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I hadn't intended to-I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. I came, too. Involuntarily, I threw my legs up and clamped them around his body in a vise-like grip. And the last exclamations I uttered were genuine instead of faked.

When it was finished, he sank down upon me almost crushing me with his heavy body.

I twisted out from underneath him and called to Vernon to bring me a towel. He made no move to obey and I repeated the command imperiously. It was a final, artistic touch! He hesitated a moment in dazed uncertainty, then turned and left the room. He came back with a towel in his hand and flung it on the floor

near me. Deliberately, before his eyes I wiped from between my legs the exterior tracs of his friends orgastic prowness, and tossed the towel back to him. He hurled it aside, and with a venomous glance at Mr. Tucker who now in a drunken stupor, snarled:

"You damned little whore!"

I got up, and went into the bathroom where I had already prepared, and had waiting, a sanitary preparation.

When I came out, Mr. Tucker was still lying on the floor, where he had fallen. He was unconscious. His pants were open, and his thing, although wierdly diminished in size, was still wet and dripping.

Without a word and without further pretense of intoxication, I put on my panties, adjusted my brassiere and replaced the waist and dress I had removed. Going to the bedroom, I quickly gathered up such articles of toilet as remained unpacked and swept them into a small grip. I put on my hat and coat, and with grip and suitcase, left the room.

When Vernon saw me fully dressed, and with hand luggage, his mouth fell open. For a moment he was speechless. Then he stammered:

"Why . . . where are you going, Eedy?"

"I'm leaving you, Vernon, but you'll still have your friend Mr. Tucker to look out for you."

"But, Eedy … I don't …"

Before he had concluded the sentence the door was closed behind me and I had walked out of his life forever.

I've never seen him since and that's all there is to tell.

The dramatic effect of Edyth's story was highly intensified by the fact that she was naturally very modest, even bashful-and the scarlet flame which lit her cheeks as certain portions of the narrative obliged her to use obscene words and phrases betrayed the effort it was costing her to repeat the lurid tale.

In her sexual expansions she was the embodiment of passionate fervor. But both before, and after the act, an innate modesty cloaked her words and actions. She was easily embarrassed, and blushed furiously at anything savoring of naughtiness, and her reluctance and ingenuous confusion at being seen naked was something delicious to behold. I had seen so much boldness and had been so accustomed to having mere nudity taken quite forgranted, that her blushing bashfulness was really a delightful contrast. I entertained myself by teasing her with the deliberate intention of provoking blushes, begging her to let me see her naked or watch her while she was bathing, enticing her to take curious and unusual postures in intercourse, asking her to tell me how it felt, and how many times she had "come" etc., all of which threw her into the greatest confusion.

I have said that Edyth had no vices or eccentricities. She had however, one passionate hobby, and one pecular physical characteristic.

The physical peculiarity to which I have referred was something of a more intimate nature. She was one of those extremely rare females whom Mother Nature endows with what I not knowing the scientific term, would call a tit shaped clitoris. In my entire experience I have only encountered them in three women and one of these was a juvenile, to whom reference has already been made in chapter three of this biography.

Edyth's clitoris, under the influence of erotic stimulation, stiffened out in rigid erection, some three-eighths of an inch or more, and while so erected the slightest touch upon it was sufficient to throw her into wild frenzy. As orgasm approached, she lost all control of herself and gave such vociferous expression to her feelings as I had never listened to before. Warnings to the effect that she would surely be over-heard by occupants of adjoining apartments had no effect whatsoever. In her erotic frenzy nothing existed at the moment but she and I. Her demonstrations heightened my own excitation, but

they also embarrassed me, for I knew that they could, in the stillness of the night, be heard all through the building.

Eventually, I struck on the idea of placing my hand over her mouth before she reached orgasm. The first time I did this she sputtered and chocked, and indignantly accused me of trying to strangle her, but I accustomed her to the system. She said it "spoiled" part of her pleasure, and I disliked to do it, but I didn't relish the idea of providing the neighbors with free entertainment nightly and I had observed sly smiles on their faces when we passed them in the halls.

Edyth's naive modesty and simplicity charmed and intrigued me. With the exception of tl^e drama she had enacted for the purpose of revenging herself on her husband, her sexual experiences had been confined to the most conservative of conjugal expansions. Prom what she told me I gathered that her husband had not been of a very ardent disposition or else was weak sexually.

"It always took a long time for his thing to get stiff enough to go in!" she confided, with a blush.

Their sexual unions had been limited to once a week or less and it was with surprise she found that I could accommodate her every night

or when so inclined, two or thre.e times. Her disappointing married life and the period of complete abstinence which followed it, had brought her to a condition in which she was a veritable treasure house of hoarded emotions, and it was exactly at this propitious moment that I, to my good fortune, entered her life.

Her ideas as to what the proper were quaint in the extreme. Intercourse was supposed to be indulged in only at night, and under cover of darkness. To leave the light on, or in fact, to even be seen naked, was immodest. The only proper position was that in which the woman lies on her back, with the man on top. Mutual handling, or caressing of genital organs was very naughty, and as for the refinements, and perversions of love to which she had heard allusions of whose exact nature she had but vague ideas, they were not even to be discussed except in whispers.

I took a cynical and wicked delight in exploiting the innocent superstitions as fast as they came to my notice and diverted myself immensely by inciting, with my teasing and wheedling, certain conflicts between her naturally voluptuous disposition and this quaint modesty.

"Edyth, darling," I pleaded coaxingly, as prior to retiring for the night, she slipped on her night-gown before removing her undergarments, "why don't you want me to see you naked ? You know I love to . . . but you always have something on, just to deprive me of the pleasure!"

"Gilbert! You've seen me naked often enough!"

"Why, darling, you know I haven't seen you naked half a dozen times. You've got the prettiest form of any girl I ever saw," I would add cunningly, "I don't see why you want to keep it hidden from me."

Such a plea, of course, was irrisistible.

"Well, for heaven's sake! I suppose you'll keep on teasing until I take off my night-gown!"

And off it came, while she stood blushing before me for a moment.

"Come closer darling."

When she came within arm reach, I twined my fingers in the cluster of silky brown curls at the apex of her legs.

"I had a suspicion about what part of my form you wanted to see!"

When I learned that intercourse was supposed to be enjoyed only at night under cover of dark^ ness I immediately developed an insatiable desire for daylight gratification.

"Edyth," I whispered one day I took her on my knees after lunch, "I want to do it so bad I just can't wait until night. Just feel this!"

"But I'm all dressed!" she exclaimed in a suffocated voice.