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"I never thought I'd need to. To this day, she's disappointed in me, and tells her clients and friends that I am a very successful stockbroker."

"Is this why she also dislikes me?"

"No. She thinks of you as a dumb housewife, spending your time at grocery stores and dress shops."

"Have you ever told her the truth? That I've raised three brilliant kids, and have a job and a very good income?"

"I haven't. It's really not any of her business. She pretends that what's wrong with marrying you is that you're two years older than I am. As if that matters to either of us."

Jane smiled. "At least she's not as outright nasty as my other mother-in-law was."

"And she doesn't live anywhere close to you," Mel said. "Yes, you're right. That's one benefit."

Mel said, "Want a dessert?"

"Yes. Something with gooey hot fudge if it's on the menu."

While they were waiting for dessert, Mel made a prediction. "I suspect this trip for our wedding is probably the last time she'll ever be in Chicago to visit us. And I'll bet you ten dollars she refuses to come to your house to see the office you're building for me."

"That's a bet I wouldn't make. I'm sure you're right. And it's a relief that you don't seem to mind."

"I don't mind at all. When she grows too old to run around selling real estate, she's going to be a very lonely person. She's hasn't earned much loyalty from her children. That's another thing I love about you. Your kids would go to the wall to please you."

Jane teared up at this compliment.




ike was the first to arrive. He'd asked his professor for a couple of extra days to spend time with his mother.

He was a bit shocked to discover that Todd had taken over his bedroom. So he just dumped his own stuff in what had been Todd's room.

"How's it going, Mom?" he asked as he galloped back down the stairs.

"Fairly well," she said mildly. "But you need to go and be fitted for a tux today."

"Okay, I'll do it now if you tell me what are all those papers stuck to your dining room window?" Mike said.

"They're permits. Come out in the backyard and see what's going on.""jeez, " he exclaimed. "What's that big room for?"

"Mel's home office. He had a room in his apartment for working at home, so I'm giving him one here."

Mike moved closer to look through an unfinished section. "Even a bathroom. Mom, have you spent our whole inheritance on this?"

She laughed. "Just part of it. Uncle Jim has retired and had the same architect and contractor add a woodworking room for him. So I latched onto the same men. Since the weddings have been moved up by three weeks, it won't be finished in time."

"Weddings, plural?"

"Yes. On Friday the family goes to a judge's chamber for a civil wedding, then Saturday is Addie's blowout wedding."

"Why did you let her take charge?"

"To save part of your inheritance. She's paying for the hotel rental, and the food, and the band for dancing later."

"Still, that's not right."

"It's okay by me. Free food. Free band for a dance afterward, and also a free dinner for the rehearsal dinner, which is her responsibility."

Mike just shrugged. "I guess that does make sense. When do Grumps and Nana get here?"

"Thursday. Katie's staying with them at the hotel. I've sent a car service to take her at four. Your grandparents arrive tomorrow at ten in the morning. Would you want to come along with me to the airport to pick them up?"

"It will have to be in your car. I won't force them to ride in the back of my truck. So, when is Mel's awful mother arriving?"

"We have no idea. And I'm not going to ask."

"You don't know when she's coming? You don't know if she's paid for hijacking your wedding?"

"Second and fake wedding. I've checked with the hotel and she has made a full payment. So I assume she'll probably come, just to get something to eat that she's paid for."

"What about the rest of it? Flowers and stuff like that."

"I'm paying for all the flowers. And I've alerted the hotel planner that if Addie tries to stuff the front with bridesmaids and groomsmen, they have to sit with everyone else."

"Mom, when did you get so tough?"

"When you quit mowing my lawn and Katie quit cooking for us." Jane laughed. "And I no longer have to put up with Grandma Thelma. That was a huge relief."

"Was she giving you trouble?"

"Lots of it. She tried to forge an addendum to your father's will saying if I remarried, I'd cease to get my third of the pharmacy profits."

Mike opened his mouth and nothing came out for a minute or two. "You squashed that, I hope."

"I told her that if she tried to get away with it, I'd take her to court for fraud and forgery. She'd become so much more bitter and combative over the last few years."

"I'm glad I wasn't around to have to endure her. She's always been nasty to me."

"You, too?"

"Because I once told her I wanted to be a plant patent attorney. She only heard the `plant' word and jumped all over me about having nothing but a gardening job."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I knew you'd go ballistic."

Jane grinned. "I guess I would have. Let's don't even talk about her anymore. It's too upsetting. You and Todd decide where you want to go for dinner. I don't want to labor over a hot stove in this heat."

After Mike came home with a tux that fit perfectly without any changes, Todd and Mike decided dinner should be at an Italian restaurant. Later, when the three of them got out of the car, Jane realized that the building was huge. "Have you made reservations?"

"Oh, Mom. We're not stupid. It's a huge buffet and you can choose from about fifty different things, and even go back for seconds."

"How did you know about this, Todd?"

"Elliot invited me along with his family two or three weeks ago. Don't you remember that?"

"Sure. But you never said where you'd gone. Let's go in. I'm starving."

By the time they'd eaten, Jane was stuffed to the gills. She'd started with bruschetta and a big salad with grilled chicken. Then she went back for spaghetti and meatballs, and finished with tiramisu.

"Do they have gurney service to the curb?" she asked her boys.

"Probably not," Mike said, "but if you want we could roll you to the car."

When they returned home, Jane was feeling the results of eating so much. She decided to go to bed early. Tomorrow would probably be a long day.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get to sleep. Her stomach was hurting. So she got back up and took a few Tums. That seemed to help. And by eleven she was sound asleep. But her last thought before sleeping was that she had to be up early to go to the airport with Mike to pick up her parents. She set her alarm for seven in the morning.

She woke moments before the alarm went off, feeling better, but not quite up to normal. She took a quick shower and dressed, then went downstairs to make a very bland, unbuttered piece of toast, and another two Turns. Soon she felt like her usual self. Perky and feeling good about what a nice day it would be, seeing her parents after a long time. Almost two years since they'd been to Chicago.

Mike drove his mother's Jeep, since he knew his mother hated parking at the airport. He'd just drop her off. "You have your cell phone, right?"

"I do.""And is it charged?"