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Subsumption of names and epithets was a common practice performed by Egyptian and Sumerian cultures to solidify power and authority.  This was a method used to coalesce multiple namesakes into a single name, one that was crafted to fit the culture and language used by the worshipping subjects, probably for ease of reference and aggregation of rivals when convenient.

When one realizes with full force that what one culture calls a deity is then termed by another name in a follow-on culture that the idea of a cultural myth takes on more significance, especially if the name is traceable cross-culturally.  See God Table 9.  For just as the purveyor of truth in history are hand-selected by the victors, the validity of a belief whether political or religious is perpetuated in a society by the same governing forces.  Thus what the victor believes is truth; what others believe is politely termed myth instead of the politically incorrect label of lie.  Similarly, when discussing religious truth, there is what the ruling party or superpower believes and what the subordinated cultures believe which is given a derogatory label as pagan or occult.  A horribly relevant example of this is taking place and manifesting presently in the Middle East where the religious factions representing Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are waging war in the ancient land of Canaan, near Mount Megiddo located approximately 15 miles south of Haifa, Israel.  Warring factions whose genealogy derives from rival deities originating in Sumeria are still in conflict today.  The devotees of Enlil, AKA Yahweh the God of the Old Testament, stand toe to toe with the followers of Enki-Poseidon, apparently still at odds with each other over dominion of the earth.  Could the conflicts involving the countries of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Israel be a result of the past wars that took place between Enlil and Enki and their offspring as written about in the “Wars of Gods and Men“by Zecharia Sitchin? Whether truth or fiction, dogma or doctrine, the armies of the generals of the earth are gathered together once again in the Middle East where the nuclear countdown clock is just about out of time.  Will the offspring of Enki interrupt the destructive plan his arch rival Enlil (Zeus to the Greeks) along with his warring son Ninurta (Apollo to the Greeks).  Is it possible that the reason the Jewish people reject Jesus as the Messiah is because he was the offspring of Enki, Jehovah’s rival?  These and many more profoundly important topics are explored with the reader in this book.

CHAPTER 2:  Sumerian History

According to the interpretations of Sumerologists, the term AN.UNNA.KI literally is interpreted as those who from “heaven to earth came.”  The key point to note early on is the affiliation of the term “Heaven” with the claimed planet of Anunnaki origin, namely Nibiru as detailed in “The 12th Planet”, written by Sitchin in 1976.  Additionally, from the list of characters detailed as “deities” in Mesopotamian literature like the “Epic of Gilgamesh”, we know that the head of the Anunnaki council of 12 was chaired by Anu, the father of the two key players and half-brothers Enlil and Enki.  Figure 1 below depicts the council composition as of 3760 BCE.

From the digitized cuneiform script, one can compose the word NI.BI.RU from three syllables which are listed in the Unicode as hexadecimal font codes 1224C, 12204C, and 12292.


NI=1224C          BI=12204C           RU=12292

Figure 1:  Anunnaki Council of Twelve on Earth 3760 BCE

Thus, a more accurate interpretation of the word Anunnaki is those who from Anu to the Earth came or was sent. Annuna is a self-referenced term Enlil uses for their race in the Atrahasis on the Mount Ararat encounter with Ziusudra. Thus, an alternative way of spelling it would be Annua.Ki, specifying a different set of Uniform Hexadecimal codes allocated to the Cuneiform Script as shown for the spelling of Nibiru previously.  Equating the planet Nibiru with the word Heaven, as used in the Bible, is an important detail when re-examining prayers like “Our Father who art in Heaven…” shining a whole new light on who the Father in Heaven actually was, namely Anu. Thus the prayer must have originated among one of his kids on Earth, Enlil, Enki, or Ninmah or Ninharsag as depicted in Figure 1 above.

What was the reason that the Anunnaki left Nibiru to come to the Earth?  Nibiru, located beyond Pluto in our Solar System, is trapped in a 3600-year retrograde elliptical orbit around our sun.  According to maps found in Sumeria, and reports from the 1986 IRAS Naval Observatory discovery of a brown dwarf in the region Nibiru was reported to reside by the Sumerians, and the intense Catholic focus on Mount Graham using the Lucifer scope watching for Nibiru’s arrival, the planet is real.

So, what prompted an advanced civilization on Nibiru to send a team of exploratory scientists to Earth?  According to the genealogy table shown in Figure 2 below, various political struggles for power were ongoing with environmental pressures garnering the attention of the governing council on Nibiru.  For those with diminishing eyesight, Figure 2 is reproduced as a full size drawing, for ease of reference in Appendix A.

Figure 2: Anu Family History on Nibiru

Brown dwarf planets, as we know, do not receive significant solar radiation sufficient to keep the surface temperature habitable, as is the case for Earth given its optimal distance from the sun.  The atmosphere on Nibiru was generated either artificially or from gasses and released steam from the geo-thermally heated planet.  Consider the periodic exposure of an outer planet that normally receives very low levels of direct solar radiation in its outer orbit but intense exposure during the close perigee when the atmosphere would receive a larger radiation dose.  According to Sitchin’s published history timeline [88] approximately 450,000 years ago, life on Nibiru was facing extinction due to a deteriorating atmosphere and the subsequent exposure to radiation, especially at close perigee with the sun.  This event is depicted in Figure 2 shown in the dialog box at the bottom left hand side.

A political struggle was also taking place on Nibiru, wherein Anu succeeds in wresting kingship from the unjust ruler Alalu, leading to his exile.  Alalu escapes in a space craft in anticipation of his exile sentencing and subsequently discovers gold on Earth.  Alalu’s precious metal discovery is used as a peace offering in his veiled attempt to save Nibiru’s failing atmosphere.  The hope is that the ionized god shield will shield the solar radiation by dispersing ionized gold particles into the home planet’s degrading atmosphere.

Anu dispatches his premier scientifically-minded son Enki to assess the possibility of recovering Alalu’s reported gold from Earth.  Enki departs for Earth approximately 5,000 earth years later 445,000 ago, noting that a Niburian year is equal to 3,600 earth years.  According to Sumerian records, to include the Sumerian King’s list, the first city colonized by the Anunnaki was Eridu, located at the headwaters of the Persian Gulf [16]. Following their arrival on Earth, Enki, along with a small band of support staff, began prospecting for gold in the waters of the Gulf, with limited success.  The lack of progress in producing a sufficient amounts of gold to repair the ailing atmosphere prompts Anu to send his younger son, Enlil, to help Enki speed up the gold recovery process.  The mining operation was being transitioned from the waters of the Persian Gulf to mining the ore located by Enki in South Africa, in the vicinity of the Zambezi River.  Given the support infrastructure that would be needed to crush rock and process gold-laden ore, Enki and Enlil invited Anu to come to Earth and provide council on the arduous mining task.