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"Just once, to see what it's like."

"No! No! No!"

And she jumped up and fled into the bedroom.

Snickering to myself, I again picked up my paper.

A few minutes later she was back again, and as I glanced at her I .saw that her cheeks were still red. She appeared to have something she wished to say, and I waited expectantly.

"Gilbert …" she murmured, and hesitated uncertainly.

"Well, honey?"

"Gilbert . . . did you . . . really mean . . . what you said?"

"About what, darling?"

"That if I let you do that to me once, you'd buy me that coat?"

With each word the color in her face became more vivid

"Of course I mean it, honey! I wouldn't go back on my word."

There was a long silence during which her eyes were turned toward the' floor.

"Well … all right, then!"

"Hurrah!" I exclaimed, "I've been wanting to try that so bad I just couldn't hardly wait for you to say yes!" and jumping from my chair, I lifted her up in my arms, kissed her flushed cheeks and then stood her back on the floor.

"Just this once, now, remember that!"

"Well, hurry up then and come to bed and get it over with!"

As she stood there, with cheeks blazing and eyes averted, an idea occurred to me by which additional touch of the exotic might be added to the delicious rite and without saying anything to her, I immediately began clearing off the big library table. When I had removed its divers ornaments and utilities, I told her to bring a blanket and pillow from the bedroom.

"What for?" she asked, in bewilderment.

"For you to lie on, honey. I'm going to put them on the table.

"On the table?" she gasped.

"Yes, on the table, honey. Just like a big luscious piece of strawberry shortcake. Only this shortcake won't need any cream or sugar!"

"Gilbert!" she exclaimed, in a horrified voice.

"With the coat you'll be the prettiest girl in London."

"Gilbert! I am NOT going to get up on that table!"

"Genuine ermine, too. The rest of these ladies around here will be green with envy." I continued, and without waiting for her to execute the order I went myself to the bedroom, and obained the articles referred to and arranged them neatly on the massive table.

She watched my preparations to serve her

•up like a plate of after dinner dessert as though paralyzed. I could contain myself, but I managed to keep a straight face, and when all was arranged to my satisfaction, I said:

"All right, honey! Now you can take your clothes off!"

Chapter IX

Mechanically, her fingers unfastened the belt of the dressing robe and she removed the garment. Chemise, panties, hose and slippers remained. Without diverting herself on any of these, moving as one in a hypnotic trance, she slowly approached the table.

"Your panties, darling! Aren't you going to take them off ? I can't do that while you have them on!"

"Well for heaven's sake! I can take them off after you turn out the light, can't I?"

"But darling, I'm not going to put out the light. I could't see to do it right in the dark!"

"Gilbert! I'm not going to get on that table naked, with the lights on! I won't do it."

"Honey, you the most persistent little "no" girl I ever met in my life. I'll tell you what we can do. I'll turn them all out, except just the mantal light."

I pressed the button which controlled the cluster of lights above the table, extinguishing them, and turned on a shaded globe on one side of the fire-place mantel. It illuminated the room with a soft, pink refulgence.

"All right, sweetheart. Now you can take off your panties and get up on the table."

"Well, turn around then, and don't look at me!"

"I can't see what difference it makes if I look!" but I turned my back obediently.

When I looked around again, the panties were off.

Under the tinted, subdued rays of light her arms and shoulders and such other portions of her fare flesh as were visible, glowed rosily, I lifted her upland set her upon the edge of the table, and with the idea of stimulating her sensibilities I filled a goblet with wine and handed it to her. She drank it and after disposing of the empty glass I gently pushed her down on her back with her knees over the edge of the table.

These preliminaries were of course affording me the most delicious thrills imaginable. In all my experience, I had never "frenched" a girl under more inciting circumstances. My cock was in a state which threatened the integrity of the buttons of my trousers, and the first thing I did after I got her stretched out on the table was to unfasten them and allow it its freedom.

I leaned over her and slipped up the silk underwaist she had pulled down over her thighs. Her limbs quivered as I raised it, and she placed

an arm over her eyes. I worked the diaphanous garment upward until her breasts were completely exposed in the rosy light. With this detail complete,!! drew up a chair, and placing it close to the table, sat down.

True to form, when she had lain down on the table she had clenched hex legs together as tightly as she could-but I let this pass for the moment, and contented myself with caressing her legs, hips, thighs, and breasts with my hands. Then, pressing my lips to one of her legs, just above the top of her stocking and dropping kisses along the route I began an upward journey. Her limbs twitched and quivered as though each kiss were electric shock. When my lips reached the place where a dark triangle of curley hair maked the juncture of her thighs, I hitched the chair a little closer, and placing my hands on her knees, endeavored to separate them. At first they seemed disinclined to part, so I applied a little more force and gradually as I continued to urge them with a firm pressure, they began to yield.

And now, under the rose tinted light, my little sweetheart's sexual flower with its border of dark chestnut curls was revealed. I separated the moist lips, and the little tit shaped protuberance in their upper extremity, which my fingers had often caressed but my eyes never

before contemplated, came into view. This was the naughty little thing which caused her to moan and squeal and go into hysterical fits whenever it was petted, and I gazed at it curiously. And even as I looked, it began to expand perceptibly in size, as though excited at merely being viewed. It stiffened out, and then shrank back slightly, repeating the process at intervals of a few seconds. I placed my fingertip upon it. It was hard and firm and pulsated vigorously to my touch.

" Are you deliberately trying to drive me crazy?" she exclaimed, in a tense indignant whisper.

"Well for heaven's sake! How much longer are you going to look?"

"lie down, sweetheart. I won't look any more if you don't want me to!"

She lay down again, still murmuring indignant protests and an instant later my face was between her thighs. Up and down the length of the humid cleft my tongue scurried and finally settled down to work in earnest on her clitoris. It rose valiantly to meet the attack and projected itself ouward.

And then pandemonium broke loose.

Grimly, I stayed at the post-indifferent for once as to whether the neighbors might think I vfas slaughtering her and break in the door or call the police. Between her writhings, twisting and kicking it was all I could do to keep my tongue on the right spot. Part of the time her legs were sticking straight out on either side of me-part of the time they were flying up and down in a fantastic dance and part of the time they were clasped about my neck. She raised herself on her wrists, she dropped back and tried to elevate her bottom, she twisted and wriggled until I was obliged to seize her by the hips to hold her still. No adequate reproduction of the shrieks, moans, and exclamations with which she emphasized her frenzy is possible.

How many times she had orgasm I couldn't determine but the nectar of love was dripping within a minute or so after I had first gotten my mouth on her.