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'To my surprise he approached me, and upon my drawing back he stopped and smiled at me.

“I will not hurt you,” he said, and still smiled at me.

' “But that was not in the bargain,” I said. “I asked you about Mr. Ling.”

' “But at least a little recompense is due the arranger,” he said. “I want nothing to do with you, at least in the way that you think. And I assure you that you will leave this room in the same state as you entered. But before I can go ahead and talk to Mr. Ling, it would be necessary that I verify certain facts-facts in relation to yourself that I am sure can in no way harm you.”

' “But what are they?” I asked, now frightened. “Tell me and I will let you know. What are they?”

' “Mr. Ling,” he said simply, “is not at all interested in soiled flowers, and by that you must know that I, myself, have no desires in that certain direction, but still I must know whether you are a virgin or not. If you are, I will go ahead; if not, dismiss the idea from your mind, as it would be out of the question.”

' “Do you mean-if I have a maidenhead?” I asked not understanding clearly what he meant.

' “Yes,” he answered, “that is it.”

' “But I have,” I told him. “I have never, never been with anyone. I can assure you of that.”

'He lifted his hands deprecatingly and leaned back to the wall.

' “I must see,” he said.

' “Must see!” I repeated, rather stupidly, I think. “You must-must look at me, there?”

' “Yes,” he said, “but if you are bashful I will extinguish the lights.”

' “Oh, no!” I said, fearing that he was at once going to put the room in darkness. “Not that, not that!” For I was sure, once the lights were out and me in the dark, he would ravish me to his will.

' “Well, then,” he said, “lie up here on the table.” And he lifted the bottle to a side table.

' “But you might do something?” I said, rather nervously.

' “I will not,” he answered, and despite my fears I allowed him to assist me on to the table and gently push me on my back. I felt him drawing up my dress and pulling my thighs wide apart.

' “Oh, oh, no,” I said, putting my hand down and trying to push him away.

' “Very well,” he said coolly, “we shall let it go and I will not call Mr. Ling.”

'The sight of that gown filtered before my eyes, and my hands gently relaxed their hold on my dress and fell lax to my sides and he resumed his operations.

'You must imagine how I felt! My dress was turned up to the waist, and my pants were unbuttoned and pulled down off over my ankles and the cool breeze of the room kissed my bare lower flesh and caused me to shiver. I hid my face under my arm to blot out the sight, and felt his fingers draw apart the lips of my slit and to my intense surprise I felt the most delicious sensation of my funny spot and an electric shock ran through my entire body.

'Wondering what this thrilling sensation could be, I raised my head, and saw Mr. Mott down in between my thighs with his lips applied to my sensitive sheath as with his hot, hard tongue he was titillating my them branes.

'Oh, what thrills and sensations ran through me! What pleasure I experienced at the touch of this tongue, the hard little sentinel of pleasure. I writhed, I gasped, I moaned, and finally I gave down my spend to be gobbled up by this yellow degenerate who fairly luxuriated in my effusion.

'Twice, thrice, this act was repeated, then, feeling weak and faint, I allowed him to assist me down from the table.

'I almost sank to the floor and would have, had it not been for his supporting arms, and he handed me my panties and departed from the room. I sat down for a moment to don them, and straightening out my dress, cautiously opened the door and peeked out.

'He was waiting without, and motioning me to come into the dining-room, whispered to me that he had satisfied himself as to my condition and told me to come in the next day.

'I staggered down the stairs, and once back home I went to my room and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Towards morning I awakened and could no longer sleep, my mind being filled with the thoughts of the actions of the Chinaman, and so powerful were they that I was-well, I was wet when the reverie was over!

'Well, the whole next day I was consumed with curiosity as to what Mr. Ling would say, and right after school I hurried to the restaurant, and seeing a number of people following me, who were strangers to me, I made haste to steal into the little room behind the counter and close the door after me.

'In a few minutes Mr. Mott entered and, his face as grave as before, said to me, “Mr. Ling begs to inform you through me that he accepts your kind offer and will pay you for your services in this matter, one hundred dollars, and has sent by me”-and here he fumbled in his pocket and drew out an envelope-“twenty-five dollars on account.” And with this he handed me the envelope.

'One hundred dollars! How pleasant that sounded to me! And twenty-five already! I tore open the envelope to verify it, and sure enough within were two tens and a five! The gown cost seventy-five dollars and with this twenty-five I could pay a deposit and have some left over. This was certainly great luck!

'While I was musing thus, I felt Mr. Mott gently urging me to lie down on the table, and I in no way being in discord or dissent with this notion, unhesitating complied, and felt him strip off my drawers and again apply his lips to my cleft.

'So sudden was this sweet conjunction, that I almost immediately gave down in his mouth a proof of my feelings and then settled down to real enjoyment. Doubtless, both of you must think that I was a thoroughly degenerate little girl, especially at this age, to be so affected by the feel of this yellow man's tongue, but to be frank with you it affected me to my toe-nails!

'Well, four or five charges left me before he was content, and then he told me that he had arranged it for the following Saturday, which was two days away, and that he was to conduct me to Mr. Ling's place.

' “Oh, isn't he coming here?” I asked him.

' “Oh, no,” he answered, “he has a wonderful place of his own over on the south side. You will like it when you get there; I want you to make some excuse so that you may get away and meet me here at eleven o'clock in the morning on Saturday.”

'I promised him that I would be on time, and leaving the place, I went immediately to the store and paid a deposit on the gown. I did not leave the whole twenty-five dollars, paying only ten, as I intended to spend the rest on some pretty undergarments, stockings and slippers so that I would make a presentable appearance on Saturday.

'This I accordingly did, and as you will remember, Anna, I left the package at your house, and told you that I was going somewhere on Saturday and would stop in for it on Saturday morning.

'Well, Saturday morning came, and I was up early and hurried to your house, after telling my folks that I was going on a “hike” out of town, and you, sleepy head'-this to the listening Anna-'as you were sound asleep, I secured my package, and going into the bathroom donned all of my new finery and left my old things neatly wrapped under the bath tub.

'I hurried to the restaurant, and early as it was I found Mr. Mott all ready and waiting for me, and whispering to me to slip downstairs and to wait around the corner, he dismissed me.

'I returned to the street, and turning the corner of- Street, which as you know is always quiet, I stood there for only a minute before a car drew up to the curb and to my surprise I saw Mr. Mott within it.

'He motioned me to enter and I hurriedly cast a glance around and did so and we were quickly whisked away by the driver.

'We drove for quite a while, and finally we stopped, and I saw we were in the Chinese quarter and were before a Chinese laundry. Was the dignified Mr. Ling a Chinese laundryman?

'I had not much time to think as Mr. Mott hustled me from the machine and into the shop, and no sooner were we in than we were into the back room out of observation. There was one man in the room, a Chinaman, and he manifested no surprise at our entrance but stood before Mr. Mott.