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The third partner to join the performing family was a little girl whose age I would guess at about eight. She had brown hair in pigtails, a cute face that looked a little worried, and a delightfully formed little body that was obviously years away from becoming mature. Her legs were quite long and round, her torso was erect and round, and her face was cute and round. A cute, round little girl. She was appreciably smaller than her elected partner, the grandson of the old tycoon, but she did not seem afraid or even embarrassed as she went up to him and stood beside him in her charming little nakedness.

The old man now spoke again, saying. “1 picked this boy for several reasons. He is good-looking and will be a really handsome lad when he grows up. I'm probably trying to extend my long-lost youth through him. But the main thing is that he is knowingly gambling his present conduct, which he thinks is wrong, against a chance to have what he wants later when he grows up. He rightly figures that if he plays ball now with me, he'll have the world by the tail and be a big-shot in his own right while he's still young enough to enjoy the privileges of being a big-shot.”

The son of the family then explained his choice. “I picked this young boy because I've never been able to go along all the way with my father's idea. In principle, yes. But I still like a partner who is soft and warm and round and cuddly, and at least a little feminine. And I like a little active cooperation from my partners, too. I don't want to just use them. I want them to get in the act, too and contribute something to our relationship when we are together. You'll see what I mean as we go along.”

Now came the turn of the grandson to explain why he was using this girl-child for his demonstration. His grandfather had shown why it was permitted, since male and female asses were the same for sex-purposes, and he wanted to prove to his grandson at even this early age that an ass could be as satisfying as a pussy, and much safer and better in other ways.

The grandson stepped up beside his even younger girl partner and put his arm around her shoulder. She looked up into his face and smiled at this gesture of friendship and then the boy spoke. “I've never seen this girl before just now, but I told Dad and Grandpa what I wanted and they picked out just the girl I would have. I've heard all the talk about who has sex with who, and probably because I'm so young it doesn't make much sense to me, or even seem very important. But I asked a lot of questions, so they said if I wanted to learn the answers, I could come down here and see and hear and try for myself tonight. So here I am. I've never seen any kind of sex act in my life, but I know that when my prick gets stiff it feels good to play with it. I've never had a chance to examine what a girl is like down there where she is different from a boy, and I'm going to do that tonight too. And I'm going to try anything else that occurs to me or that I see that looks as though it would be fun. They tell me that this girl's name is Carol, so, Carol, I hope we have fun together tonight. Dad said that you had tried all these kind of things before, so maybe you'll be able to show me and tell me more than my Dad and Grandpa can, since you're nearer my age and will know what I want to know and how I feel about things.”

After the completion of these introductions, the three men of the family all began their demonstrations and experiments, and they progressed simultaneously, all working at the same time. Like any three ring circus, the spectators could not watch everything, and so often missed interesting and instructive details which they would have enjoyed if only one act had been going on at one time. We will try to describe the activities of the three different couples so that nothing will be missed.

The grandfather took off his silk dressing-gown and tossed it casually to one side, revealing an aging body still in amazingly good condition. His arms, legs and torso were quite thin and corded, with little excess fat except where a slight paunch showed below his waist in front. His buttocks were thin and slightly sagging where the flesh had lost some of its tone, but he was a superb physical specimen for his age. His cock was quite long even while limp, with ridges of veins showing along the shaft and a palely purple head of manly proportions. His balls were of good size and his pubic hair was mostly white.

The good-looking boy who was going to service this patriarch of the family smiled up at the old man, gave him a playful, almost challenging wink of co-conspirators, and leaned forward over the edge of a table which had been provided for the use of the sportsmen. The old man seemed to forget completely the existence of a surrounding audience of his friends and colleagues as he went about the serious and intent occupation of enjoying himself and proving his unusual system of sexual safety and satisfaction. He stood behind his boyfriend's out-thrust bottom, not touching it in any way, and began lightly playing with his own gnarled cock, readying it for the coming exercise.

Considering his age, his tool came alive very rapidly and in a matter of seconds it was sticking out before its owner proudly, the weathered and veined surface bearing witness to long and mighty use in the toils of sex. And now the old man advanced his lance toward its target, probing with the firm sensitive end between the slightly parted cheeks of the bending boy. As he felt this omen of the approaching assault, the boy writhed and wriggled his bottom, not only to please and excite the old man, but also to assure that the entering weapon was aimed and directed properly for a satisfactory later connection.

No mention had been made of any such preparations, but I am sure that the boy had lubricated his anus with some kind of grease so that he would be able to receive the old man's cock easily and comfortably for both of them without the necessity for thrusting and driving to break past the initial resistance of a dry anal sphincter. This would in no way interfere with the old man's pleasure in buggering his boy, and might even increase it by providing smoother more sensuous contact between their contacting flesh. It would have no effect on the actual tightness of the hole which the old man was using, for that was controlled almost entirety by the boy himself, depending on how tightly he clenched his ass around the penetrating shaft. And just plain tightness in a hole to be fucked is not necessarily an unmixed blessing.

By now the old man had his long thick stiff tool buried to the hilt in the dark handsome boy's bottom, and was clasping the firm slim hips with his strong old hands, to assure himself a good stance and a firm base of operation. The boy, obviously experienced in the desires and whims of his patron, now slid back on the table a little, easing out toward the old man, and spreading his feet a little so as not to be caught off balance by the coming action.

At first with short strokes, but increasing to full length surges, the old man now began his enraptured buggering of his willing partner. In and out, in and out, with firm commanding rhythm and rigid penetrating prick, the grandfather drove pistonlike within the eager cylinder of the boy's receiving rectum. Hands on the boy's hips guided and supported him, and from time to time he looked down between their connected bodies to watch with fascination as his rigid tool bridged the gap between them.