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Benedicta, who had sat shocked, listening to it all, leaned forward to touch Athelstan’s hand. ‘But Alison told me that a man fitting the description of the killer had been seen round the tavern at which she’d been staying.’

‘Oh, she told me the same,’ Athelstan replied. ‘That would make matters even more mysterious, wouldn’t it? Deflect suspicions from her. No, no, somewhere in this city Mistress Alison has a chamber either in a house or a tavern, the same place she used to meet Edwin. There she could change from dress to hose, cloak, hat, riding boots and spurs. Dressed in such, she visited the Silver Lute to be seen, so never would anyone think she and this mysterious stranger were one and the same.’

Athelstan glanced at Alison who had put both hands on the table. ‘Sir John has enough evidence to arrest you and put you into prison. The King’s serjeants at law will have sufficient to lay before the Justices at Westminster.’ Athelstan ticked the points off his fingers. ‘We can prove that you are not Alison Chapler. We will discover who you really are, and why you are hiding under another different name and identity. We will search the city for your secret chamber. We will prove that you left Epping much earlier than you claim.’

‘And there’s more,’ Cranston declared, coming round to stand beside Athelstan. ‘We’ll probably find other evidence in our searches. Perhaps a pair of spurs, a piece of string? The lawyers of the Crown will ask how you knew so much about Peslep’s death. They will make inquiries about the caltrop amongst the armourers of the city.’ Cranston spread his hands. ‘Why go to such bother?’

Alison smiled so sweetly that Athelstan doubted for a moment whether she could kill a fly.

‘What does it matter?’ she asked. ‘Edwin is dead. They are all dead.’ Her face hardened. ‘They with their big bellies, their codpieces, their swagger and their gold. Why didn’t they just leave Edwin alone?’ She glanced at Benedicta. ‘I begged him, you know. I begged him just to ignore them: to do his task and leave them be, but Edwin wasn’t like that. He was a good man, a truly decent soul.’ She glanced at Athelstan. ‘Isn’t it strange, Father, being brought down by good men? First Edwin and now you. Perhaps it shows you can’t escape your fate.’

‘What do you mean?’ Cranston asked.

‘My father was a good man, a travelling player. He was also influenced by the teachings of Wycliffe and the Lollards.’

‘I have heard of them,’ Athelstan replied. ‘They attack the corruption of the Church.’

‘My father taught me to read and write,’ Alison continued. ‘When he began teaching, he was arrested in Cambridge. The Justices sentenced him to be branded, a red-hot iron slit through his tongue. My father died in prison. I was only twelve. God knows what would have happened to me but Edwin used to visit the prisoners there.’ She took a deep breath, fighting back the tears. ‘He took pity on me, stood as guarantor for my good behaviour. When I was released, he secured employment for me in his hall. Afterwards he gained a position with a merchant, rented chambers and I became his housekeeper. He was very brave. The ecclesiastical authorities were suspicious, so we moved; first to Ely and then to Epping. I fell in love with Edwin. We became handfast as husband and wife. A hedge priest performed the ceremony but, to the world, we were brother and sister.’

She clasped her hands together, weaving her fingers in and out. ‘The rest is as you know it. Edwin secured employment in the Chancery of the Green Wax. He hated what they did and believed he should reveal such corruption to the authorities. Of course they retaliated: first they killed his horse, then they tried to poison him. I used to come to London dressed as a man to our private chambers near the Abbot of St Alban’s inn. I was frightened for Edwin. I was in London the night he died. He wanted to go to pray by himself in the chapel of St Thomas a Becket. When he didn’t come back, I knew what had happened.’

She pushed her hair away from her face. ‘I am glad I carried out justice. I sent them riddles. I made them frightened. Let them taste a little of the medicine they served out to poor Edwin.’ She smiled at Athelstan. ‘As soon as I met you, I wondered how it might go: that’s why I struck so swiftly. All it took was a little cunning.’

Alison sipped from her tankard. ‘Of course I was in London when Edwin died. Even before it happened, I had a premonition. When Edwin was taken ill after the attempted poisoning and sent me that letter, I came to London and wondered what I should do. Edwin never stayed away from me when I was in the city. I heard about the other clerks carousing at the Dancing Pig. Somehow I knew they were responsible for his death.’

‘And so you decided to be two people?’ Athelstan asked.

‘Yes, Brother. When I was with my father I had experience as dressing as a youth. And again whenever I travelled into London to meet Edwin. It was a subtle disguise. On the morning I killed Peslep, I visited Edwin’s garret once more, just to make sure. After that it was simply making sure that Alison Chapler was elsewhere whenever this young man was seen. When Ollerton died, I was in Southwark. After I killed Elflain I crossed the river, whilst I placed the caltrop in Napham’s chamber very early in the day.’

‘Did you hope to escape?’ Cranston asked.

‘Sir John,’ Alison smiled, ‘I didn’t really care. I didn’t disguise myself because I was frightened. I just wanted the time, the means to carry out my revenge. If I hadn’t been caught,’ she shrugged, ‘I would have travelled back to Epping, perhaps sold my goods and entered some comfortable nunnery. Men like Edwin are rare: I would not meet his like again.’

‘You were clever,’ Athelstan broke in, ‘deliberately being seen round the Silver Lute, asking the landlord to keep an eye out for a mysterious young man, although that did intrigue me. When we met William the Weasel,’ he continued, ‘you were not at all frightened. Yet you acted as if your life depended on leaving the Silver Lute.’

‘I wasn’t going to leave London,’ Alison replied, ‘until I saw the end of the game: the destruction of all those evil men.’

‘And Alcest? Why didn’t you take care of the leader?’

‘It suited my purposes, Brother. His name was at the end of Poena. I actually planned that he take the blame for all the murders.’ She glanced at Cranston. ‘Have you found where they hid the profits of their wickedness?’

‘No, we haven’t,’ the coroner replied. ‘But I know our Regent. He’ll search all the goldsmiths and bankers in the city for that gold.’

Alison got to her feet. ‘And I suppose that is it, is it not?’

‘Yes,’ Athelstan answered softly. ‘I suppose it is. Alcest killed Chapler. You carried out those murders.’

‘I have to arrest you.’ Cranston came round the table.

Alison dug into her wallet and brought out a purse of coins. She dropped these on the table in front of Athelstan. ‘The game is finished,’ she said. ‘Brother, take care of poor Edwin’s grave. I have left a will with the priest in Epping. Everything is to be sold and given to the poor. God will understand.’

‘I’ll go with you,’ Benedicta volunteered.

‘God forgive me,’ Cranston whispered, beckoning Flaxwith forward, ‘but you are to be lodged in Newgate.’

‘Am I now?’ Alison smiled.

Athelstan also rose. On the one hand this young woman had committed terrible murder but, on the other, she had loved deeply and, in her own eyes, carried out justice.

‘Is there anything we can do, Sir John?’

‘No, Father, there isn’t,’ Alison interrupted. ‘I don’t want Sir John making false promises. These clerks come from powerful families. If I sought sanctuary they would track me down and, when I face the Justices, money will exchange hands.’ She walked towards Athelstan and kissed him gently on each cheek. ‘Don’t worry,’ she whispered. ‘Look after Edwin’s grave. Say masses for him and me.’