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"You wouldn't get involved like that."

"Hell no. That would be stepping outside. I wouldn't think of stepping outside. That's very dangerous, you know. A guy could end up at the bottom of the Cumberland in a cement barrel."

"So you turned Carl over to the cement men, eh?"

"No! I swear I didn't do that! I just told him I couldn't afford to get involved but I could pass him on up to the right people. He explained, see, and then I realized I'd gotten the wrong impression. He wasn't trying to double deal. He was just trying to fail-safe it in case something went sour with Dandy… and that's what he was worried about."

"But you didn't want to get involved in that either."

"Well it was over my head, see. I'm just a cog in this machine. I explained that to Leonetti. He understood. He thanked me."

"Thanked you for what?"

"For helping him get lined up."

"How did you do that?"

"I told you. I passed him to the right people." "Who did you pass him to?"


"Who did you pass him to?"

"To uh… I passed him to my sponsor." "What does that mean?"

"That means the people I report to."

"You're mixing singular and plural, Raymond. How many people did you pass him to?" "I passed him to my sponsor."

"Singular or plural?"

"Oh, that's plural."

"You're not being much help, Raymond." "No, look! Wait now! I'm not trying to screw you around! I'm just trying to explain it!"

"Try a little harder."

"Look, see, I'm president of this company." "Okay."

"I'm the chief executive officer. But God, I don't own it."

"Who does?"

"Well, a lot of people are involved. I don't even know who all is involved. I report to Nick Copa."

"Nick who?"

"Copa. That's C-O-P-A. He's the controller. I mean, he's the local owning partner."

"Well now, exactly what is he, Raymond? Is he the controller or is he an owner?"

"Both. He's both. He's the local-the on-scene controller for the owning corporation. He has partners all over the country."

"Like who?"

"Oh hell, I don't know that. They don't tell me that."

"And you never wonder about it, eh? "Sure, I wonder. I wonder a lot"

"Do some wondering now, Raymond."

"Huh? Oh. Okay. We have this deal with TeleBoost. I think that's one of their satellite companies."

"What is TeleBoost?"

"They do special promotions. You know. Publicity. To get our artists some national exposure."

"Keep on wondering."

"Then there's Emcee. They get”

"What is Emcee?"

"That's a recording label. A record company. Emcee Records. They specialize in golden packaging and TV sales."

"Run that by me again."

"Selling by mail order. You've seen those ads on television. Like that."

"This isn't helping, Raymond."

"Okay, okay, hold it It's hurting my head. The gun is hurting. Okay?"

"It's going to keep on hurting until I get something more than your corporate family tree."

"I'm trying to explain it. Okay? The same men own all these companies. See? They also own hotels and casinos and night clubs and all that. And they got a hundred or more company names. How the hell would I know who owns what? How would anybody? Nick Copa is the only guy I ever see. He's the Nashville controller. For the company. For the whole umbrella of companies."

"You also called him a partner."

"In a sense, yes, he's a partner."

"In what sense?"

"In the sense that in Nashville Nick Copa is the boss."

"Boss of what?"

"Of everything I've been talking about." "But he's nationally connected."

"Oh sure."

"What's the Family?"

"Uh, God, I don't know. Don't ask me that. Even if I knew, I couldn't…"

" New York?"

"Maybe New York. Maybe Chicago. I don't know. I don't even think it's a family group-not like a family, you know. More like a coalition. It's a corporation in the national sense."

"Based in New York or Chicago?"

"Maybe both, maybe neither, I just don't know. Can I get up? All this blood is making me sick to my stomach. I've got to get-"

"Not yet, Raymond. You stay there and keep thinking. Did you put Carl in touch with Nick Copa?"

"Oh no, God no. I wouldn't even think of…" "Who, then?"

"I never initiate direct contact with Nick. If he wants me, he lets me know. But I never initiate anything."

"Who, Raymond?"

"There's this guy… works for Nick.. directly for Nick…"

"Sort of a lieutenant."

"Like that, yeah. I passed your friend to this guy."

"How did you do that?"

"Leonetti says he'll be at such and such a place at such and such a time. I tell him that's fine. I'll pass the word on where'll he be."


"And I did."

"Who did you pass it to?"

"I passed it to this lieutenant."

"This lieutenant has a name?"

"Uh, sure, he has a name. They call him Gordy, I think."

"What else do they call him?"

"Uh, I think his name is Mazzarelli."

"Gordy Mazzarelli."


"Say it, Raymond. Say it right out. What is this lieutenant's name?-this lieutenant you passed Carl to?"

"Gordy Mazzarelli, I said it. Didn't I say it?"

"You called Gordy Mazzarelli and you told Gordy Mazzarelli that Carl Leonetti would be in such a place at such a time."

"That's right."

"What else did you tell Gordy Mazzarelli?" "That's all I told him."

"So of course Gordy already knew who Carl Leonetti is."

"Well I guessed he did."

"Uh huh."

"But of course I told him why he called." "Uh huh."

"I told him about this fail-safe supply." "What else?"

"I told him that Leonetti was trying to sell-wanted to talk to someone in the company about that supply."

"And what did Gordy say?"


"What did Gordy say about Carl wanting to talk to someone?"

"He said okay."

"Okay what?"

"Okay, he'd meet him."

"Who said that?"

"Gordy said that. Gordy Mazzarelli said okay he'd meet him. He'd meet Leonetti and discuss it with him."

"Look at my other hand, Raymond. See this? Know what this is?"

"Looks like a-what the hell? Have you been taping this?"

"All the way. Know why?"

"No I don't know why."

"You don't care?"

"No, I don't care."

"Maybe Gordy would care."

"Hey, don't even, uh… You wouldn't…"

"Call it a fail-safe, Raymond. I'll let Gordy listen to the tape and I'll give him the same option I've given you."

"Please don't do that!"

"Don't do what?"

"Don't let Gordy know I fingered him!" "Why not? If all they did was meet and talk…"

"You know what I mean! Even if they were long lost brothers and I brought them back together, you know the position I'm in talking to you like this! You've got to keep this confidential!"

"It won't matter, Raymond. When I'm done with Gordy-"

"No, you don't understand! You don't know what you're going against! I do, I know! You don't stand a chance. This guy is Nick Copa's personal torpedo-plus a whole goddamn crew of crazies! You don't stand a chance!"

"That's why I made the tape. You're going to even out the odds a bit for me. You're going to give me every possible edge, aren't you?"

"I don't-how can I? What-?"

"You're tied to me, Raymond. In life or in death. There's only one logic for you now, guy. How do you want to play it?"

"I want to play it far away from Crazy Gordy. Let's just keep him out of this."

"I guess that's your decision."

"Yeah. I see what you mean. Okay, look. I don't know what they did with Leonetti. I know that he caused quite a stir. I passed him on and that's all I know. Never a word came back. But I know where his woman is.

I’ll make a deal. You give me that tape. I'll tell you where the woman is. Maybe she knows something."

Bolan had a better deal in mind.

"Let's go find the lady, first. Then we'll talk a deal. If there's anything left to deal for."