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This area wasn't far from the city under the direct jurisdiction of the king, and as such, the maintenance was done quite well.

However, it wasn't perfect. The carriage traveling on the road would still wobble occasionally, and the passengers would feel the vibration.

Due to the shaking, the conversation inside the carriage ended as if they had just finished a topic.

In the carriage was Sebas, Solution besides him, Shalltear seated opposite them and Shalltear's two slave concubines, Vampire Brides, on either side of her. And of course, Zach was seated on the driver's seat, driving the carriage.

After a momentary silence in the carriage, Sebas opened his mouth with a relaxed tone:

"There is a certain matter I’ve always wanted to inquire about.."

"Hmm? Question for me? What is it?"

"You and Aura-sama seem to be on bad terms, is there any reason for that?"

"… Actually, I don't think our relationship is bad."

Shalltear answered quietly, inspecting the nail on her pinky with a bored expression.

The pearly white nail was about two centimeter in length. She held a file in her other hand, but the nail was already neatly trimmed and didn't require polishing. Satisfied, Shalltear tossed the file to the vampire seated beside her.

After that, she attempted to extend her empty hands to the breasts of the vampires on both sides of her, but noting the expressions of the two people before her, Shalltear made an embarrassed face and withdrew her hands.

"It doesn't feel that way."

Sebas continued. Shalltear's face frowned as if she had eaten something bitter:

"I… Me… okay. It's because my creator Peroroncino-sama made my settings to be on bad terms with her, so I tease her a bit more. However, it's probably the same for her, maybe Simmering Teapot-sama made that kid's setting to be at odds with me."

Feeling disinterested, Shalltear waved her hand and met Sebas' eyes for the first time.

"By the way, My creator Peroroncino-sama and that kid's creator — Simmering Teapot-sama are younger brother and older sister. In a way, we could also be considered sisters.."

"Siblings- so that's how it is!"

"In the past, when Perorocino-sama and the other supreme beings — Luci★fer-sama and Nishiki Enrai-sama — came to my domain, they mentioned that.

When she recalled how she accompanied the great beings making their rounds, Shalltear's eyes were full of adoration:

“Perorocino-sama once mentioned that Simmering Teapot-sama had a job called voice acting. She was very popular and provided her voice for 'H Game', so whenever he bought a popular game he was looking forward to, the image of his sister's face came to mind, making him lose his drive."

Although I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, added Shalltear. Sebas also tilted his head in confusion:

"Voice acting… I recall that it is a job using your voice. They will even sing sometimes, so it should be similar to bards."

Hearing Sebas' reply, Shalltear let out a chiming laugh and corrected him:


"Wrong? What is it then?"

"I heard this from Simmering Teapot-sama herself, a voice actress is someone who bestows a soul to a work through the use of her voice. Which means voice acting is a profession that creates life."

"Ohh! I get it now, I actually misunderstood it so badly. Thank you for enlightening me, Shalltear-sama."

Characters such as Sebas that were created by the supreme beings were given knowledge the moment they were born. However, they only had that knowledge, without actually knowing what the real thing was like, so they would create some amusing misunderstandings, just like just now when they misunderstood the profession of one of their adored creators.

Sebas felt embarrassed, and to avoid making the same mistake, he repeated the term, committing the meaning of voice acting to memory.

"Don't take it too hard. Oh right, Sebas, since we are journeying together, you don't need to be so polite."

"Really, Shalltear-sama?"

“Don't address me as — sama… We are all servants of the supreme beings. Although the supreme beings bestowed us positions and set the hierarchy among us, we are fundamentally the same."

That was correct. Solution served Sebas because she was ordered to. She and Sebas were of the same rank after all.

"I understand, Shalltear. I will address you as such."

"That is great. Speaking of which, isn't the relationship between you and Demiurge quite bad?"

Sebas didn't say a word. Shalltear who saw such a reaction squinted her eye like a mischievous child and continued asking:

“The supreme beings didn't order you to do that, so why did it turn out this way?"

"…Actually, I am not so sure myself. It's probably out of my nature, I just dislike him. However, it should be the same for him."

"Hmmm — Nobody makes me feel that way… But, maybe the feelings of the creators are embedded deeply in our heart."

"That is very possible."

Shalltear stared at Sebas who was nodding in agreement. Considering his position, Shalltear thought he might know and asked a question she had harbored for a long time:

"Who is on the 8th floor? I know Victim is there, but who else is with him?"

Sebas frowned at the sudden change in topic. To find out the true intention behind Shalltear bringing this up, he looked at Shalltear with a serious expression. Solution who was seated beside them changed her expression slightly, but the two who were conversing didn't notice as it was too minute.

"… Long ago, there were foolish people who opposed the supreme beings, attacking in huge numbers and breaking through the 7th floor. But the 9th floor of the supreme being’s base wasn't attacked. Considering this, the last place that had been attacked was the 8th floor, right? I don't remember much, but the enemy attacked with overwhelming force, so we would’ve needed a force on the same scale to match them. However, no one knew who repelled them. Albedo seemed to know, she is the supervisor of Nazarick after all, it would be strange if she didn't."

Not bothered by the silent Sebas, Shalltear continued:

"… She seems to be a step ahead, which annoys me. Who is the mysterious being on the 8th floor? Is it a character created by Ainz-sama?"

Sebas had been created by Touch Me, Demiurge by Urbet Alain Odle and Cocytus by Takemikazuchi. But even Shalltear didn't know who the highest of the 41 supreme beings, Ainz — Momonga created.

It couldn't be that he didn't make anyone.

And so, that character who was on the 8th floor, which Shalltear knew nothing about, was a logical deduction.

"… No, that should be impossible. I only heard a little about it, but the character created by Ainz-sama is called Pandora’s Actor. His ability is on the same level as me and I heard he was the guardian of the deepest part of the treasury."

"There's someone like that?"

Unlike Albedo, Shalltear wasn't given information about all the characters in Nazarick. That's why this was the first time she heard that name.

Even though the treasury was only accessible with a ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, it would be strange if there were no guards.

The deepest part of the treasury.

The high-level magic items were all stored there, maybe some world class items as well. If that was the case, then Ainz, who had the highest position of the 41 supreme beings, would be most suited to create a character for that place.

Shalltear felt her pride take a hit for not being able to guard that exalted place, but she consoled herself, thinking that it couldn't be helped. She believed that stopping the invaders from reaching the 3rd floor in the first place was also a huge responsibility, just as important as guarding the treasury.