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The latest of her conquests was Sporio, the governor's valet. She said he was awfully spoony on her and used to call her Carrissima mia nigra.

She taxed him with his devotion to Miss Blanche. He declared that she bored him; that she had seduced him when he was a mere lad, but that she was so exceedingly kind to him that he was loth to break his connection with her; that although so proud to all the world, she actually fawned on him; and that she had requested the boss to allow him to teach her Italian in her own cabin, under plea of being more free from interruption there than in the saloon; but that he did not like going to her for she did nothing but frig and suck his prick.

When I repeated all this to the captain, he laughed until the tears rolled down his cheeks. 'Ha, ha, ho, ho, only think of our stately flamingo cuddling the tool of that olive-tinted rascal; that would be a sight worth seeing; and not that I think of it, there is no reason why we should not see it. Queenie, my lass, we will circumnavigate them. The panels between these cabins can be loosened. Stay here on deck and remain on guard; while the coast is clear below, and I will go in and try what I can do.'

Accordingly, after some time, he came up to my usual nook on the port quarter, and with a merry twinkle in his eye, said, 'All right, you may set the watch as soon as you please, and be sure to keep your weather eyes open. Remove the loose moulding from the left-hand panel at the end of our berth – you can then slide it to one side far enough to command the whole of the flamingo's nest and all her vagaries, and don't forget to note down everything in your log for me. She will soon be under way now, for I was hardly done, when she came down, and I heard her telling the Olive to bring the Italian dictionary after tiffin.'

So I went below, and passing up the saloon, I observed that Miss Stanhope's door was closed. I entered my own cabin and having carefully shut the door and darkened the port, I softly moved the panel and applied my eye to the small aperture indicated by the captain.

The view that met my delighted gaze was even more lubricious than I anticipated. Sporio was reclining on a sofa, holding in his hand a book out of which he was reading in a low voice.

His trousers were all open in the front and his shirt tucked up under his waistcoat. Miss Stanhope was seated by his side on a low stool with her head leaning against him and both hands on his dark-coloured prick.

She kissed it and gently moved its head about her face, all the while gently frigging it with her fingers.

It was a finely proportioned prick, seamed with blue veins, and holding its head in proud erection, as if conscious of being just such a plaything as any lady of warm temperament would like to fondle and put in her pocket of delight. The book he was reading was Boccaccio's Decameron in Italian; she repeated after him as he translated sentence by sentence, occasionally stopping him to ask questions.

The part they ere engaged on was novel ten, of the third day, were the innocent Alibech is instructed by the hermit Rusticus in the pious work of putting the devil into hell, and is induced to believe that the sturdy prick of the holy man, the view of which has excited her astonishment, was the devil sent to buffet and torment him. 'How happy I am,' she exclaimed, 'that I have there no such devil to torment me.'

'Oh, but you have much more than the devil in that same place, for you have in that same spot the hell in which he ought to be thrust,' and he pressed with lewd fingers the as yet unentered sanctuary of love.

'Permit me, my child, to plunge him into this place of darkness, where he ought to be put, and we shall gain all the delights of heaven.'

She accordingly, most innocently and as she believed most piously, permitted him to perform the meritorious act on her willingly subjected body.

The hermit, having placed her in the most convenient position, and opened the shaded portals of her lovely abyss, proceeded to drive the devil in, greatly to his own satisfaction, but with no small pain to the poor novice, who, afflicted by this forcible entrance into her delicate recess, cried out with the pain and said, 'Oh, padre mio, how wicked this devil must be' – sensing him draw the devil from that hot and insatiable abyss – 'even in hell he causes so much trouble.'

But very soon she found that the prolonged movement of the devil inside caused such delightful sensations, that she begged the good hermit to persevere in his pious efforts.

Blanche seemed greatly amused at the eagerness of the innocent Alibech and said, 'But I don't wonder at her, if Rusticus had as grand a devil as this fellow of yours, Sporio mio, which looks so ready for the warm nook that is waiting for him. Why it is even shedding tears at the thought,' she added as she sipped off a pearly drop that glistened on its summit.

'So be it, Carma mia, how shall I put it in?'

'Lie along the couch. I will mount over you and put it in myself and you can look whether I guide the devil aright.'

She fastened up her skirts, and jumping on the couch straddled over him, holding up her shift as she bent forward and watched the purpleheaded demon while she directed him to the clover entrance of his den; when she had him safely housed she laid hold on a projection over her and allowed the motion of the ship acting on the muscles of her thighs to produce the exciting friction he required.

Her extreme coolness showed what an adept she was in obtaining and prolonging the fullest enjoyment of her pleasures. She continued this mode of operation until she had completely pumped him dry; leaning back his head, he drew up his arms and yawned.

'My Sporio is easily tired today, he must be going too much after new loves. Do you find your dark beauty as attractive as ever, or perhaps it is her petite mistress who is inspiring you with tender passion, is it so?'

'Why no, she has given me no opportunity; but now that you suggest the notion, I will seek for some means of approach, for she is without a doubt a charming little piece.'

'Ah, vous etes mechant, mio Sporio, you only say that to tease me. I can't imagine what you all see to admire in that chit of a girl. She would fain look like an angel, while she only simpers like a fool.'

When I related all this to the captain, he rubbed his hands together in glee and declared he must manage somehow or other to witness with me one of those Italian lessons.

As a special reward for telling him all that passed between Sporio and the Flamingo, and also for describing how I helped the old governor to accomplish his desired fuck, he made me lean back with my cunt fully exposed to the light of the lamp, and then kneeling between my widespread thighs, he gave me a most delicious tongue frig and just as I was going to spend, he arose and buried his fiery-headed prick among the folds of my throbbing cunt, and then finished by entering the more narrow passage which lay so invitingly near and from my position peculiarly open to his attack.

Sporio soon found that his best way of approaching me was through Zilla and he therefore made her large presents and promised her everything in his power to bestow if she would use her influence with me in his favour.

She readily undertook to plead for him, not for the sake of the reward, but from her own natural love for any kind of amour.

She began by telling me how greatly he admired me, and she endeavoured to inflame my fancy by describing his insinuating manner and especially the peculiarly skilful way in which he used his fine tool. 'He has such a coaxing eye and such a warm soft hand, the very touch of it makes one thrill, and then his prick – oh missy, it would do you good to feel how firm and strong and at the same time how soft and smooth it is, and while he holds you with a grip like iron, he moves his hand like a cat'' paw over your cunt, and with delicate fingers tenderly open the soft yielding lips, and then so deftly introduces the luscious head of his pleasure-giving instrument, and oh! The vigorous spring of his active loins, as at every plunge, he fucks – fucks – fucks; until your whole inside seems to rush forward to give it a melting reception. Oh, missy! Only try him, and you will find I have told you but half the truth.'