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It was just after seven-thirty when Sandy heard the sound of a car coming up the graveled road. She threw aside the magazine she had been reading and ran to the window. Jimmy's new convertible was just stopping, and she could see Lucy's boyfriend and his buddy in the front seat. Sandy was surprised at Ed Walsh's appearance. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, with curly brown hair and an easy grin on his handsome face. She had expected someone Jimmy's age, and here was a man who appeared to be much older.

"Lucy!" Sandy called out to her friend in the kitchen. "Jimmy and his friend are here!" She walked quickly to the wall mirror and checked her appearance as Lucy joined her in the front room.

"You look just fine, honey," Lucy said laughing, "Just don't be nervous and everything will be fine!"

Lucy went to the door and threw it open to Jimmy and Ed Walsh.

"Hi, Lucy!" Jimmy said immediately. The two young men stood in the doorway smiling, their arms loaded with black cases and a rolled-up movie screen. "Give us a hand will you, this stuff is heavy?" He handed Lucy a small case as she backed away from the door to allow them to enter.

"Hi, honey!" Lucy answered, mystified by the equipment. She set the case down and closed the door. "What is all this stuff, Jimmy?" Lucy asked.

"Come on, show me where we can put this," her boyfriend said, anxious to be relieved of the heavy cases. He suddenly saw Sandy and smiled broadly at her. "Hi, Sandy. Meet my friend Ed Walsh. Ed, meet Sandy Robinson and Lucy Bellows… two really groovy people!" He set the cases down with a sigh of relief. As he did, Lucy threw herself into his arms and kissed him passionately.

Sandy went over to Ed and smiled shyly at him as she helped him put the cases he carried alongside the others. "Hello, Ed. I hope you had a good trip up!" Her words sounded shallow and inane to her, but she was unable to think of anything else to say.

Ed smiled back as his dark devouring eyes took in the lush figure of the young girl. Jesus Christ, he thought to himself, what a body! He could feel his cock hardening at the thought of spending the evening seducing this beautiful young thing.

"Not bad at all, Sandy. The traffic coming out of San Diego was heavy but once we hit the freeway it was clear sailing," Ed answered, unable to believe his luck. He took his eyes away from Sandy and looked around the room. "Wow! This is really great! Lucy's old man must have a lot of bread to be able to afford something like this!"

Lucy and Jimmy broke apart and stood there looking at one another hungrily. Out of the corner of her eye, Sandy could see the bulging outline of Jimmy's swollen erection. It was obvious that Lucy was going to be busy soon.

"Okay, lover, what is all this stuff?" Lucy asked, her breath coming fast from the passionate embrace and the hard erect cock that had pressed into her soft belly. Her loins were beginning to burn in anticipation of the throbbing staff plunging into her anxious pussy.

"Relax, Lucy. It's only a little entertainment for tonight. I told you that Ed makes films. This is his projection equipment and he brought up one of his movies," Jimmy said, grinning at the look of puzzlement on Lucy's face.

"I didn't plan to spend the night watching movies," Lucy replied sarcastically, "I've got other plans!"

"It's a sex film, baby!" Jimmy said, pulling Lucy to him and wrapping his hard-muscled arms around her wriggling body. She was oblivious to Sandy and Ed, pressing herself into Jimmy and rotating her pelvis against him.

Standing next to Ed, Sandy was shocked and excited at the same time. She had never seen a sex movie and the thought of the four of them watching one together sent little shivers through her body. She could feel Ed watching her face for her reaction and she avoided his eyes. She needed time to comprehend all that was happening.

"Can I get anyone a drink?" Sandy said a little too loudly.

Without waiting for a reply she went to the bar and started fixing the drinks; wine for Lucy and herself, bourbon and water for Jimmy and Ed. She could hear the sounds of the two young men setting up the projector and screen and her confused mind alternated between anxiety and resignation. The idea of seeing sex on a screen was repulsive to her. She wanted to be laid, all right, but she still thought of it as something mysterious and beautiful – like this morning on the beach with the stranger. She knew it was silly of her, but for some reason she had thought that the handsome Ed Walsh would need no stimulation except the sight of her hungry young body, eager for him to manfully take control of the situation and seduce her quickly. As she finished making the drinks, she silently hoped that the experience would not be too unpleasant.

Lucy and Jimmy sat together on a large couch, still kissing passionately. They did not look up as Sandy placed their drinks on a coffee table and went over to the projector where Ed stood adjusting knobs. He took the drink from her and downed it quickly.

"Have you ever seen a pornographic film before, Sandy?" he asked casually, as though this were nothing out of the ordinary.

"Oh, I've seen a couple," Sandy lied. She knew how shocked her parents would be if they could see her here, about to watch God-knows what on the screen! She sat down in a large armchair, hoping that Ed would join her after the film started.

"Everybody set?" Ed asked. Lucy and Jimmy broke apart long enough to answer affirmatively, and Sandy nodded. He quickly turned off the room lights and started the projector. Then, to Sandy's great disappointment, he pulled another chair next to hers and sat down. She had to force herself to look at the screen, even less interested now in what she was about to see.

"I hope you folks aren't going to be critical," Ed said, "this is one of the first films I ever made and my later ones are much better!"

"Let us be the judge of that!" Jimmy replied, his hands busy with the lush body of the giggling Lucy. They were stretched out on the couch now, their bodies locked together.

The title of the film was "Love in the Classroom", and the picture began with a shot of a middle-aged man sitting behind a teacher's desk in a classroom. He was reading a book entitled "Sex and the Teenager". Suddenly the classroom door opened and the man looked up to see a buxom young girl of about fifteen come into the room. She walked to the desk and stood there, books in one hand, and in the other a big "All-Day" sucker. The man laid the book aside and began to run his eyes up and down the girl's mini-skirted body. The girl brought the sucker up to her mouth and sensuously began to lick it.

Sandy wanted to groan aloud at the obvious intent of the film-maker, and she couldn't help thinking that even she could come up with a more original theme than a girl student with a sucker and a pussy-hungry teacher. Sandy glanced at Ed Walsh and was surprised by his slightly bored expression. She guessed that he didn't care much for the film either. Her guess was confirmed when Ed leaned over toward her and whispered that he had only brought the film and the projector up at Jimmy's insistence. She smiled and found herself liking Ed for his frankness. She turned back to the screen.

The blonde-haired student began making lewd gestures with her tongue on the lollipop, and the man rose from his seat and came around the desk to stand by the girl. He directed her to sit in the front row of the classroom seats, just in front of his own desk. She did so, spreading her legs wide as she sat down. The camera zoomed in to her crotch, bringing into focus the girl's white panties and the dark triangle of pubic hair under them. Then the camera pulled back as the teacher resumed his seat. The girl's actions were highly suggestive and the man's hand went under the desk and it was apparent that it rested on his cock. At is features became excited and his eyes bulged as the young girl continued to obscenely lick the lollipop slowly. The man said something to the girl and she picked up one of her books and began to read from it. As if to hear better, the man once again rose from his desk and walked over to the girl. She laid aside the book, smiled up at the man, and held up her sucker to him. His face came close to hers as he bent over and his tongue snaked out and licked one side of it, while the girl at the same time licked the other side. Finally, their tongues met and they started French kissing.