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The passage of a planet as large as Nibiru between Mars and Jupiter would certainly have a noticeable impact every 3,600 years.  It is highly probably that Nibiru’s passage may be responsible for pole shifts and reversals, changes in the Earth’s precession about its axis, and potentially dangerous meteors and space debris drug along from the asteroid belt inbound to perigee.

Technological and Building Evidence

Unusual artifacts found around the world, those that seem to contradict the known abilities of the civilization under analysis, are not hard to find.  Examples include hieroglyphs from the Egyptian temple of Abydos depicting rockets, airplanes, submarines, and even an advanced helicopter that looks similar to the United States AH-64 Apache Helicopter.  There is also the Iraqi battery find, precision stone masonry and architecture using megalithic stones.  Of all the building materials accessible to a culture, why choose the most difficult material possible?  Massive 1000 ton plus stone blocks?  The trilithon stones of Baalbek, Lebanon come to mind.  The answer is more than likely because they could and it was easy for them.

One of the most intriguing finds was the temple of Hathor atop the Biblical Mount Sinai.  Within the temple was found a strange white talcum powder that was apparently the result of smelting gold as it turned out [48]. This find led to the re-discovery of mono-atomic gold by David Hudson.  These room temperature superconductors have anti-gravity properties and have been postulated to have been leveraged to move the large stone blocks used in temple construction.  Additionally, there is clear evidence that the Anunnaki of a chosen blood line, were ingesting the mono-atomic gold in the form of conical bread cakes as depicted on Hathor’s temple walls [48].  The shorter orbital cycles on Earth were having a negative effect on the Anunnaki DNA; specifically the telomeres were being damaged by close proximal radiation from the sun [14, 16].  The ingestion of mono-atomic gold has the effect of “lighting up” the human energy body as well as provisioning a bridge to other dimensions due to the missing atomic mass of the multi-pass annealing process applied to the smelting gold.  Other ingredients were added to the gold to cause it to turn into a white powder and lose its mass, mainly Antimony.

Findings from around the world to include model airplanes, incredibly sophisticated solar and lunar temples aligned to solstice and equinox alike, along with tens of thousands of clay tablets and written accounts of advanced beings teaching civilizing technologies to indigenous peoples points overwhelmingly to the fact that the Anunnaki were here on Earth.

Impressive remnants left behind by the ancient Anunnaki astronauts are the structures in the pre-dilluvial cities in Mesopotamia such as Eridu, Babylon, and Uruk where the famed Gilgamesh was King.

Evidence List:

Building structures like Baalbek defy current engineering abilities [70].

Gold mines carbon dated to the period that Enki was said to be in Africa approximately 200,000 years ago [13, 14].

Stone dwellings occupied by Mankind’s true ancestors, Anunnaki genetic slaves, found by Michael Tellinger near the gold mining operation. Awaiting verifiable bodies found with DNA testing [111], queued up yet Michael?

Cuneiform baked clay tablets documenting who the Anunnaki were, their mission, and their personalities are in the Sumerian record [41, 43].

Enuma Elish, on display in the University of Pennsylvania museum, has very sophisticated and technically accurate description of celestial collisions that led to the composition of our current solar system.  In this depiction, Sumerians knew about Pluto that took NASA until 1980s to positively identify the planet. How did they know this [37, 89]?

City of Eridu photographed by University of Chicago in 1973 with its baked bricks protruding out of the Iraqi desert sands. Earth Station One located.  City and King corroborated by the Sumerian King’s List.

Documentary Evidence

Our understanding of the reality of those dwelling in the ancient Middle East did not come to light until the early 1800’s.  Archeological digs in Mesopotamia brought to the world’s attention the sophistication of the Sumerians. Mixed in with ordinary civil records of marriage, birth, and legal contracts was evidence of the history of the Anunnaki themselves [116]!!!  The Sumerians did not invent the concept of a mythological entity, but rather found in those records that the Sumerians knew the astronauts were not from Earth and were elevated as gods in the various cities where they took up residence in Ziggurat Temples.  The aliens that setup the Sumer civilization were real flesh and blood who routinely interacted with the people, their genetic underling creation. Ashurbanipal’s library at Nineveh was torched, firing many of the clay tablets therein, preserving them for antiquity.  Recently a sealed nine by six foot room in the Anunnaki space port of Sippar was found.  Within the sealed chamber were nearly 400 chronologically ordered clay tablets which detailed the unbroken record of the Anunnaki’s travails during mission Earth [82].  Sitchin was instrumental in getting the Sumerian details about the Anunnaki records for the world to see.  It has taken over 100 years for the information to be accepted thus far.  Tablets are now digitized for translation speed and accuracy [63].

Physical evidence that correlates to the documentary evidence is not hard to find either.  The Sumerian Atrahasis document indicates that the Anunnaki were mining gold in Africa.  Those ancient mines have been found and carbon dated, indicating they could have been in used by 200,000 year old miners with links to our true biological ancestors according to Michael Tellinger, author of “Adam’s Calendar” [111] and the “Slave Species of God” [119].  The catalyst for Michael’s search in South Africa for the Anunnaki gold mines came from texts like the Atrahasis and the Sumerian record pointing to Africa, Enki’s domain.

Biological-Genetic Evidence

It should not surprise the reader that the genetic evidence indicating that the first primitive workers that the Anunnaki developed took place in South Africa in close proximity to the gold mines that were purchased by the Anglo American plc, a mining corporation [112].  Enki’s house of Shimti, his genetics lab, is in exactly the same location where the Genetic Eve study tracking mitochondrial DNA specified it would be [86, 88].  This was also corroborated by the Genetic Adam study tracking the mutation of the Y-chromosome, leading to the same area and time frame as the Genetic Eve study. The Atrahasis provides several details about mixing animal, and Anunnaki DNA until the final solution was found, Homo Sapiens Sapiens [37].

The intelligence that the Anunnaki stated that mankind received accounts for our out of place and time rapid technological developments that have seen advanced space travel after only 200,000 or so years of evolution.  This does not jive well with the record on how tool progress iteratively occurred over millions of years, versus rapid paradigm shifts like that of the Sumerians forward [43].  In the next chapter, we will take a closer look at mankind’s genetic creator.

CHAPTER 4:  Enki the Scientist:  Man’s Creator