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She heard a thump. The door to the cellar crashed open and slapped against the floor.

Dottie screamed as a man tumbled with the door to the floor of her kitchen. He jerked once, twice, then collapsed. The back of his head was splattered with blood.

A moment later Roy appeared with a board in his hand. "Got him, Travis!" He laughed, and a wildness danced in his eyes. "Eldon came through the cellar just like you said he would."

Travis fired one signal shot that echoed off the walls like thunder. Then, as calmly as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, he turned and held his hand out to Rainey. "Come on out. It's all over."

Rainey wasn't sure she wanted to, but she took his offered help and crawled out from beneath the table, pulling Dottie with her. The little widow jumped up like a jack-in-the-box asking questions in rapid fire.

Travis pointed with his gun. "Ladies, I'd like you to meet Eldon Norman, the last brother. We've been waiting for him all day."

Dottie took a few steps toward the man. "Is he dead?"

"No," Roy answered. "I kind of hope he wakes up so I can hit him again. He's sneaky. I never seen a man move so silently. He'd crossed the cellar and was halfway up the stairs before I even knew he'd come in from the alley."

Roy pulled Eldon to his feet as Rangers stormed both the front door and the back stairs. They'd obviously been near, also watching and waiting.

Rainey stood frozen. It was all over. The nightmare that began when she heard men talking of kidnapping Sage had finally ended. All the outlaws had been caught.

In all the confusion, Travis moved close to Rainey and asked quietly, "If you ladies have no objections, I'd like to have a few of the men take you back to the Baileys' house. They'll stay with you until I get there. I'd like to go with Eldon to jail and see what the man has to say for himself."

Rainey nodded. She was ready for a quiet room, a cup of tea, and a real bed. "What about Duck?"

"He can go with me." Travis pulled the boy from beneath the table, but when Duck climbed out, he took Rainey's hand.

Travis raised an eyebrow. "You want to go with her for a while, son? I should be back at the Baileys' house before you go to bed."

Duck nodded.

Travis touched the boy's head as he looked at Rainey. "You don't mind taking care of him?"

"Of course not. He can be my guard." She smiled down at the boy, having a feeling that her pies did more to win him over than anything else.

They left by the front door for the first time. The air felt cool and fresh. Rainey couldn't remember how long it had been since she'd taken a deep breath.

"It's finally over," Dottie said. "I'm terribly sorry it happened, but it did get me off the rock I've been sitting on for a year and back into living. Nothing like worrying about getting killed to make you wanta live."

The Baileys treated them as family when they came in. Mrs. Bailey ordered them both a bath, and Dr. Bailey wanted to take a look at Dottie's arm as soon as possible. The housekeeper and Dottie kept Duck busy in the kitchen while Rainey took a quick bath and changed into a clean nightgown and robe.

When Rainey joined them in the kitchen, she heard Duck laugh and it warmed her heart. An hour later when she rocked him by the fire in the tiny sitting room between Travis's and Sage's rooms, she hummed softly. "You're too big to rock," she whispered, "but thanks for letting me. It's nice to relax."

He looked up and smiled, not at her, but at the man standing in the doorway watching.

Travis crossed the room without a word and took Duck from her. He knelt and laid the boy in his covers by the fire. "Sleep well," Travis said as he covered Duck. "You did a great job of doing just like I told you."

Duck closed his eyes and Rainey knew that he felt safe for the first time in days.

They moved away from the boy and into Travis's bedroom, but he didn't close the door. "What did you learn?" she whispered.

"Eldon confessed to killing the barmaid. She drove him to it, he claimed. Seems he'd always been jealous of Seth and her. He couldn't understand why she'd be upset about his brother's death when he was standing right in front of her alive." Travis shook his head. "He wasn't too bright. It took Dillon less then an hour to have him confessing everything. He told Dillon about jobs his brothers did that the Rangers hadn't even connected them to yet."

Travis leaned against the doorframe and pulled her gently against him. He played with her hair as he talked.

"When I left he was claiming he didn't have anything to do with Mrs. Vivian's death."

"Do you think he's telling the truth? I could swear I saw a shadow, but I was so tired. Is it possible that Mrs. Vivian really did kill herself."

"Looks that way."

"And there was no rider for the fourth horse I thought I saw?"

Travis rubbed his big hands over her shoulders. "Forget about it. Maybe they'd thought Sage would ride without fighting." He combed his fingers through her curls as if touching her were the most important thing he had to do in the world. "It's over. You're safe and we're finally alone."

Rainey glanced to where Duck was sleeping. "Almost alone."

Travis smiled. "Almost alone is about as good as it'll get for the next fifteen years or so."

She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "You'll be a great father for the boy."

He returned her kiss with long slow caresses as he molded against her, letting her know of his need for her.

She didn't pull away. The feel of him so near seemed right somehow. The warmth of him spread through her, making her feel alive. She felt wanted. For the first time in her life, she felt loved.

Leaning against him made her smile.

He kissed the corners of her mouth as his chest pressed lightly into her breasts. When she moaned softly against his ear, his hand moved over her until her breast filled his fingers and he made her moan again in pleasure.

She circled her arms about his neck and melted against him as he caught her next moan of pleasure in his mouth. His kiss was deep and tender, as his hands slowly moved over her body. The gown and robe did nothing to mask his touch as his hands warmed her and surprised her with their boldness.

He shifted and she felt his desire for her press against her abdomen. All the world slipped away as the need for him consumed her. Pulling his mouth down a few inches, she kissed him hard.

Finally he straightened as if fighting for control. His hands moved over her once more in need, then he shoved her gently away. "Good night, Rainey."

She saw it then, a sadness in his brown eyes. "But we're alone." She'd slept in his arms through all the danger and fear. Now, finally, when they could relax, he was turning her away.

Something in the back of her mind said she should be the one walking away, but she couldn't. She wanted him, all of him.

"Good night," he said again and walked her to the door.

"But…" All the old fears came back. The panic that he didn't care for her, that no one cared for her.

How could he kiss her like that, hold her so close, and then turn her out of his room?

"I'll see you in the morning," he whispered as he held her tight one last time in a hug that was little more than friendly, then let her go.

Rainey didn't know what to say. She couldn't run back and beg to sleep in his bed. It didn't seem fair to ask him to say he loved her when she knew she wouldn't be saying it back. They might not marry, but he could still hold her, touch her, make love to her.

She wanted to bang on his door and make a bargain. She'd sleep with him. She'd be his lover.

She'd settle for that, she realized. But, deep down, she knew he wouldn't.

She climbed the stairs to her room next to Dottie's and cried herself to sleep.

The next morning her eyes were puffy and red when she came down late to breakfast. Dottie and the judge were having coffee. When she asked, they told her they'd had breakfast with Travis and Duck before they left.