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Doris questioned her as she soothed the aches in Carol's shoulders and back and finally her rounded, bruised bottom and thighs. She probed and demanded until Carol had blurted out every shameful detail of her one-woman orgy. The little woman's voice sounded strained and choked as she bent low and whispered in Carol's ear.

"Ohhhh, darling, it must have been wild! All those hard cocks and just you to take care of them! Here, baby, roll over so that I can do your front."

It wasn't until she did roll over on her back that Carol realized that all Doris was wearing was a sheer pair of panties as she massaged her! The beautiful young woman stared at the smaller woman's pert, pointed little breasts and remembered how she'd watched them sway and bounce when that little boy fucked her so nicely.

Doris seemed to realize what Carol was thinking, she smiled and squared her shoulders, thrusting her firm, pear shaped breasts out for inspection. "Not bad for an old lady, eh?" At the same time the woman's slick, oiled hands worked over Carol's jutting globes sending strange, frightening sparks of obscene excitement along her nerve paths! Doris pretended that she didn't notice the effect she was having on Carol as she went on.

"I have pretty breasts, darling. But I'd just love to have a big, hard pair like these." Her fingers squeezed firmly on her flesh and Carol couldn't hide the intense reaction of her pelvis as it jerked upward! "You are so beautiful, darling. I'll just bet that all the girls just love to suck and suck on your lovely nipples!"

For a moment Carol was so stunned that she wasn't sure that she'd heard right. Then she knew that she had. Doris had said that girls would like to suck on her there, not men or boys – but girls!

The little blonde saw the amazement on her face and giggled as she nodded her head. "Ohh, yes darling, I said girls. Haven't you ever had a woman make love to you? Make your whole body sing with the lovely sensations that only another woman knows how to give?"

An oiled forefinger traced its way down Carol's shaking body until it found her open labia and slipped inside. The beautiful brunette gasped and shook her head. "You should try it, darling. It's wonderful. Another woman knows how to make all the hurts go away." The finger found her swelling clit and pressed hard, making Carol moan and shut her eyes in shame as the powerful pleasure made her washed and perfumed mound oozed fresh drops of lube!!!

"Men are so cruel sometimes dear. You should understand that there are times when only another woman can give you what you need." Doris stopped speaking. But Carol felt the bed shift and then felt the woman's warm breath on her flesh, just before a pair of lips found one of her rigid nipples and sucked in hard!

"Ohhh nooo," the beautiful woman groaned, but her arms were slipping up around the smaller woman's shoulders. Pulling her close. Helping her gobble at her tingling breasts! "Doris… are you a… I mean are you…?"

The little woman pulled her suctioning lips away long enough to make a happy, giggling response. "Of course not, silly! You know how much I like hard cocks! I just like sweet, pretty girls too. There's nothing wrong with that. Why can't you and I give each other some pleasure? What makes it so wrong if we help each other be happy and satisfied?" Her lips fastened on a hard nipple again and her finger twirled inside of Carol's frothing cunt as the beautiful brunette made her first, trembling advance. Her fingers finding and squeezing the blonde's firm little breast as she hugged her closer to her body. "Don't worry darling," Doris murmured as she came up for air. "We'll fix all your problems, I promise."


Carol took her foot off the gas and let the car drift over to the curb where Doris Abels and Terry White were waiting for her. It was dark now and she could hardly believe that she'd managed to last through the day. It had been the longest day in the young policewoman's life. She'd been tempted to call in sick this morning. But her pride wouldn't let her take the easy way out. But how she'd paid for that pride. It was a price that she would never forget!

The beautiful woman shuddered and chewed at her lower lips when she remembered all the leering, knowing looks that were flashed at her when she reported in. She thought of the whispered comments, the sly invitations she received and hated herself when she reminded herself how she'd shivered and tingled all over when their hands brushed against her body in the halls! It was easy to see that the story of what had happened yesterday had spread through the station house like a brush fire. Every man there had his eyes on her and she could almost taste their arousal as she tried to be calm and act in a normal fashion while she checked out the black and white. Even Lieutenant Bixby had stopped in the hall and stared after her. Carol hadn't been able to make herself meet his stare. He was one of the few there that she valued and she didn't want to see what was in his eyes.

"Right on tune, everything's set. Did you call Miller?" Carol was shaken out of her reverie and nodded hastily, a small grimace of distaste wrinkled her pretty face.

"Oh yes, I called and he thinks that it would be a great idea to have a little party in the ready room tonight. He was especially pleased to hear that you wanted to come along. I won't tell you the things that he said he'd like to do to you." She glanced at the little woman and was mildly shocked at the pixie grin on her face.

"I'll bet it was terrific. Your good sergeant tried to ball me once but I managed to fend him off. I suppose his big, bad ego is a bit bent out of shape about that!" Doris turned and patted Terry on the hand. "Now you've got it down perfect. Just do what we discussed and everything's going to be fine. Are you scared?"

The handsome boy flushed and shook his head. He still hadn't said a word and Carol began to worry about him. It was easy to see that despite what he might say that he was frightened and she couldn't blame him at all.

"I… I appreciate your helping me, Terry," the beautiful brunette said softly, not taking her eyes off the road. "I think it's a brave thing for you to do." Her hand drifted down and patted his thigh. Carol had only intended the pat to be friendly. But she was shocked when she realized how good the firm muscle of his thigh felt and she wished that he was going to be in that ready room tonight!

Carol swung into the lot and shut off the lights. Terry had slipped down in the seat, so that no one looking at the car would notice where he was. Doris stopped as she got out and pretended to be adjusting her stockings as she whispered last minute instructions at the nervous boy. "Now remember the middle drawer on the right side. A gray metal box. My friend says that's where he keeps all his dirty little things. Bring the whole box and we can destroy it. That'll save a lot of people some grief!"

The small woman circled around the car and came up to Carol. The young brunette was standing by the lot fence, staring at the old brick station house as she waited. "Relax, darling. Just think, this is the last time that you'll have to play with that bastard. And besides, he isn't so bad – not for a walking, talking prick!"

For some reason Doris' weak joke caught Carol's sense of humor and she wanted to whoop with laughter. Suddenly she wasn't frightened any more. In fact, she was beginning to like the idea and was eager to start! "Well, let's not stand here while there are all those nice men in there just sitting on their hands while they wait for us."

Carol took Doris by the hand and they hurried toward the station. As they crossed the street, the young woman saw a head appear then disappear in a window. They'd been spotted and Miller was being told right now! A small kernel of excitement began to roll around in her belly and she felt her shapely thighs quake as they hurried up the steps and in the door.