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Carol flashed a glance at the man on the desk and flushed when she remembered that he had been one of the ones at the party the day before. His eyes followed her. But there was no expression on his face to tell her what he was thinking.

"Well hello, ladies. Glad to see you. This little party is going to make the long hours of the night pass a little quicker, I think." Sergeant Miller was sitting at a desk in the ready room. Someone had draped some towels over a bench and there were several bottles and a bag of ice waiting for them. Several officers already had a drink in their hands. Carol stood stiffly before her tormentor, not knowing what to say or do. But Doris seemed right at home as she tossed her sweater and purse down and picked up a drink that was waiting.

"Here's to a long, long night boys. Who's going to help poor Doris slip out of these tight things and onto a warm cock?" The pretty little blonde's crude remark cut through the stiffness in the room. Carol was stunned at how quickly they laughed and began to move in on them. The young woman stared at two large men as they stepped up on either side of the little blonde. She watched their hands move over her body and heard her friend's pleased sounding giggle as she happily squirmed in the men's grasp.

"Come over here, honey. You and I have some nice things to talk over," Sergeant Miller said as he stood up. He held out a lean, boney hand and Carol couldn't resist it. She slowly moved toward him, aware of the envious glances of the other men who stood and watched.

"Now you boys hop it on out of here and give us a little privacy. I'll let you know when it's your turn." There was the snap of command in the man's voice and they obeyed him reluctantly, but they did it. Someone had found two old leather couches somewhere and they stood in the corner of the room. When Carol looked in that direction she saw Doris already sitting on one as the two men with her pulled and tugged her clothing off.

Miller's hand closed around her wrist and Carol found herself being drawn toward the second couch. The lovely young woman was afraid. But through the fear she felt the excitement rising in her.

Doris was naked except for her stockings and garter belt. Carol felt her blind, unreasoning hungers rising up in her as she watched the men's tanned fingers working over the little woman's white, translucent flesh. Tweaking and pulling at her rosy pink nipples. There was the sound of a zipper being pulled then another and the little blonde's hands were suddenly filled with hard, pulsating pricks! Carol shuddered as she heard Miller's dry voice in her ear and felt his hot breath on her neck.

"You like watching that, baby? Does it turn you on to watch your friend jacking off two big cocks at once?" Miller's fingers were moving around her waist, pressing at her plump mound from outside her tight skirt. Pressing the firm bulge in his own pants against her yielding bottom.

"Ohhhh, yes, I love it," Carol whispered as her lush body jerked and twisted under the expert touch of his hands. Carol knew that she meant what she was saying. She wasn't pretending anymore. She may have come in here under a pretense. But now she wanted what they had to give her. She would despise herself later. But she couldn't stop now. She needed it so much!!!

Sergeant Miller's strong hands turned her around and pushed the shaking young woman to her knees before him. "Well, show me how you like it. Show everybody what you want from old Miller."

There was a mean, taunting grin on his face. But Carol didn't care. Her palms had slid down the front of his uniform and were molding themselves over the huge outline of his prick. It didn't matter if he wanted to humiliate her. Wanted to make her debase herself in front of others. All that she wanted was the hard, gristle of his prick!

Her face burning, aware of the stares of the other men beside her and those standing in the doorway, Carol's shaking hands pulled the stiff uniform zipper down and slipped her finger inside to find the lovely rod that she needed so much.

Miller grunted and helped her pull his firm erection free of his shorts. Then let his hands drop on the top of her head. Carol stared in fascination at the broad, spade-shaped glans. At the one thick drop of lube that oozed out of the slit on top. She held him with both hands and squeezed firmly as she began to obediently masturbate him. The fingers at the top of her head gave her a cue and she shut out everyone else watching. Slowly, lovingly, she brought the crimson nut to her lips. The tall man grunted as Carol applied the suction to his swollen knob then pushed her head forward, taking more and more of his bloated shaft into her mouth until the tip blocked her throat. The lovely woman heard the sighs and grunts around her and knew that the other men were becoming excited watching her gobble and gnaw at the fat cock. She heard sighs and wet smacking sounds behind her and knew that Doris was following suit, sucking and working at the two pricks that she held. Now was the time, when everyone was caught up in the obscene spectacle in the room, now was the time for Terry to move!

Even though she knew she shouldn't risk it, Carol opened one eye and stared in the direction of the duty office. Through the frosted glass, the beautiful woman saw Terry's silhouette moving across the room and bend over the desk. Quickly, the excited girl shut her eyes again and began to suck frantically at the dripping stalk that was trying to slide all the way down her throat and into her shaking belly. It was going to happen soon and she was sorry that she and Doris couldn't spend the whole long night with these strong, powerful men. Letting them demand and take until they were worn limp and powerless.

Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound and everyone in the room stopped and looked in the direction of the office. The frosted glass was still dropping out of the frame, leaving Terry standing in plain sight holding the gray metal box that he'd come for. "I slipped," the boy said, stupidly staring at the stunned faces across from him. No one said a single word.

Sergeant Miller was the first to recover. "You dirty bitch," he shouted at Carol as he pushed her dripping mouth away from his wilting cock. "Give me that box, boy, or I'll shoot you where you stand!!!"

For another split second Terry stood staring at the enraged man then his mind snapped into gear and he whirled around and dashed out of the other door, the door that led to the hallway. "God damn it, stop him," Miller screamed at the stunned officers who still stood staring at their leader. Miller had to stop long enough to zip up his trousers before he charged at the open door, scattering amazed policemen in every direction.

"Come on, honey. It's time to leave. Come on, Carol, snap out of it!"

The dazed young woman turned her head and stared at Doris in blank amazement. The little blonde had slipped back into her skirt and blouse and held her underwear in her hand. She was obviously nervous and her fear communicated itself to Carol and the young woman suddenly realized what a bad situation she would be in when Sergeant Miller came back!!!

They pushed through the few men who still stood in the door and made their way out to the front door. The sight that met them there held them frozen. Terry White was sprinting down the closed parking lot like a startled deer. Sergeant Miller was shouting and waving his arms as he ran after him. Apparently the older man realized that he wasn't going to catch the boy because he stopped and jerked out his service revolver.

"Halt or I'll shoot, you little bastard, halt!!!" Miller's voice rang clear in the night air and Carol was aware of the muttered exclamations around her. The men didn't want to see the boy shot. But they were too far away to prevent it. Terry must have heard the shout because he ran even faster, weaving like a down field runner on a football team. Sergeant Miller stood terribly still and followed the boy through his sights until he squeezed off one booming shot.