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“Yes.” The doctor’s shoulders went back. A slight blush rose across his face.

Good grief. Was the man flirting? Sarah stiffened.

“But we really must get to the truth, don’t you think?” Melanie tapped red nails against the file, waiting until the doctor nodded before continuing. She pivoted and pointed to Conn near the door. “Do you know that man?”

“Objection.” Jase stood and smoothed down his tie.

“On what grounds?” Melanie threw Jase’s words back at him.

His smile was full of charm. “Relevance.”

“Oh, I think the two hulking men in the courtroom who escorted the poor doctor here are very relevant to his testimony, Mr. Belamny.” Fire flashed through the attorney’s eyes. She focused on the judge. “Goes to credibility, Judge.”

“Credibility?” Surprise coated Jase’s words. “We’ve established the doctor’s credentials. He’s qualified.”

“Sure he is.” Melanie cast the doctor a sympathetic glance. “But if he is feeling threatened, then we must explore the veracity of his testimony, now mustn’t we?”

The judge frowned, glancing at Conn and then at Max. “Objection overruled. You may continue, Ms. Melcome.”

Jase sat back down.

Melanie tilted her head to the side. “Who’s the titan at the door, doctor?”

The doctor cleared his throat. “I, ah, his name is Conn. The man behind you is Max.”

“I see.” Melanie paused, turned and studied both men, then pivoted to face the doctor. “They look dangerous.”

“Objection.” Jase lazily stretched to his feet. “Ms. Melcome is testifying, your Honor.”

“Sustained.” The judge nevertheless studied Max.

“My apologies.” Melanie eyed Jase. “Are you feeling threatened, doctor?”

“No.” The flush on the doctor’s face deepened. “Nobody has threatened me.”

Melanie frowned in clear disbelief. “These men escorted you here today, didn’t they?”

“Yes. They’re friends of Miss Pringle.” The doctor leaned forward, his gaze earnest. “I’m testifying as to the truth here today. Miss Pringle is not crazy and has made a full recovery.” He sat back with a sigh.

Lines cut into the judge’s forehead when he frowned, narrowing his eyes at Jase.

Melanie shook her head and continued with cross, trying to shake the doctor’s testimony, but he held firm—shaky but firm.

When he stood down, Conn escorted him from the courthouse.

Quiet settled through the room. The judge read the briefs again.

Sarah fidgeted. “What happens to Dr. Robard now?” she whispered.

Jase stared hard at the judge. “We’ll threaten him, have him sign a nondisclosure, threaten him again, and send him home.”

“Promise me you’ll ask him to fire nurse Whitcome.”

“I promise.” Jase shuffled the files in front of him. “You need to be ready to run for it if the judge rules against us.”

“You think he will?” Sarah’s hands began to tremble.

“It’s possible. That lawyer did a good job showing how Conn and Max may have coerced the doctor’s testimony. Especially considering his testimony contradicts your blog.”

Fear slid down Sarah’s spine. She pressed the balls of her feet down in the pretty shoes, stabilizing herself in case she needed to move quickly.

The judge banged down his gavel, startling everyone. “Based on the testimony herein, I deny the petitioner’s request to have Miss Pringle declared incompetent. Everyone go home.” He stood.

“All rise,” the bailiff bellowed.

Everybody stood up, and the judge swept through the side door.

Relief relaxed Sarah’s feet. She turned and hugged Jase. “Thank you.”

Her gaze caught her brother’s furious grimace. Even so, a glimmer of triumph curled his upper lip. Unease whispered through her. She released Jase and slipped over to Andrew’s table. “You know I’m not crazy, Drew.”

He stood. “Sure you are. But it’s okay. You know I always believe in Plan B.”

She frowned, reaching casually for a pen he’d twirled throughout the hearing. Anger, conceit, and arrogance vibrated from the pen, along with images. Her heel caught, and she stumbled back into strong arms.

Max turned her. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

She nodded, blindly following him to the hallway, where she tugged him to a stop.

“What?” he growled.

“The pen.” Images swirled so fast in her brain her skull ached. “Andrew obtained the access codes and layout of the Mercury lab from a security analyst he’s been seeing. The woman knew enough to get to the information, but she didn’t understand the medical jargon. They’re prepared in case they lost the hearing—this was to keep us busy. The Kurjans are hitting the lab as soon as darkness falls.”

Max tapped his ear communicator. “We need another force outside Pringle Pharmaceuticals—breach imminent.”

Jase shoved a piece of paper in her hands. “Sign this.”

She twisted Andrew’s pen. Selling the company would be a huge relief. Her grandpa had always told her to sell if she wanted, that her happiness was more important than any company—and the vampires would use it for good. Then she gasped at the offer on the paper. “This is too much money.” Way too much money.

Max clasped her biceps. “Only sell if you want, Sarah. If you want to keep the company, we can work something out.”

Jase frowned. “Max—”

“No.” Max’s eyes hardened. “We’re not forcing her. If she wants to keep the company, she keeps the company.”

Certainty, trust, faith—all centered deep inside her. Max would go against his people to protect her. She signed the paper. “Good luck with it.” She tilted her head. “I saw enough images from the pen that I can get you to the information you want. I know where the data is being hidden.” As did the Kurjans.

“No.” Max grasped her elbow, tugging her through the courthouse to the soft sunshine outside. Thank goodness it was sunny. They hustled across the street to the packed parking lot, Jase barking orders into a cell phone.

The first shot hit Max square in the chest.

The next punctured Jase’s neck.

Sarah screamed, reaching for Max.

A van door opened and men wearing black masks jumped out, firing point-blank at both vampires. Max went down, even then trying to shove Sarah behind him. She slammed her palms against his chest, trying to stem the blood flowing from his wounds.

One man grabbed Sarah by the hair, throwing her into the van. She kicked with the heels and clawed with her short nails, trying to get back to Max. Oh God. How many times had he been shot?

They hadn’t considered the Kurjans—or Andrew—would send humans. The doors slid shut, and something pierced her neck.

Everything went black.

The scent of bleach tickled Sarah’s nose. Her head ached and cold permeated her nose and cheekbones. She felt chilly, hard tiles and opened her eyes. The floor. She was lying on a floor. What had they injected into her neck?

Small dirt particles coated her palms when she flattened her hands out. Gathering courage, she pushed to a seated position to look around. Andrew sat on a desk, his leg swinging. “Hello, bitch.”

She surveyed the small office. Industrial tiles, no windows, a solid steel door, and one metal desk with posters of ACHIEVEMENT and GOALS behind it. “You brought me to the Mercury lab.” Memories slammed inside her head. Max. “Where’s Max? Is he okay?”

Andrew grabbed a letter opener to twirl in his hands. “Max? I assume he’s one of the hulks escorting you?”

Sarah gave a short nod.

“Max is most certainly dead.”

A sob rose in her throat. She shook her fuzzy head to clear the thoughts. Max was a vampire. Two hundred years was a long time to live, he could probably handle a few bullets. “How can you do this, Andrew? I’m your sister.”