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Up to this point they had both been earnest, but now all at once they were amused; they looked at one another and burst out laughing.


During dinner I asked if anyone wanted to buy lottery tickets in aid of a Youth Center. Such a jest had never been heard at that table since the new maid announced that she was going to learn to play the harmonium. Soup spouted from the mouths of the two middle children. The eldest son, who was a full-time employee of Universal Suffering, Inc., contented himself with throwing me a look of mingled pity and nausea. Madam looked at me speechlessly at first, and then cleared her throat ominously; her husband woke up from his newspaper, looking tired as if he had not slept well, and said, “Huh?”

“She’s selling tickets for a Youth Center,” said the little fat boy.

The Doctor asked to see them and I showed him a ticket—on one side a picture of a Center and on the other a picture of the prizes offered.

“Thank you,” he said, and returned the ticket to me with that tired smile of his; but I was glad to see a gleam in his spectacles and a glimpse of his white teeth. “We had this in Parliament,” he said. “And we also had it in the Town Council.”

“Where did you get these chits, my dear, if I may ask?” said Madam.

“I was out at the baker’s during the disturbance and met the girl there…”

Madam interrupted me and said, “I’ve heard she’s a Communist.”

“… There was a young man with her who asked if I would take a few tickets,” I said.

“They’re Communists,” said Madam.

“What happened out there during the disturbance, by the way?” asked her husband.

“Oh, there wasn’t much of a disturbance really,” I said.

“Yes, there was,” said Fatty. “It was the Communists.”

“There was a small crowd of people who were saying, ‘We don’t want to sell the country.’ I was told that it was the Teachers’ Training College and the Christian Association.”

Madam said, “Oh, is that so, indeed? That settles it, then! Always when they spread the word that it was someone else you can be sure that it was them. They know how to urge fools on. Teachers’ Training College and the Christian Association, indeed! Why not the Woman’s Emancipation Society and the China Mission? I advise you to rid yourself of these tickets as quickly as you can. This Youth Center—it’s a cell-building.”

“Let me see them,” said little Fatty, “Let me have them.”

I was standing behind the chair of the elder daughter of the house; and before I knew it she dug her nails fiercely into my legs just behind the knee and darted her icy-hot look at me, without giving me the least idea whether she was in favor of a Youth Center or not.

In all innocence, I gave the boy a ticket.

“All of them,” he said.

But just as he was reaching out for them a hand glittering with diamonds and bracelets came swooping through the air and snatched them from me. It was Madam. In a twinkling she had torn them to pieces, across and down, and tossed the shreds behind her through the open folding doors into the next room. With this done she looked at me coldly and said without endearments, “If you start any Communist propaganda in this house again I shall dismiss you.”

Then she took a spoonful of soup.

It was the elder son’s habit to smoke between courses. He brought out a cigarette; he was frowning heavily, his mouth pulled down at the corners in infinite disgust after the soup.

“There’s no point in getting excited, Mother,” he said. “Fascism has been tried, and it didn’t work. Communism will conquer the world. Everyone knows that. Rien a faire.”

She straightened in her chair, looked directly at him, and said to him with icy porcelain severity, “My boy, the time has come to send you to an asylum.”

“Did I create this world you brought me into?” asked the boy dispassionately, and went on smoking.

“And it’s high time I told you a few more things, my child,” she began, working herself up to eagle heights, so that her husband woke up again from his newspaper, smiled, and laid his palm on the back of her hand. This distracted her from her course, and she turned on him instead. “You smile!” she said. “Yes, you probably have a very nice smile, but unfortunately it’s a little out of place here.”

“My dearest Dulla,” said her husband, imploringly.

I left the dining-room and did not stop when I reached the kitchen; I walked straight up to my room in the middle of the family’s soup course and started thinking. Was it not best for me to pack up and go? But when I began to gather up my few possessions I remembered that I had nowhere definite to stay the night if I left; and no place for the harmonium. How much can one sacrifice for the sake of one’s pride? Everything, of course—if one is proud enough. There is not anything as wretched as letting oneself be trampled upon, except spending the night out of doors. Then the cook was standing in the doorway, saying, In the name of Jesus, was I not going to hurry in with the gratin?

When I came back to the dining-room, having recovered from my anger, the family had finished with the soup and were being strenuously silent. The Doctor was reading his paper again. I cleared the dishes and brought in the next course and went out. The lottery tickets for the Youth Center lay on the floor, and I left them there.

In the evening the house was silent. The middle children went out to stand at the corner of the house with the Prime Minister’s children and other better-class offspring to jeer at the passers-by; it was a game they could enjoy for hours at a time in the evenings. The eldest son vanished to some unknown destination. The cook’s God-fearing elf-child had two mechanical dolls that could wet their nappies, known as piddle-dolls, which the little darling had to tend carefully before she began on her Jesus-chants. Madam had gone out to a party to play the kind of whist they call bridge, in which the players tell each other what they have in their hands before the first card is led. And I had long since cooled down.

When I had been sitting for a good while at the harmonium, struggling with these big disobedient fingers of mine that are so ignorant of any art, I finally came to and noticed that my door was open and that there was a man standing in the doorway. I thought at first I had begun to have hallucinations. He was looking at me with his eyes puckered up a little, and was polishing his spectacles; and smiling. First I went cold, then I went hot. I stood up but there was no strength in my knees; a mist swam before my eyes. And I swear a sacred oath this had never happened to me before.

“I heard music,” he said.

“You shouldn’t make fun of…”

He asked who my teacher was, and I mentioned the organist’s ordinary-sounding name.

“Has he become an organist too now?” said Doctor Bui Arland. “Yes, well, why not? He was always far ahead of the rest of us; so far ahead that he got into the habit of sleeping all day so as not to have to look upon this stupid criminal society.”

“He grows flowers,” I said.

“That’s nice,” said the Doctor. “I wish I grew flowers. While I was reading newspapers, he was reading the Italian Renaissance authors in the original. I can remember him saying that he was going to save the war news for himself until, after twenty years, it would be possible to read about the whole war in two minutes in an encyclopedia. I am glad he grows flowers. Do you think I should send my children to him? Do you think he could make something out of them?”

“You’re asking a big question,” I said. “You don’t seem to realize that I am the most stupid thing there is in the whole of Iceland, and that I don’t have opinions about anything—least of all in your hearing.”