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Della Street came pushing forward and caught Mason’s eye.

At the expression on her face, the lawyer stopped in mid sentence.

“Amelia Corning is much, much better,” Della Street said. “The doctor has given her a stimulant which has brought her out of it. Her mind is razor-keen. She is asking for you and she’s very, very grateful.”

Tragg, giving Mason the benefit of his wry, one-sided smile, said, “All right, Counselor, now tell me: How did you manage to get that automobile plastered with fingerprints?”

“That,” Mason grinned, “is a trade secret. If Lowry’sfingerprints hadn’t been on that car I’d have given you a lot to think about... and now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to see Amelia Corning. I have an idea I’m laying the foundation for a very substantial fee.”