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'It was a wonderful day and the water was like glass and I cast an admiring glance at the broad shoulders of Frank as he pulled away at the oars and sent the boat spinning over the cool and peaceful waves.

'Frank kept up some Smalltalk and his friend contented himself by looking about him at the other rowers, and I, thinking that the time had come when I should disclose to them the purpose of my taking up with them, allowed my dress, which was rather short to begin with, to ride up to my knees, and widely spread my thighs and made some remark that would cause Frank to observe the view I so impudently laid open for him.

'He turned to talk to me, and almost missed a stroke of the oars so startling were the charms that I had so suddenly unveiled to him, and the remark that he intended to make died away on his lips and his eyes glued themselves to my silk-stockinged legs and the upper portion of my thighs, bared by the reefing up of my skirts.

'My eyes, in turn, were fastened to the front of his pants, and to my satisfaction and delight I saw a huge lump slowly form as he tore his eyes away from the sight of my legs and turned to his friend to speak to him.

'I myself was so excited over this sudden turn of affairs that I did not know in the least what he had said, but in an instant both of their gazes were fixed on my crotch, and I, longing to keep up this admiration of myself, allowed my legs to come together, closing from them this impelling view, and pointed out some of the attractions on the lake.

'It so happened that we were just abreast of a small isle situated in the centre of the lake, and Frank had rowed over close to it under the shelter of some overhanging bushes and, pretending he was exhausted, allowed the oars to float idly alongside the boat.

'“It is a long time since I have rowed a boat,” he said laughingly, “and I must rest a while.”

'“Will you allow me to row for a while?” asked his friend, his eyes still on my legs, and mayhaps perfectly willing to take his partner's place at the oars.

'“Oh, no, no!” said Frank, hurriedly regaining his hold on the oars, “I am not-not at all as tired as I thought-and we will go at once!”

'I had to laugh merrily at this unwillingness of Frank to lose his point of vantage, and really taking pity on the boy I said, “Oh, we have been rowing enough, and I think it better that we stay here for a while, then we can row back. But, by the way, Frank, are you not sure that the sight of me, here in front of you, may be the reason of causing you to tire? Perhaps it might be better if your friend and I change seats and then probably you might be able to row better.”

'Poor Frank! He cast such a pitiful glance at me that I burst into roars of laughter, and his friend bending forward tried to find out what it was all about.

' “If you-if you-” blurted out Frank, his face red with embarrassment, “if you-would only keep your legs covered-I would be able to go ahead!”

' “Oh, Frank!” I said, pretending to be greatly shocked, “I am indeed surprised at you for speaking that way, and I am sure that if we were back at the landing I would leave you at once! I am indeed!”

' “Oh, Anna!” said Frank, pitifully, “you do not-you do not understand! I assure you, Anna, that I had not the least intention of offending you, in fact, quite the reverse, as I think your legs are very, very pretty, and I like them very much-”

' “Oh, you like them!” I said, pretending to be agreeably surprised. “Oh, Frank, that makes it altogether different! I thought that you meant that my legs were so ugly that they prevented you rowing! Oh, thank you, Frank, for the compliment, and that changes the situation quite completely.”

“Yes,” said Frank, now having regained his assurance, and speaking in what he thought, I suppose, a bold manner, “I think, Anna, that you have very pretty and well-formed legs, and I assure you that I do like the sight of them, especially higher up,” and he nodded significantly, “and I am sure that my boy friend does, too.”

'I did not pretend to be at all shocked, for, to tell the truth, I was well pleased at this talk, and naturally knowing that I had pretty and well-formed legs, did not think it was at all extraordinary.

'“I notice,” I said, in just as bold a tone as he had used, “that they have a charming effect on you!” And at this I fastened my eyes right on the front of his pants where that swelling lump was still bulging. “You are not at all polite, Frank, to act so in the presence of a lady, and I am indeed surprised at you! I'll wager your boy friend is not at all in the terrible state that you are.”

'This naturally broke the ice, and his boy friend, coming forward to the centre, leaned over Frank's shoulders and took part in the joking.

' “Let's get out and go walking about on the island,” he said. “I am sure that it will be much better than sitting here talking in the boat!”

'I was perfectly willing to do this, but Frank called our attention to the signs displayed warning everyone off, and saying that we would surely be seen as it was still light all over the lake, said that it would be best to wait for a while until it grew darker and then we would not be noticed.

' “But you'll go when it is darker?” he asked me, his eyes flashing and his hand unconsciously straying to his hardened prick as though he wished in his own way to relieve the feelings that I had instilled there.

' “I don't know,” I joked then, “I think that it might be terrible for a girl to go alone with two boys on that island, and Lord knows what you might do to me, and I think it best, perhaps, that we forget the idea altogether. Won't it be all right if we-if we just stay here?” And I leaned back a little in the boat and allowed my legs to open a bit, disclosing to their eyes my scantily-clad lower parts, causing both of the boys to breathe faster and lean forward with distended eyes.

'In fact, Frank made as if to rise in his seat, and make his way in the boat over to me, but a wild rocking of the craft and a cry of alarm from his friend caused him to re-seat himself and to utter a cry of vexation. He looked longingly at the tree-covered isle, but I had again closed my thighs, and he buried his face in his hands for a moment and then said, “I tell you, Anna, if you keep showing me your legs, and raising your skirts like this, either here or on the island I will come over and fuck you good!” And he tore open the front of his pants and displayed to my startled eyes a whanger of indeed immense proportions, causing me to give a little sham cry of shame and to cover my face with my hands.

'I, however, you may be sure, peeked from between my fingers and saw him slowly frig it up and down and longed to lean forward and replace his frigging hand with my own, but with an approaching boat coming in sight, he quickly replaced this object of my desires and picking up the oars slowly fended off the isle and began to row again.

' “Why, Frank!” I said, pretending to recover, and keeping my voice low to prevent it carrying over the water, “what-what was it you said? Did you swear at me?”

' “I did not!” said Frank, savagely pulling at the oars and sending the boat through the water in great leaps, “I merely said that I wanted to fuck you, and there is nothing wrong in that! You have had it plenty of times, and you want it now, and if it were dark you would now be on the island getting it in your belly from both of us! And you cannot tell me any different. The way you show yourself makes it plain! Don't it?” he said, turning to his companion for verification. 'I said nothing at this, but his rough talk thrilled me, and I really did long to have that huge stabber of his within me, only waiting for darkness so that they both might have me. ' “I should say it does,” said Frank's friend, his bold eyes on my person, “and we will give it to her when it's dark. Row around a bit, Frank, and then we can come back. By that time it will be dark enough.”

' “Before it gets too dark,” said Frank, smiling the boat about, “I would like to row back under those trees and have her show me her legs again. It gives me an awful hard on! Will you show us, Anna, if we row back? Then we will fuck you when it is dark. Is it a bet, Anna?”