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Finally, I felt her body relax. She put her hands on my head, and gasped:

"I can't stand any more, Gilbert!"

The performance had produced such a tension in my own nerves that I was not far from spontaneous ejaculation. Under the pressure of her hands on my forehead, I reluctantly yielded my position. Sliding the chair back I got up, went to the bathroom, brought a moistened towel and sponged her thighs. It was the first time I had ever performed such an intimate

service for her, but she was too exhausted to protest.

Picking her up in my arms, I carried her to our sleeping quarters, laid her down on the bed and sat down on the edge by her side.

– A bit later we were cuddled up in each other's arms, in bed.

"Gilbert …"

"You don't have to buy me that coat. And . . . and …"

"And what, darling?"

"If you like to do that . . . you can do it again . . . sometime!"

"When?" -

"Oh, when you want to! Tomorrow, if you like!"

"That's a bargain, you little old sweet thing! Tell me honey, how did it feel?"

"Hush up!"

"But, darling, after going to all that trouble just to find out?"

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"I just want to know whether it felt nice."

"Yes! Yes!"

"Better than the other way?"

"No . . . yes … oh, I don't know! Now will you stop talking about it?"

Needless to say, she got the coat. And from that time on I enjoyed numerous special after

dinner desserts on the big library table.

One day not long after her first surrender to cunnilingus, a matter came up, which obliged me to make a business trip to a nearby city and as the weather was pleasant it occurred to me to take her with me. It was a four hour drive by automobile so I rented a car and chauffeur for the day.

The business being satisfactorily concluded by mid-afternoon, we had dinner in a local restaurant and started back home in the evening. After an hour on the road, Edyth, who had gotten up earlier that morning than was her custom, nestled against me and went to sleep.

The position in which she had placed herself brought her cheek in close contact with a certain portion of my trousers where ordinarily a little extra allowance is made in the cloth for something besides leg. This something, always responsive to the slightest attention, and easily awakened, answered the warmth and pressure of her cheek by increasing rapidly in size. And as the pressure was not removed, it continued to expand until it reached the limit of its ex-pansional capacity, and thereafter gave evidence of its appreciation by a series of throbs and muscular contractions.

I supposed that Edyth was now fast asleep but in this I.was somewhat mistaken, for be-

fore long she stirred again. This time she raised her head slightly, her hand moved up and her fingers began unfastening the buttons on the front of my trousers. The hand slipped inside and after a bit of fumbling with interior garments came out with something warm, stiff and rigid clasped in her fingers. She adjusted the blanket so that it entirely covered her head and lay down again this time with my naked cock under her soft cheek.

I reached over and snapped out the small electric light which illuminated the interior of the car, and sat quietly with my cock throbbing between the constrictinon of her cheek and my own leg. Had she been one of the many women I had associated with previously there would not have been anything in this to surprise me, but Edyth, despite the fact that she always yielded to my coaxing, never, herself, took the lead in any of our little adventures in concupiscence. Her present action was, therefore, quite out of the ordinary.

However, I was destined for a still greater surprise.

She moved again* releasing the prisoner from beneath her face. But its freedom was only temporary, and to my amazement, I suddenly left a pair of warm lips close about it. I sat perfectly still. The lips remained motionless

for a moment, and then advanced, so that a considerably larger portion of my cock was within their embrace. Another short interval of inactivity and then I perceived the pull of strong, vigorous suction and the action of a hot little tongue playing over the exposed head. So energetic and determined was the caress, that in sixty seconds or less, my testicles were threatening to release their hoarding. I placed my hand on her head to ease her away until I could again get control of the situation. But instead of surrendering the menacing thing, she pushed my hand away and sucked and still harder. And before I could avoid it, the seminal reservoirs were emptying their contents in her mouth. When I finally got free of her, I hastily handed her a handkerchief, and whispered:

"Spit it out, sweetheart!"

"I can't!" she gasped, "it went down my throat!"

"All right, all right!" I replied, hurriedly, "It won't hurt you!"

And I lifted her up in my arms and set her on my lap.

Surprises had come thick and fast, but the final one was still to come. She suddenly burst into tears and sobbed as though he* heart was breaking.

"What in the world is the matter, darling?"

I asked, in utter consternation.

"Oh, Gilbert … I shouldn't have done that . . . you'll think I'm a bad woman now! I don't know what ever came over me!"

My sweetheart! I've done the same thing to you lots of times. Why should I think you're a bad woman?"

"You're a man. That's different. Men can do what they want to. Oh, I shouldn't have done it. Something just came over me and made me want to so bad I couldn't help it. Oh, oh* oh! Whatever will you think of me now?"

"Edyth, dearest!" I exclaimed, "Stop talking that nonsense. When a woman does that to a man, it's the greatest proof she can offer him of her affection, and if he didn't appreciate it as much, he wouldn't be worthy of her! Now stop crying right this instant!"

When I got her tranquilized she wound her arms around my neck and showered me with such passionate kisses and caused me to suspect that the favor she had done me, had provoked a reciprocal congestion in her own little ovaries, and that something was probably begging for attention.

I slipped my hand up under her dress and inside her panties. As I had divided, her genitals were dripping wet, and her clitoris standing up rigidly. She trembled as my fingers came in

contact with it, placed her hand over mine, squeezed it tightly for a moment between her thighs and then gently withdrew it.

"Wait until we get home, Gilbert!" she whispered.

And the low but vibrant words augured an enjoyable termination to the adventure later.

"Are you going to let me do it to you that way, too, honey?"

Her consent for once was given without any hypocritical evasions, though she hid her face against my neck as she replied:

"Yes, if you want to!"

We reached home a little after eleven. After a bath, and some refreshments, the big table was prepared in the customary manner, the rose shaded light turned on, and stretched out voluptuously on the soft comforter while I, in pajamas, sat down in a chair between her swinging legs.

But hardly had my tongue begun to work on her clitoris than I was obliged to halt its activities because of the terrific clamor she immediately set up.

"Heavens!" I exclaimed, "You'll wake everybody in the building, honey!"

"I can't help it!" she gasped.

"Here! Hold this over your mouth!" and I handed her a towel.

Obediently she held it aver her lips, and again I sought out the little swollen tit shaped protuberance with my tongue. She gurgled and sputtered but the multiple folds of the towel which she pressed faithfully to her mouth toned down the noise to less startling proportions.

After her first spend had bathed my lips and cheeks she threw the towel aside and sat up. Her face was as red as a peony.