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CHAPTER 3: Evidence of Anunnaki on Earth

What evidence is there that the Anunnaki were physically here on Earth?  Evidence categories examined include Astrological, technical, documentary, and biological evidence.

Astrological Evidence

The Sumerian creation tale, as recorded on the Enuma Elish [89] clay tablets on display at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, is told as an allegory of celestial warriors whose skirmishes and exploits lead to the planets and their hosts established circuits around the sun.  The Old Babylonian Version (OBV) of the clay tablets that record the Cuneiform inscribed tale, were dated to approximately 1936-1901 BCE.  According to the Sumerian records, Marduk, first born son of Enki, was the national deity of Babylon, and was at the height of his reign at approximately 2000 BCE.

It is proffered that a much older version of the creation tale is in existence, which had Nibiru named as the home planet, Nibiru, which was replaced by the name Marduk in the OBV.  The names of the planets and their orbital distance from the sun are accurately depicted, with exceptions.  What is amazing about the Babylonian creation account is the advanced knowledge of our solar system that has only recently been verified by modern science.  Is it possible that current scientific knowledge is only now maturing to the point that we can validate the Babylonian Epic of Creation?

The account specifies ten versus nine planets and includes the sun and moon among the hosts.  Table 3 below depicts the solar system planets and the Niburian names assigned to them.  Note also that the Anunnaki elite have planets associated with their namesake and there were a total of 10 planets, versus our current understanding and acceptance of only 9, according to the Sumerian records.


Celestial Body

Epic of Creation Name





































Table 3:  Babylonian Epic of Creation Planets

Below is a summarized accounting of the Epic of Creation.  The story begins with the Sun and Mercury conspiring to destroy Tiamut.  Enki learns of the plot and shields Mercury by quelling the Sun’s radiation.  Enki then puts Mercury to “sleep” [37, p235] Enki puts the sun to sleep as well.  Mercury, the counselor was in a sleepless daze.  Ea (another name for Enki) unfastened his belt, took off his crown, then took away his mantel of radiance and put it on himself.  Note that Enki’s planet is Neptune and could be inferring that Mercury’s orbit was temporarily changed while dealing with the solar radiation issue from the Sun.    Nibiru rested on top of the sun for 900 years (captured in the sun’s orbit?) [33]. the sun’s solar radiation disturbs Tiamut, Ea and his wife Damkina have offspring, namely their firstborn son Marduk. Herein, Marduk takes liberty with the account as the progeny of the high ranking members of the Anunnaki Council, establishing his birthright spawned in the heavens.  Marduk took over the council rank of 50 from Enlil at the height of his rule in Babylon.

The signs of the Zodiac in the Heavens are described to include Taurus, Pisces, and Capricorn. Qingu (currently the Earth’s moon) was aligned with Tiamut, which held the tablet of destinies.  Neptune attempts to quell Tiamut’s fury, stirred by the Sun, turning back and reporting to Anshar (Saturn).  This forces Tiamut to stray from its orbital path.  Ea recommends disbanding Tiamut’s forces and volunteers Marduk (Nibiru) to help.  Nibiru is drawn into Saturn’s orbit, providing a calming effect.  A satellite or moon of Saturn is sent to Mercury and Venus as a probe, whereby Mercury and Venus are alluded to as ancestors of Saturn.  A Radiation weapon termed inhullu-wind is alluded to as an evil wind, the tempest, the whirlwind that releases 7 winds against Tiamut, advancing behind in Tiamut’s path.  A flood weapon is used against Tiamut, as an asteroid (arrow) hits Tiamut splitting it open.  Subsequently, Qingu is destroyed.  A constellation of planets, stars, and remnants of Tiamut are captured in Nibiru’s orbit.  The lower part of Tiamut is trampled, sending one half of its mass to the roof of the sky, drawing a bolt across it and a guard to hold it.  Then the waters were arranged so they coagulated to an ocean.  Nibiru’s course was then corrected, and the location affixed to the stand of Enlil (planetary affiliation is Jupiter, Zodiac symbol of Taurus) and the stand of Enki (Zodiac affiliation Pisces, Planetary Affiliation is Neptune).  The Earth’s moon was previously a moon of Tiamut.

The reader would be well served to read the Enuma Elish in its original form to get a sense of the detailed creation epic.  From this allegorical account at the point of creation in our solar system, Tiamut, a planet the size of Uranus, had an established orbit between Mars and Jupiter.  Earth had not come into existence at that time.  Nibiru was somehow captured into our solar system’s orbit, with various hypothesis about whence it came.  This capturing started the celestial battle for orbital position if you will.  When Nibiru entered its orbital path around the sun, passing the outer planets introduced gravitational forces that tilted Uranus on its side and dislodged Pluto from its orbit around Saturn, promoting it to planet hood only to be demoted recently by the scientific community.

Then, one of Nibiru’s satellites strikes Tiamut enroute to solar perigee and on its next orbital path Nibiru hit Tiamut directly.  A large part of Tiamut broke off and became the Earth, with the left over debris becoming the asteroid belt, currently located between Mars and Jupiter.  The Earth congealed into a solid planet in its current orbit capturing a moon of Nibiru as its own.  Some modern scientific analysis of the earth’s deep rifts in the Pacific  as well as its unusually large size moon have been corroborated with the Sumerian creation account read every spring in Babylon.   An impact from Nibiru could also have transferred the seeds of life to Earth, a form of accidental Panspermia versus the intentional one proposed by Dr. Jonas Salk of San Diego, suggesting that intelligent beings intentionally seeded planet Earth with alien life forms.

The most important part of the Epic of Creation specifies one additional planet in our solar system, the Anunnaki’s home planet of Nibiru, whose apogee is positioned beyond Pluto in a 3,600 year retrograde orbit around the sun.  Corroborating evidence was provided by the former chief of the U.S. Naval Observatory, Dr. Robert S. Harrington.  A gent named Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930 and its moon Charon was found in 1978.  Planetary wobbles in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune spawned the use of an infra-red astronomical satellite, IRAS in 1983 to locate the suspected planet that induced the wobbles. The IRAS produced results indicating a large brown dwarf, four times the size of the Earth, had been located, without question. 

A newspaper article was published in 1992 by Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory, working with all the information they had at hand, publishing their findings and opinion that a tenth planet had been located in our solar system, even calling it an intruder planet. [82] Zecharia Sitchin and Dr. Harrington, being familiar with all Sitchin’s writings about a tenth planet, met to correlate the IRAS findings with the account he had interpreted from the Babylonian Epic of Creation, the Enuma Elish.  Given the evidence reported by the IRAS, other space probes like Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager, and the corroborating orbital path, planet size, and retrograde characteristics of the tenth planet, Harrington agreed with Sitchin that it was Nibiru [82]