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This man, despite his robust appearance, suffered from a lamentable physical defect. His

cock was less than half normal size, and incapable of attaining an erection of sufficient rigidity to penetrate a woman. The only way he could satisfy his passion was by sucking a girl and jacking himself off at the same time. For the privilege of sucking Marigold once a week he paid a generous fee. But this wasn't all of the story. These little devils had scratched away a bit of paint from one corner of a glass transom above a door connecting with Marigold's room and were in the habit of entertaining themselves by watching while the sucking operation was being realized. "Does Marigold know that?" I asked, astounded.

"Sure, she knows it. She doesn't care," replied Josephine, but he doesn't." Instinctively I cast an apprehensive glance around our own room, to see whether there were any "scratched transoms" through which I had possibly been subjected to the scrutiny of curious eyes. Josephine read my thoughts and said smiling, "Don't worry, we don't do anything worth watching!"

Her revelations turned my thoughts to subjects I had hitherto not given much attention to. I had heard of "frenching" of course, but regarded the act as being of rare and unusual occurrence. Yet here it was going on right at my elbow and seeming to excite nothing but amusement among

those who were aware of it. Josephine noted my absorption, and asked curiously:

"Do you want to look?"

I.hesitated but a moment, and replied affirmatively: "Come on, then."

She slid off my knees and led me to a room further down the hall. With her finger on her lips in a gesture signifying silence she opened a door, and we edged in. To one side was another door and before this, perched on a table which had been drawn up before it, were a couple of half naked girls, each trying to peer through a glass transom from one corner of which a bit of paint had been scraped away. Josephine pinched their legs and motioned to them to get down.

"He's just begun!" whispered one of them as they slipped down, albeit reluctantly, their faces suffused with suppressed laughter.

Josephine and I took the places they had yielded. She applied her eye to the small opening for a second then clutching my arm, she withdrew to one side, permitting me to look. I looked, and held spellbound by a sight which caused the blood to race through my veins.

On the opposite side of the room into which I was peering and not more than eight feet distant was a bed, and lying across this bed, entirely naked, except for her hose and high heeled little slippers, was Marigold. She lay with half her

body extended across the bed, her legs down over the side, her feet resting on floor. Kneeling between them with his mouth pressed to her cunt was the Swede. One of his hands was under her bottom and the other was busily engaged in tuning up his undersized and half erected cock. It appeared to be about the size of that of a child of eight or nine. Marigold was laughing hysterically and at intervals her legs flew up as though actuated by springs released by the man's tongue. He was going after it with all the vim and relish of a hungry youngster tackling a piece of custard pie. As he progressed, the movement of his hand on his own diminutive member became more rapid. From time to time Marigold glanced covertly upward toward the transom quite aware apparently, of the fact that unseen spectators on the other side were enjoying the unique exhibition.

I ceded my post of observation to Josephine. She watched a moment and her. hand closed over mine.

"Quick! They're finishing!" she whispered sib-ilantly, and moved to one side. Again I applied my eye and was just in time to see the conclusion of the spectacle. Marigold was not laughing now. There was a strained, set expression on her face seemed to be hying to effect a closer contact, now clasped about the fellow's head and she and in her wide staring eyes.

The Swede's hand was moving so rapidly the eye could scarcely follow it. A convulsive shudder passed over Marigold's body. She released his head from her grasp and sank back on the bed. As she did so, she put one of her feet against his shoulder and violently pushed him away from her. He fell over backward on the floor, his undersized cock rapidly lost its slight erection, arid curled limply down on his stomach. The show was over.

I climbed down from the table, lifted Josephine down, and without a word we repaired quickly to her room. I was in a veritable frenzy of lust and had hardly gotten my cock into her before the semen was flowing.

The result of this episode was to set me thinking along new lines and I questioned Josephine rather extensively about "franching" as the lingual, or bocal stimulation of the sexual organs is vulgarly called. There were establishments known as "french houses" where this particular kind of service was specialized in almost exclusively.

I revolved the subject over in my mind. Here was a now tid-bit on which to speculate. The idea intrigued, and at the same time repelled me. The feminine genital organs had never seemed to me as being of an unclean or repulsive

nature. To the contrary, I had always experienced a keen pleasure in touching, fondling and caressing them. But the idea of placing my mouth where other men had placed their cocks was highly distasteful to me! Had it not been for this detail I would have looked on the practise with relish.

Josephine would have submitted to me, if for no other reason than to enable me to satisfy my curiosity but I could not overlook the fact that she was daily in contact with other men, and this dampened my enthusiasm. As to being "frenched" myself by one of these girls that was a different matter. And the more I thought of it, the more clearly was I able to imagine the delightful sensations which would accrue thru having one's spermatic fluid sucked out by a woman's warm mouth. And I made up my mind that at some no distant date I was going to visit one of those naughty "french" houses.

My relations with Josepphine had been of nearly a year's duration, when one evening at the dinner table my father announced his intention of spending a few weeks with his brother in the country. While discussing the projected vacation, he casually remarked that, were it not for interrupting "my schooling he would have con. sidered taking me with him. Ordinarily the prospect of any kind of a journey would have

my instant enthusiasm, but even as lips parted to make the plea, it occurred to me that such a trip would interfere with a certain project I had in contemplation, namely, a visit to one of those French houses, which I was even then saving up money to finance. And so, hastily revising the words I had been on the point of uttering, I murmured something to the effect that it would indeed be inconvenient to absent myself from my school at this particular time. This indiscreet remark attracted my father's attention. He looked at me speculatively for a moment, and said: "Yes, I believe Til take you along with me. You've been studying too hard lately. I believe you need a rest, too."

There was an inflexion in his tones and an understanding in those steely blue eyes which caused me to lower my head, and I interposed no further objections to accompanying him.

My uncle went in for scientific farming, was quite prosperous and had a fine home in which were to be found all the modern comforts, and conveniences possible in a rural community. A week after the conversation above referred to had transpired found us on the night train, and early the next day we reached the small station where a carnage drawn by two powerful horses was waiting to convey us to the farm a few kilometers distant. And shortly thereafter we were at our destination.

I was in no humor to greatly appreciate the beauties of nature in full bloom, but as I glanced around and observed the stately elms, the well kept gardens, beautiful vines and flowers which surrounded a long rambling, comfortable house, with green fields, and azure tinted hills in the distance, my spirits rose somewhat, and I consoled myself with the reflection that even here the necessary ingredients of an amorous adventure of some kind might be found. For my uncle's farm provided a livelihood* for several families, which lived on the premises in little houses and cottages and which almost constituted in themselves a small community.