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And the show at The Club was to demonstrate some urges» and desires that made even mine seem palely normal by comparison, indulged in and appreciated by people whose fundamental biological instincts had been deviated into paths even more bizarre than my own. Some of these variations I could witness with interest, others calmly but objectively, and some with an active distaste which bordered on loathing. And the odd thing about my reactions to these latter exhibitions, was that-deep within myself I knew that the ones I loathed were ones which somehow had deep emotional significance for me. If they had not had importance, I would not have reacted so violently toward them.

It's like the belligerently virile man who boasts that he always beats up fairies and all queers. The fact that he has to talk this way, and may even follow up his words with bellicose actions, only proves that he is not sure of his own masculinity and normalcy, and has to keep proving to himself and to the world that he is different and better than the terrible homosexuals whom he despises and fights. A well-balanced and self-accepting man is able to take things or leave them, without getting all worked up about someone whose manners and habits are different from his own. You only get mad at things that strike home close to your own problems.

But to get back to the big show at The Club, that fantastic institution housed in the central core of one of the best-known, most exclusive, and most accessible new buildings in mid-town Manhattan. Surrounded by expensive business offices, professional suites, and executive board rooms, it occupied the center of ten floors, was easily available geographically to its select wealthy members, and provided a literally unlimited repertoire of sexual variations for the pleasure of its guests who could qualify by reason of wealth and desire for emotional and physical abnormalities in intimate sexual activities.

The next act which was presented for the delectation of the critical and interested audience involved three generations of a well-known industrial family whose name I will not mention, although it is famous as the cornerstone of many sound enterprises, and has been free of any breath of scandal in the public press. All three members of this family project we were to witness were males and consisted of grandfather, father and preadolescent son.

All three strode into the center of the dance-floor stage, around the raised rim the rest of us sat while enjoying the spectacles, and the older man, probably nearly seventy years of age, introduced himself and his partners, “Those of you who don't know me have at least heard of me. This is my son, and the little fellow there is my grandson. The fact that we are members here means that our ideas of some kinds of fun are different from most people's, and we come here to enjoy these different ideas.”

The old man's voice was intent but slightly cracked, indicating his advancing years, but his manner was as strong and dominating as that of a much younger man, showing that he still was vigorous and alert. Now he continued, “When I was a young fellow myself, I managed to get into trouble with several different girls, and they caused me a lot of headaches and cost me a lot of money, and all I ever got out it was a few minutes of fun. So I began thinking, and I came up with a system that has worked out pretty well in a number of different ways.”

“I got married and I had children, just like the rest of the men my age. But most of the time I was able to avoid women and the troubles they gave me by the simple system of using men and boys to satisfy my sex urges. It's really very easy and is better for everybody concerned.”

“I had plenty of money and a good business, so I'd look around and find me a good-looking, bright young boy. I'd tell his family I was looking for a smart young fellow to be trained in my business, and I wanted to send him to special schools and give him special training. The family, usually middle-class, were pleased and complimented, and went along with anything I proposed, including having their son come to live with me or in a boarding school of my choice.”

The boy soon saw that he ought to do anything to please me, for he was getting everything he wanted and was being trained for a much better place in the world than his family could ever offer him. And one of the things I wanted was to use him for satisfying my sex desires. They all came to see things my way very soon, and I can tell you that there are over a dozen wealthy influential men in the business world today who got their start and the push that sent them to the top because they bared their bottoms to me over the last forty years. And most of them have since adopted my system for their own lives.

“What can you do for a woman but give her money and jewels and a place to live for a while? For a man you can make his whole life for him, and he knows it. When a cute young girl has turned into an old wrinkled hag or a fat clubwoman, a man is still reaping the benefits of the start he got from cooperating with me. When you want a child from your wife, screw hell out of her till you get it. But the rest of the time, get your kicks out of boys who are appreciative. Girls have to cash in on what they have in just a few years, but a boy or man has a whole life to work out and a good start means he has it made.”

“I explained my system to my son about the time he began wanting to play around with girls. At first he was upset to think that his old man was a queer, or something like that, but after he gave it a try he found that my system works out fine for routine sex, although you may want a dame for special occasions, and you need one for a nominal wife and to make babies. Now he has been using the system for many years and it works as well for him as it did for me.

“My grandson son who is here with us tonight, has shown a precocious interest in sex, although I'm sure he is still to young physically to be able to do much about it, but we decided to let him have a start at our system tonight just to get him used to it. His father and I are going to demonstrate on boys, as would be expected, but because he is new to all this, we are allowing my grandson to use a girl. In a way I'm sort of glad he is, because it will give him a chance to prove that asses are just as good as pussies for giving him his kicks, and he'll find out soon enough that a male ass is just as good as a female one.”

“There's one more thing I want to emphasize before we get started on this party. What I have been talking about is sexual relief, which every man needs from time to time, as you all damned well know. I'm not talking about drooling nauseating sophomoric love, or any of that shit that the really gay boys puke at each other and get so upset about. I'm talking about a practical arrangement, not a sentimental attachment. Get that straight. So let's get going.”

A bright-eyed boy of about eleven, with dark curly hair, probably of Italian extraction, strode out onto the floor and stripped off the silk robe he was wearing. His body was hairless but from the development of his muscles and frame, it was obvious that he was on the threshold of puberty and in a year or less would turn into a handsome alert charming and aggressive youngster who would go a long way in the world. He showed no embarrassment at the role he was called upon to play, and obviously was pleased with the deal he had made with his life so far. He knew which side his bread was buttered on, and was going all out to make the most of the fabulous opportunity which had been offered to him.

This boy went over and stood beside the old man, companionably, as a son might, but with none of the simpering affectations of an emotional homosexual with pseudo-feminine gestures, effeminate hair, or make-up. The old man slapped him lightly on the shoulder and indicated that they would ready for action soon.

The next sex-partner to appear was a chubby round little boy of possibly nine years, blond hair and blue eyes, who seemed alarmed but not ashamed at the number of witnesses to his coming activities. He was too young to be effectively judged, but he must have had a good potential in many ways or he would not have been selected as a playmate by these canny men who could select and choose from so many boys. This child strode up to the middle man of the bizarre family and dropped his robe, revealing a plump boyish body that still showed a layer of childish fat on it, covering the uniformed muscles and bony framework. His little penis was hardly visible in the roundness of his thighs and slightly protruding lower belly, but his buttocks were fully rounded and out-thrusting, almost like a developed woman's. From this sample alone, one could see that the son of the old man had never completely rid himself of a love for feminine smooth roundness and a cute fat ass.