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They lay still for a thousand years. Carol felt herself drifting in slow, beautiful circles, propelled by the firm heartbeat of the boy, who lay so deliciously heavy between her thighs, but then he spoke and shattered her dream, bringing her back to cold reality.

"Ohhhh, Miss Davis, I'm gonna do this to you every day, I'm never gonna get enough of you!"

"Oh, dear God," Carol's tortured conscience moaned. "Oh God, what have I done?"


Carol fidgited on the couch in her living room and tried desperately to concentrate on the television, but each time that she relaxed, she would find herself back in the car with Terry and her thirsty body would begin to glow and her love sheath would squeeze and twist inside of her until she was ready to scream!

"No, I won't think about that," the beautiful young woman whispered fiercely as she jumped to her feet. "It was wrong and I can't let it happen again," she told herself. But as she began to pace back and forth across the living room floor, the satiny material of her robe brushed lightly across the naked flesh under it and that sent sharp, erotic sensations to her brain, sparking a fresh set of dirty, lewd memories to torment her!

Carol stared around the empty house. She'd been so pleased to find it and had taken such care in decorating it, but now she felt trapped in its loneliness. Memories of her ex-husband flitted through her mind and as much as she'd grown to dislike him it was only her pride that kept her from calling him and begging him to come to her.

The beautiful policewoman stopped pacing long enough to stare through the bedroom door at her lonely bed and she started guiltily when she realized that she was thinking of how lovely it would be to take Terry in there and close the door on the whole world! For a moment, Carol lost control again and pretended that the handsome boy was poised between her spread thighs. She moaned softly as a thick trickle of warm fluid oozed out of her puffing labia and smeared across the silky flesh of her thighs!

"Ohhh, you filthy slut," Carol angrily hissed at herself as she hurried into the bathroom to wipe away the evidence of her animal reaction. As she scrubbed at the tender flesh of her inner thighs she stared at herself in the mirror, searching for some evidence of the shame that she knew she should be feeling. But there was no sign. All she saw was her smooth, pretty face and troubled eyes. Being in the bathroom reminded her of how she'd hurried home in the afternoon and savagely scrubbed herself, trying to make her heated body forget the obscene needs that had tortured her ever since she'd dropped Terry off near his home. Her whole day had been spent trying to stop the feelings and the thoughts that had kept her in a nervous, rattled mood but nothing helped and here she was, so lonely and desperate that she would even accept Sergeant Miller again, if he would only call!

The beautiful young divorcee had just come out of the bath when the sudden, shrill ring of the doorbell caught her and froze her in mid-stride. She stared fixedly at the door as if she could see through it if she only tried hard enough. The bell rang again and the strident sound scraped at her jangled nerves, she was moving toward the door before she realized what she was doing.

"Who… who's there?" Carol whispered through the door, aware of the awful hammering of her heart. A deep voice answered her, but she couldn't catch the name. "Who is it? Please talk louder."

"Bixby, Officer Davis, Lieutenant Bixby, I'd like to talk to you." Carol was surprised, almost shocked. Bixby was the last person she would have expected to be at her door. The woman's hand patted nervously at her dark hair as the other hand turned the latch to let the big man in.

"I didn't see you this afternoon after your shift," Bixby said as he followed Carol into the room. "I always like to talk to a new officer and see if they're having any problems." He smiled at her and Carol suddenly realized how much she liked the look of his battered, broken nosed face, he was almost handsome.

"That was… very thoughtful, Lieutenant. I… I didn't have any problems, things went very well." He grinned at her and sat back on the couch, he made no effort to hide the fact that he was looking at her and, for the first time, Carol remembered that she was stark naked under the thin dressing robe!

"Look, its after duty hours. The, other men call me Jake then, why don't you?"

Carol felt her cheeks flush and she turned as if to go into the kitchen, she wanted to hide the fact that she was blushing, this was no time to act like a school girl.

"Can I make you a drink or something… Jake?" She glanced at him but he shook his head and smiled at her. Carol just stood there feeling clumsy and foolish as the big man's eyes moved deliberately over her, his eyes made the nerves crawl under her skin!

"Look, if my coming here has upset you or you're expecting someone I could leave." Carol saw that he was being sincere and she relaxed a little.

"No, its nothing like that Lieutenant… Jake. I guess I'm just not used to having company." To mask her confusion, Carol moved around the coffee table and sat on the couch. Not close to him, but near enough for polite conversation.

Suddenly Jake's face took on a serious expression. "Carol, I had another reason for coming by tonight. I had to ask you something and didn't want to discuss it at the station." Carol felt a little chill stab at her belly, but she didn't say anything. "Has Sergeant Miller given you any… trouble?" The young woman saw that he was embarrassed and liked him for that.

"Uhhh… no…" she said in a hesitant voice, letting him read between the lines. "No real trouble." Jake stared at her with shrewd eyes and nodded slowly.

"Miller's an efficient cop, but sometimes he… steps over the line, especially with women." Jake's gaze dropped away from hers. Carol was watching him intently and when she saw a faint widening of his eyes she looked down at herself to see what surprised him.

"Ohhh…!!!" Carol breathed in surprise. The folds of her robe had fallen open and one full breast was peeking out! The young brunette felt numb. She knew that she should close the robe, but she couldn't make herself do it, her dark eyes moved up Jake's face and their gazes met and locked.

The big man gave her a strangely tender smile as he slowly stood up and crossed the few feet that separated them. The brunette watched him come as if she was in a trance. Jake stood impossibly tall over her and Carol had to crane her neck to be able to see her face. A big hand reached down and caught hers and the trembling young woman made a whimpering sound as she was pulled to her feet.

"Damn, but you're beautiful," Jake whispered, his big fingers running back and forth over the sensitive flesh of her inner wrist. "I think you'd better show me where your bedroom is, honey, because I'm going to have to fuck you in just a few seconds and it will be nicer for the both of us in the sack!"

Carol stared at him. She couldn't speak. She knew that she should tell him to leave, but the words wouldn't come out of her tight throat, then she heard her robe rustle and looked around in shock as her trembling finger pointed to the open door of her bedroom!

Strong hands gripped her shoulders and turned her around. Carol felt like a child as she was gently pushed forward. Inside her mind, the young woman's outraged moral sense yammered as her to resist, but the rest of her refused to listen. Each step she took was easier as the need in her belly gnawed at her.

"Honey, I've had a hard-on since the first moment I saw you. I just have to do something about it," Jake whispered in her ear. Carol shuddered as hands loosened the belt to her robe and pulled the folds apart. He stood behind her and used both big hands to hold and massage her burning breasts. He caught both nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, and pulled at them, making Carol moan and forcing her rounded hips to jerk and wiggle in ecstasy.