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"Gilbert!" she panted, "I haven't had enough, I "

"All right, honey! just lie still a miute!" and I pushed her back down in a reclining position.

As she lay there with her legs hanging over the edge of the table it occurred to me that this able might be adapted to another pleasant exercise and I stood up to make a hasty calculation. The height appeared to be about right.

"Slide further down on the table toward me, as far as you can, honey . . . now put your knees up . . double them back over your stomach, and hold them with your hands . . . that's right . . just like that!"

The sharp angle projected her genitals outward between her thighs in the most prominent manner and by standing there against her I would be able to penetrate the most interior depths. I unfastened my pajamas, casting the meanwhile a contemplative glance at the rosy

lips projected forward, They were like a pear with a gash cut down through it from end too end, a pear cut lengthwise in two sections with little ringlets of brown hair adorning the upper extremities. I pressed closer and inserted the head of my cock between the two halves of the scarlet, pear shaped projection. A vibrant exclamation issued from the lips of the young lady to whom the pear belonged and her fingers gripped the edges of the table on either side of her. My cock slid further in, and still further until at last it was completely within the pleasant refuge and I felt soft tendrils of hair pressing against my groins. All I had to offer her was inside-all but my testicles, and these were compressed between the cheeks of her bottom.

"Now, darling," I said, recalling Irma's psychic aphrodisiacs, "I'm not going to move it for a while, and don't you try to wiggle, either. Just lie still. Don't even think about it. Put your thoughts on something else. Tell me about some of your experiences-things that happened to you before you knew me."

"Gilbert!" she exclaimed in a suffocated voice," How can I think of anything else with that thing inside me, jumping that way.. . . it does, every few seconds?"

"Don't pay any attention to it! Talk about something else!"

"Well, what am I going to talk about?" she gasped.

"Tell me about your first experience."

"I never had until I was married!"

"But you knew about things before you were married ?"

"Yes! The girls were always talking about it !"

"How old were you then?"

"Oh, thirteen* or fourteen!"

"And knowing about it, didn't that make you curious to try it?"

"I . . . Gilbert! . . . What are you asking me such questions for?"

"Because it interests me to know, honey!"

"Well, sometimes it did!"

"Tell me about the first time, honey, your wedding night."

"What is there to tell?"

"Did it hurt?"

"Yes, a little, at first!"

"And after that … did it feel good?"

"Yes! But not as good as it does with you! His didn't go in as far as your does. It was lots smaller, too. It really felt better with that awful Mr. Tucker I told you about than it did with him!"

She laughed hysterically at the recollection.

"I'll swear, honey, that was the funniest thing I ever heard of. I can't figure out how you ever

got up the nerve to go through with it. And the better I know you, the stranger it seems."

"I just made myself into another person that night!"

"You must have a natural genius for acting, tucked away in you. I'd like to see you undergo a metamorphsis like that myself . . . that is," I added hastily,. . . "with me, not with some other-chap!"

"I don't know how much genius I have in me, but I do know there's something else tucked in methatisnearly setting me wild!"

"Honey," I coaxed, "tell me something real naughty! When two persons really love and understand each other the sharing of little intimate confidences is one of life's sweetest pleasures! I tell you every thing that occurs to me, but you keep your thoughts locked up so tight they can't even be dropped out!"

In the strained expression on her face and in her rapid breathing the effect of the erotic situation and conversation was discernible. I pressed closer to her and caressed her breasts.

"Oh!" she murmured faintly, and undulated her lips.

"Lie still, honey!" I warned.

"Gilbert! You're setting me crazy! That thing . . . !"

"Now, now!" I exclaimed, "Think about something else!"

"Gilbert , . . I . . . I'll, tell you something • . . you may be shocked . . . " and she paused uncertainly.

"You can't shock me, darling!"

"Well, you know . . • what I did tonight • . . in the car . . • I've been wanting to do that so bad ever since the first time you did it to me, that I couldn't hardly keep from it!"

"Why didn't you then, darling?" I asked in some surprise.

"I was ashamed to, but I was wishing all the time you'd make me do it!"

"Make you do it?"

"Yes! I was just longing for you to grab me and make me take it in my mouth! But you never made the slightest effort," she added, resentfully, "not even when I was lying with my face right against it!"

"Great heavens!" I said to myself, "And I'm the chap who thought hei knew all the wrinkles of feminine psychology!"

"Gilbert . . . I'll tell you something else « • . women like to be made to do things, not asked! . . . Then they don't have to feel ashamed afterwards . • • oh!" she added in a tense whisper, "it does feel good this way!" and she wriggled her bottom again.

"Lie still, honey!"

"Well, you tell me something now. Tell me some more about Paris!"

She listened with growing cheeks while I described several of the spectacles I had wit-, nessed in the French capitol and though her thighs quivered frequently in response to the muscular twitchings of the cock which was engulfed to the hilt in her warm flesh, she remained fairly quiet. When I had concluded, she whispered:

"Gilbert, do you suppose there are girls here in London who do that with other women, like those French girls?"

"Plenty of them, honey."

"Gilbert …" she paused, and there was something in her tone which told me that an* other secret was going to me imparted to me. "Gilbert, I … it sounds dreadful, but do you know …" and she stopped again in confusion.

"Go on, honey."

"Well … I'd like to have another woman do it to me . . . just once … I believe . . ." and she began to giggle

"What do you believe, sweetheart?"

"Oh, nothing!"

"Come on now, what is it?"

"Well, I bet a woman can do that better than a man!"

"You little witch! That's a slam on me! Don't

you think I do it well enough? From the racket you make one wouldn't think there was any room for improvement!

"Oh, Gilbert, dearest, I really didn't mean that the way it sounded. It's just heavenly the way you do it. I mean . . . oh, I don't know how to explain just exactly what I do mean!" and there was another burst of hysterical giggles.

"You fibbed to me the other night! she added, a moment later.

"Fibbed to you?"

"Yes; fibbed to me."

"About what, honey?"

"When you said I was the first woman you ever did that to."

Not knowing whether it would be more discreet to deny, or confess my guilt, I hedged with another question.

"What makes you think I fibbed about it, darling?"

"Ha! You know too much for a novice. I realized that, after thinking about it a little. Don't think I'm so silly as to be jealous about what you did before you knew me. I don't blame you. I bet …" she continued, "if I were, a man, I'd do it with every woman I liked!"

"How would you manage that, honey?"

"I'd make them! They're just pretending they don't want to most of the time. Men are so silly!

And you're just like all the rest of them I"

"Well, give me a few pointers, sweetheart! maybe I'll learn!"