in the road like a race driver.

"Yeah, you're gonna like this one, Mogul," Congressman Barth said, a lewd smile pasted to his face. "She's young and pretty, and in real good shape!"

"She'd better be healthy," Mogul replied. "The last one you brought me only lasted a month. This time, I'd better get my money's worth. You say she's only a teen-ager?"

"Yep, you'll like her," Samuel interjected. "She's tied up in the back of the car."

"Three thousand dollars and she's all yours, Mogul," Barth said coolly.

"Suppose I want to see her first?" Mogul replied, lifting one eyebrow inquisitively. "How do I know you'll keep your word?"

"Have I ever let you down, Mogul?" Barth replied.

"Okay, you're right," Mogul said, smirking. "I need a new girl right now, anyway. Shit, I can put the bitch right on stage tonight. There's lots of good customers out there, and I'm sure they'd get a kick out of some new talent. Plus, Horace would enjoy a new, young cunt to fuck. Ha! Ha!"

The three men broke out laughing.

"Say," Congressman Barth said. "You send one of your men out with Samuel to get the girl. I'm gonna take a seat in the audience and enjoy the show. This little bitch is kind of important to me. I went to a lot of trouble to get her for you, Mogul."

"Okay," Mogul said. "I'll join you. We'll sit right up front. Jim will go out with Samuel to get the bitch." He gestured for the man named Jim to follow Samuel outside to get the girl. Then, Mogul and Barth went out front, taking seats next to the seedy stage.

"Right this way," Samuel said. "She's out in the car. She's a feisty little bitch, though. You might have some trouble with her."

"No problem," Jim said, rippling his muscles. He stopped short, pausing in front of the bathroom door. "Just a second. I gotta take a piss. You go out and get her ready. I'll be right along."

Samuel nodded and stepped out the back door. As he focused his eyes in the dark parking lot, a hazy figure stepped forward.

"Congressman Hamilton, what are you doing here? I thought…"

Samuel never got a chance to finish his sentence. A steel tire iron cut through the air and smashed into the side of his face, knocking him out cold.

Senator Hamilton stood over Samuel's prone body. He breathed deeply, gripped Suzanne's wrist tightly and moved inside the back door. Jim was coming out of the bathroom.

Jim caught sight of the gorgeous naked woman and licked his lips. His eyes were glazed over and he didn't even notice that the man with her was not Samuel. "Jesus Christ!" he said, awestruck. "What a hunk of woman. Mogul's gonna love this bitch! Shit, she'll bring in thousands of bucks a week. And, wait'll Horace gets a load of her. He'll flip his prick, at the sight of this cunt!"

"You bet!" Senator Hamilton said, averting his eyes and stepping into the shadows. He let go of the brunette bitch and quickly dashed back to the limousine.