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I hope I don't wrong him, but I saw him smack his lips when they let her down, as if the taste and smell were both pleasant and exciting.

'Lay her down on the table again, and now bring forward that little half-breed' (poor me), 'and let us see what she is like when peeled.'

When they put their hands on me, I said, 'Please don't, let me do it myself.' And Carlo nodded approvingly, as I quietly divested myself of all my usual coverings. Then Don Pedro, beckoning me to him, said: 'Good, my little dame, you are now the best; now find my pego and bring it into view.'

I understood him tolerably well, for I had learned something of the mongrel jargon he spoke from two runaway slaves that were found by Captain St John in an open boat off the island of Cuba and brought by him to my father, who treated them well and placed them among his negroes. They were great friends of Zilla's, and we picked up from them a smattering of Spanish as it was then spoken in the Indies.

So I at once obeyed, and knowing something of his dress, I unbound the rich shawl round his waist, and opening his tight-fitting breeches, I groped for his prick, and soon drew it out together with the wrinkled bag that held his large firm stones.

Pirate though he was, he had a handsome tool, and his cods were large and round like a stallion's.

He was evidently pleased at the way I regarded his affair, especially when I frigged it softly up and down; but I quite won his heart when I pressed its smooth glossy head to my lips, and allowed its point to pass into my mouth.

After enjoying this little by-play for a moment, he got up and went to the table where the other two were holding Blanche still struggling on her back. She was keeping one hand pressed firmly on her cunt, while she kicked violently with her feet, and bit and scratched any part of them that came within her reach.

Don Pedro laughed at the frantic exhibition she was making of herself, and seizing her hand he pulled it roughly off her cunt, whereupon she drew it back and fetched him such a box on the ear that the smack sounded through the cabin.

The two lieutenants, though somewhat alarmed, could not refrain from laughing; while he, stunned at first by the affront, grinned most maliciously, and ordered them to turn her over.

He then smacked her bare bottom with the full force of his muscular arm until he made it all over as red as a cherry.

Then drawing apart the lips of her cunt now of the brightest crimson inside, he plunged his fiery-headed prick into its soft recesses, and proceeded to fuck with great skill and tremendous vigour.

This mode of treatment soon caused her to cease struggling and submit quietly to what was now clearly and palpably inevitable; besides, the very excited state of her bottom must have rendered the action of his prick in her cunt agreeable.

As soon as he had discharged, he drew out his inflamed tool, and sitting down to rest, he called one of the others, named Federigo, and told him to go at her now, as he knew he had a special fancy for a buttered bun (i.e. a cunt just wetted by another's spunk).

Federigo needed no second invitation, but at once took his chief's place, and plunged into Blanche's well moistened gap. I expected she would cry out, but not a bit of it; she seemed to relish the second turn more than the first; and, what appeared to me still more strange, her mother, who at first had kept her head turned away, now watched with growing interest the rapid jerks of Federigo's rump as he drove his eager prick in and out of her daughter's highly excited cunt.

Meanwhile Don Pedro directed me to pull out the governor's affair, and frig it into life. I obeyed at once, and as I knelt before him, petting and kissing the dear old prick with which I was already familiar, he told me to cock my rump, then motioned to Carlo to take me in the rear, if he liked.

Carlo came with alacrity and knelt behind me, and putting his arms round under my belly leaned over my back, and poking his stiff prick up between my thighs, whispered in my ear, 'I won't, unless you give your kind permission.'

'You may,' I answered, 'for I like you, Carlo,' on which the old governor smiled at me, and being soothed by my attention to himself, said, 'You are a brave sensible girl, Queenie. You understand that when our kismet comes we must bend before it whether we like it or not, and true philosophy teaches us to try and make the best even of adversity itself.'

His stiffening tool however plainly showed that his kismet had not deprived him of the capacity for amorous enjoyment. It literally bounded in my hands as he watched Carlo pushing his prick into me from behind and with firm but gentle strokes reach the desired goal, just as Federigo with a shout poured his boiling sperm into Blanche's overflowing cunt.

Meanwhile Lady Stanhope was standing with her hands tied over her head, and although evidently tired of that constrained position was intently watching all that was going on.

As soon as I stood up, she appealed to me to get her released.

'Tell him,' she said, 'I will be quiet and obedient, too, for I see that no good can be gained by resisting.'

I at once begged Don Pedro to have her hands untied, and promised that she would comply with his desires as far as possible.

'Well, we will give her a chance,' and he told Carlo to cut the cords binding her hands. Then turning to me, he desired me to order Blanche to stand on the locker over her father with her legs on each side of him and her cunt on his mouth.

With great difficulty, I got her to obey this unnatural command, and indeed she only complied when her father himself told her it was wiser to obey as their lives were in peril.

I don't think he felt any great disinclination himself, for as soon as I had got her into the required position, he began to lick with evident gusto all within the savoury chink.

Don Pedro observed it too, and cried, 'So far, so good,' and turning to me, said: 'Now, get the mother to stand up too, and frig her daughter, while the father licks her cunt; so we shall complete the family circle.'

Seeing that her ladyship hesitated, he pounded on the table with the butt of his pistol and so terrified her that she jumped upon the locker at once, and putting one hand on her daughter's buttocks, she frigged with the other the upper parts of her cunt, the chink below being filled with her father's tongue.

He next told Federigo to stand on the locker at the other side, and present his prick for Blanche to suck. She threw back her head in disgust, but the old gentleman said, 'Suck it, Blanche; anything to satisfy them.'

She then bent her graceful neck and took the pirate's prick into her dainty mouth just as it was, and quickly relishing the taste, rolled her tongue round its swelling head.

Then Don Pedro mounted on the other side, and embracing what he called Lady Stanhope's splendid arse, managed after a few attempts to force his well-greased tool up into her entrails as she stooped forward frigging her daughter's cunt.

I then, at a nod from him, resumed my former place between the governor's knees, sucking his prick and tickling his stones, while Carlo again entered my love regions from behind.

The thought now occurred to me as I looked up what a remarkable tableau vivant we formed. I was struck with the subdued earnestness combined with the most intense action that seemed to permeate each member of the group. Oh, for some artistic eye to discern and cunning hand to portray the scene of impassioned lust and most refined lechery; but there was no one besides the actors in that dimly lighted cabin to witness how that fine old English gentleman, impelled by relentless fate, relished the sapid flavour of his daughter's cunt, while her own mother, driven by the same necessity, with active fingers drew forth its bubbling sweets; she herself enjoyed at the same time the embrace of a lusty pirate, whose prick was buried in her vitals just under her husband's nose; and above his venerable head, his daughter received between her dainty lips the spending prick of another of the band, while his own organ of delight delivered its diminished stream, though with equal pleasure, into the mouth of a sympathising friend.