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'Oh, yes, I am,' said Grace, 'I am going to tell you all about it. Every bit. When I was a child, I was not in a position to play about like Anna, and my family not having a wealth of money, I was somewhat ashamed to go with the other girls of my set. Clothes, you know, and things. Well, when I was sixteen, having gone to movies and such, I had occasion to go with a boy friend of mine to a chop suey restaurant, situated at the comer of- and — Streets.

'There were a number of girls that used to go there, and this boy I was with, although no particular sweetheart or friend of mine, naturally took me there simply to eat; having been in there with other girls and boys at different times, I had never noticed anything out of the way there, and to be frank, neither did I now; that is, with one exception. A Chinaman (or at least that is what I judged him to be), when I had occasion to return from the lavatory, gave me a rather peculiar look, and I, paying no attention to it, returned to my seat.

'Well, nothing happened on this occasion, but one evening, when for the first time I had gone there alone, this man went so far as to speak to me. I, of course, did not in the least answer him, having heard tales of the wickedness of these Chinamen, but the manner in which he addressed me was courteous and refined and in reality I had nothing to be offended at.

'Remember, I was still a virgin, and totally ignorant of all things sexual-with the exception that I had heard discussed the sexual act, and knew mistily how it was performed, but had never, as yet, had the pleasure or pain of enacting any part of it.

'At that time I thought nothing of the man's actions, never having it in mind that he may have been attracted to me on account of my looks or appearance, but now knowing what I do, I know that this must have been what was in his mind at the time.

'Perhaps a few weeks passed by, and although I frequented the place on a number of occasions, he never addressed me again, until one day, happening to be there all alone when I came to pay my check, he tendered me a little package and begged me to accept it, saying that it was a present for me.

'I, alive with curiosity, unwrapped it immediately in his presence, and found that it was a beautiful jade ring, evidently worth some money.

' “Oh, how pretty!” I could not help saying. “But Mr. Mott (for this was his name), I could never accept this. It would not be right.”

'“Why not?” he asked in perfect English. “I like you and would like you to have it, and no one will ever know where it came from-that is — unless you tell them.”

'I was really struggling with myself as to whether to accept it or not, as you must bear in mind what I have told you about my conditions at home, but once I had slipped it on my finger it was indeed too pretty to take off, so I kept it.

'This was evidently quite pleasing to him, and he beamed upon me with the utmost satisfaction, and leaning over the counter said in a low voice, “Miss Grace, you are a very nice girl and I like you; like you a whole lot. If ever there is a time that you will let me help you, just let me know and I am sure that you will not be disappointed.”

'This remark, of course, was clear enough even for me to understand, and blushing furiously, I hurried from the place.

'My mind was in a tumult of emotion as I stumbled down the marble stairs, and the thought that a “Chinaman” had been so bold as to demand the possession of me irritated me so much that I nearly collided with a number of people.

'I say “irritated", but in a few minutes my conceit came to the fore, and I thought how sad it was that it was only a yellow man that appreciated me enough to pay attention to me. Of course, it was ridiculous and I would never go there again and I laughed to myself and dismissed it from my mind.

'Well, a few days later when I went in there-'

'Just a minute!' interrupted Anna, who had introduced her hand inside my trousers and was now subjecting my prong to the sweetest of teasing manipulations in her tender palm, while I flicked the nipple of one of Grace's titties, 'I thought that you just said that you were never going back there again, Grace!'

'I did,' admitted Grace, 'but you know Anna, it would not be fair to him, the poor fellow, to leave him thinking of me; and if it did not entail anything on my part-'

Both Anna and I laughed uproariously at this, and Grace looked from one face to the other in mystified wonderment, and I, controlling my merriment said, 'Never mind us, Grace, we know exactly how you felt and how you pitied the poor fellow. Proceed, I beg of you.'

'Well,' said Grace, 'as I said, I went in there again after I had been given the jade ring, and this time there was a strange Chinaman with my friend, Mr. Mott, and I noticed that he gave me a lot of attention, but I paid no attention to either of them and, finishing my meal, I prepared to depart.

'As I paid my check, Mr. Mott asked me if I minded if he introduced me to the man, and before I had a chance to say “no” he did so, and that is how I came to know Ki-Ling.

'He was a tall, sallow man, well built and well dressed, and he bowed over my hand and acted perfectly charming. I immediately left the place, but next time I went Mr. Mott seized a chance to talk to me and told me that Ki-Ling was a very rich man and that I had impressed him very much, and if ever I was in financial difficulties he was sure that he would help me without question.

'By this time I had overcome my resentment of the yellow man, and I laughingly said in a joking manner, “And I suppose, Mr. Mott, that he will ask for full interest on his investment. Is that what you mean, my friend?”

' “No man is interested in anything that he does not derive pleasure or gain from,” said Mr. Mott gravely, “but still, my dear, I think that you may at least bear my remarks in mind.”

'I laughed gayly at him and ran out of the place and dismissed it instantly from my mind.

'And then-then came Betty Moore's party-I-'

'Oh ho!' cried Anna. 'Now I know! I know now why you-'

'Hush! Anna dear!' I said, placing a hand over her excited lips. 'Surely you do not wish to spoil Grace's story. She did not do that to you.'

Anna remained silent and Grace continued.

'And then came Betty Moore's party. I was of course invited, but I had nothing to wear. I had seen a gorgeous gown in a window downtown that I was just crazy to have, but the price, alas, was far, far outside the means of my purse. A number of times the words of Mr. Mott came to my mind, and I resolutely set them aside, but finally, I decided to go and see, at least, what he would offer. And that was the beginning of the end.

'One day, after school, I went up to his place and, no one being present, I told him that I would like to talk to him about Mr. Ling.

'He was instantly all smiles, and opening a little door behind the counter, asked me to step into a little room that was there.

'I went in, trembling as you may well imagine, and he called to one of his men and after offering me a drink of some stuff out of a bottle asked me what he could do for me.

'I was as nervous as could be, but fixing my mind on the gown and thinking of the hit that I would make, I said in a determined tone, “How much, Mr. Mott, will Ling pay me if I–I-go with him?”

' “I do not know,” he said frankly, “that I would have to see about. Do you wish me to find out for you?”

' “But,” I said, “would he want to-to do something to me? To be like boys are with girls? You know what I mean?”

' “I suppose so,” said Mr. Mott, “but that you must expect if he pays you. But nothing will happen to hurt you.”

' “But I might have a baby,” I said. “That might happen, might knot?”

' “Oh, no,” he said, “not with Mr. Ling; he would take care of that. If you wish to, I will see him and ask him and will let you know tomorrow, if you are in earnest.”

' “I am,” I told him, “and I wish you to find out.” And I rose to leave.